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Israel is a criminal illegal terrorist state.

Crows hate the Synagogue of Satan & terrorist Israel too. This isn't the only video of Crows destroying Israel's 666 hexagram terrorist flag. I've even seen Crows attacking Jews on video making Jews run haha. Crows are smarter than most people think. This is why I feed Crows all the time.

The American military is now a transgender, homosexual, anti-white, multicultural, clown military, that exists solely to flatten the Middle East on behalf of Israel before raising the sick LBGT flag above the ruins in the name of the new world order.

Never forget that enemy supremacist Jews are at the core of America's and humanity's problems. God bless everyone standing up for humanity against the terrorist supremacist Jews. Hitler was right about them.

Just before this black scumbag punched the little girl he was released from jail by a corrupt leftist judge after punching a white woman breaking her nose.
Notice how the Jew-owned media almost always interviews a black bystander or witness as if to say, “Not all blacks are violent, look at this innocent black bystander”. Criminal-infested Jew York is a cancer in America.

Jew puppet Trump is the enemy of Americans' lives, liberties, and nation. Never forget it was Trump who rolled out the weaponized Jew-made vaccines that killed and injured many people. Anti-Jewish sentiments are a natural and healthy reflex amongst those people who wish to survive. Hence “anti-Semitism” is not only a necessary attitude, but laudatory, and if pursued heartily, capable of staving off annihilation, dissolution and moral decay, decadence and revolution. Should the patient celebrate the expulsion of a virus or a pathogen from his body? Indeed he would be considered insane not to. In the same way the non-Jew should celebrate the expulsion of the PARASITE of Jewry from his nation, his government and his community. Only then will some semblance of health return.

Enemy Jews are flooding our lands with invaders and even admit it. Jews waged war on us all as their actions confirm. Hitler was right about these treasonous enemy parasite Jews. Too bad the Holocaust Jew stories are lies used against us all cause they deserve to be wiped out. Hopefully, Iran will do the world a favor soon and destroy terrorist Israel. Then Jews will have no place to run and hide when SHTF.

Anti-White brainwashed black scum bag on Jewish-owned CNN fake news said that the black community feels connected to O.J. Simpson because he killed White people. Never forget Jews own anti-White CNN fake news. Jews were the main ones behind the slave trade that brought Blacks to America. Jews pinned it on Whites and pitted Blacks against Whites. If Blacks weren't so fucking brainwashed by Jews they would be targeting Jews, not Whites. Blacks are so dumb they think Khazar Ashkenazi Jews are White. Jews admit blacks are the easiest for them to control. Both Blacks and Jews need to be expelled to Africa.

The Earth is Motionless and Flat as real science confirms.

When I was a kid I remember this clip of Bill Nye the fake science clown saying ships go over a curve. Ships are not disappearing over a curve in the distance. With a powerful zoom camera, you can bring them back into view which proves it's a fake curve. Bill Nye should be hung high for brainwashing so many people. He's the enemy 100%.

Flat Earth truth can't be stopped. Every day I see more people wake up to the fact that the Earth is Flat. EVERY human who wakes up to the Flat Earth truth never goes back to sleep believing in the Ball Earth lie.

Marconi's 2,135-mile transmission was not obstructed by any (fictional) 'Earth curve'. This proves further the Earth is FLAT.
credit: Ben via TabooConspiracy YT Channel

Conman Elon Musk lies & says the Earth is a ball of lava. Right after that lie, Joe asks Elon what he thinks about Flat Earth and Elon says 'That's a troll situation'. Then Joe attacks people who know the Earth is Flat and Motionless saying they are dumber than him. Both Elon and Joe Rogan are controlled opposition. Joe Rogan shills for NASA all the time and even wears NASA outfits. Years ago Rogan said on video he would sell out, which clearly he has, and now look at how much money he has. He said he would have Eric Dubay debate Niel deGrassee Tyson and right when Eric said he would do it both Joe & Niel backed out like the cowards they are. SpaceX (FakeX) receives billions of stolen tax money from the criminal US Government to fake everything they do just like NASA.gov fakes everything. Never forget Elon lied and said he shot a Tesla into so-called 'space'.

Imagine believing this bullshit from this lying JEW POS traitor. There were no gas chambers but there should have been for lying treasonous Jews like Blinken. The doors were WOOD, not steel. Jews are the biggest lying scum bags on Earth. Hitler was right about them. The Jews tried this swindle before WWII, alleging a "Holocaust" of "6 million Jews" occurred in 1906, 1919, and 1921.

The Holocaust lie is critical to the Jewish NWO conspiracy as it acts to prevent criticism and opposition to elite Jewry and their wicked agenda.

An illegal alien from Africa addresses the citizens of Paris, France.:"The French work for me. You get up at 6 a.m. and work for me while I sleep.
Every month, I get 600 euros RSA* [shows 3 fingers], 300 euros from the local [charity] mission, 300 euros APL**, I have free public transportation and social workers pay for electricity, water and gas for me.

Every month I have a net balance of 600 euros, I do nothing, I sleep until noon. French people, work more. The more you work, the more you pay taxes, the more I get."

* Revenu de solidarité active - Active solidarity income is a social benefit to a person in need or with few resources.
** Aide personnalisée au logement - State housing allowance.

Never forget or forgive what Jews did to destroy America. Jews are treasonous nation wreckers and need to be expelled and banned forever. Hitler was right.

