Always Question Everything

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Always Question Everything



The more that goes on...The less that needs to be said. The events of the times, shows us what time we are in. Be ready.

Too much stuff going on for something NOT to happen. Be ready... We will be hit from far left field
Scroll down to the middle of the page. "Summer of the future" and " Pact for the future"

Its been 4 years since Covid which took place in March. March is a very important month for all sorts of reasons in the occult world. The next EVENT is CLOSE. Be ready!

I have been talking about it for years! The Omega Event will occur soon. Agenda 2030 Is a cover up for the Take over. Be Ready!

Youtube: Library Of Wealth

Everything is scripted and pre planned, both the workings of good and evil.

Wake up from the Bullshit! Tucker's father is CIA. Once mainstream... ALWAYS mainstream.

Death By A Thousand Cuts

"The Second Civil War" (1997). Based on the current events taking place. Coincidence?

The Invasion Clause has been INVOKED! (U.S Constitution)

Get your things in Order! You have been warned COUNTLESS times.

"We Own The News" Davos idiot

Apparently you growing your OWN FOOD is AIDING in climate change... WHAT A LOAD OF SHIT

Not my words.... Theirs.

Jason A


Lets talk about some Shit

They want you to be afraid!.... fear not brothers and sisters

Bitcoin is leading the way for the digital world
Biden is calling you a Nazi....
and michelle (michael) obama is trying to run for president

No matter what's going on.... Things are still going on.


We have been warned so many times by so many people... When are we going to actually start to see what is going on here.. THEY ARE TAKING OVER. It is happening REAL TIME. Are you preparing to ENDURE until the end.

Red states now to remove Biden from ballot

Things are playing out real time. We will be apart of this take over. Open your eyes! Its happening now! These states will secede the U.S Government and DISBAND the U.S Constitution.

**Colorado seceded.... California is next*** (Blooper in video).

Its going to happen

Open your damn eyes and ears for God Sake!

They said it... They showed it... They will do it. Be Ready.

I could of sworn they said THERE WILL be another pandemic...... Interesting

All of it... is BULLSHIT! The truth will set you free.


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

630 videos

Category News & Politics

Topics that are viewed as "politically incorrect" or "conspiracy theory" are discussed here. No filter, No bullsh*t. Sound minds with the ability to actually think, unlike the sheeple. Lets Dive deep as we put together the puzzle to our reality piece by piece. Bringing the fighting spirit of Arch Angel Michael...There is a war being fought and we need all the soldiers we can get.

I have a candle company dedicated to the word of God and awesome looking T-shirts/Hoodies! Check out the link below!