Meet the doctors who say America's medical system has failed patients dealing with long-vax💉caused by the Jewish-made weaponized jabs. The medical system controlled by Jewish-owned big pharma financial interests is set up to make people sick to profit from. The medical system has been weaponized against us all. The medical system is guilty of mass murder & Nuremberg code crimes against humanity for the Jewish-made weaponized jabs💉. The good of humanity needs to unite. Nuremberg-style rope justice is needs to get every traitor behind the jabs💉. Never forget or forgive.

Hilary Clinton's exact quote, "Now, I know, I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but someday, someone will."
Watch this predictive programming Simpsons clip on YouTube of Homer Breaking the Dome Firmament and the Ocean above the Firmament crashing down.

No more tolerance of Jewish-led LGBTQ sickness in our World. Paint & tar over every sick LGBTQ rainbow crosswalk.

This legend spoke the truth. Everyone needs to stop tolerating the sick Jewish-led LGBTQ agenda. Stop these enemies from grooming your children and destroying so many young lives. Stop them from infiltrating your governments like we see in America, Canada & Ireland, etc. They aren't going to stop themselves cause they have admitted they waged war on normal society. They've even made videos admitting they're coming for your children. They infiltrated the indoctrination camps putting on Drag Queen story hours. They need to be thrown into hospitals or put on an island away from children and normal society. Never forget Jews are the main ones behind the LGBTQ agenda and need to be expelled.

Rockefeller's criminal conspiracies directly affect everyone. Rockefeller's great medical conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. This is why so many people are sick physically and mentally. We're able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions, and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately mulct our people of millions of dollars each year through ''charitable'' organizations and then use these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly. Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the criminal conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their ''behavioral control'' over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of treasonous federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues.

YouTube is the enemy of the truth, free speech, and our lives, covering up the Flat Earth truth & many other important truths. If you search Flat Earth on YouTube its AI algorithm shows you disinformation/misinformation videos. YouTube is involved in a real conspiracy against humanity. Google owns YouTube. Both are owned by two conspiring enemy JEWISH computer scientists named Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They are using AI against us and need to be stopped. Jews are the biggest deceivers/liars on Earth and are taught to deceive non-Jews. Flat Earth truth can free humanity from this Jewish Matrix of lies. Flat Earth proves a creator exists. NASA.gov is run by Jews and their Freemason pawns who steal over $50,000,000 a day while faking everything, including every ball earth image. America is fully hijacked by enemy Jews in Biden's administration. With $50,000,000+ a day NASA steals, we could end hunger in America and that's just one Jew scam of many. Hitler was right about Jews and Freemasons which is why he outlawed Freemasonry and threw Jews & other traitors into work camps. Too bad Jews tricked us into stopping Hitler. Too bad the Holocaust is another Jewish scam used to steal our wealth and make them a victim. Non-Jews are the true victims.

Brainwashed Ukrainian children, some as young as 14, headed off to the front line to be killed by brainwashed Russians for the Jewish Khazars who hijacked Ukraine. This is made possible with the financial support of the Jewish-hijacked USA, Canada, UK, Germany, etc. This is a real white genocide by Jewish Khazars. Hitler was right about them and we stopped him. Now what? Stop fighting as pawns for enemy Jews. Unite and fight against the enemy Jews.


Created 5 years, 3 months ago.

733 videos

Category Education

This truth channel is mainly dedicated to exposing the war that has been waged on us all by the supremacist, conspiring Jews.
It's time everyone wakes the hell up and faces the most important truth and deal with it head on or be destroyed by them.

These evil Jews realize that they have a better chance of holding power over us in our hijacked lands if they cause each European and Western country to become a battle ground between competing ethnic groups and religions = DIVIDE AND CONQUER.Look at what they did to Sweden and German as two great examples of them flooding those lands with millions of enemy Muslims and Africans to use them against us.These evil Jews✡ realize that their biggest threat and main opposition has always come historically through the strong European peoples. All through history it's been the European peoples who've expelled the Jews 109 times from many lands most due to their propensity to oppress the population of the host nation via usury banking and financial exploitation, subvert the morals of the the society, and gain excessive power in the government and areas of influence vastly disproportionate to their numbers as they continue to do today.

Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, the head of Shas's Council of Torah Sages, declared that Gentiles exist solely to serve the Jews as slaves. According to the rabbi: "Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world -- only to serve the People of Israel." And these are just the statements Jews have made aloud. Just imagine how they talk when they know non-jews aren't listening. They are the enemies of every non-jew & their actions, words, writings in their holy books like the TALMUD proves it. Educate & unite everyone you can and lets remove them from our non-jewish lands forever.
Anti-Jewish Sentiment Makes For A Healthy Being
Anti-Jewish sentiments are a natural and healthy reflex amongst those peoples who wish to survive. Hence "anti-Semitism" is not only a necessary attitude, but laudatory, and if pursued heartily, capable of staving off annihilation, dissolution and moral decay, decadence and revolution
Expulsion of them will cleanse our Nations.
Should the patient celebrate the expulsion of a virus or a pathogen from his body? Indeed he would be considered insane not to. In the same way the non-Jew should celebrate the expulsion of the parasite of Jewry from his nation, his government and his community. Only then will some semblance of health return.
Many Jews use the attack word anti-semitism as a weapon to stifle a discussion with whoever dares to expose the truth & oppose them. They will also call you a nazi or white supremacist. Don't fall for their weak attack tricks. Keep hammering the enemies.

The Truth Will Prevail.

We Are Goyim. We Are Legion. Expect Us Enemy Jews.