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Coach Lee



Coach Lee describes the internal conflict that a dumper can go through after dumping you. Get his Emergency Breakup Kit at

Navigating the aftermath of a breakup can be tumultuous, with emotions running high and uncertainty looming large. However, amidst the turmoil, one approach shines as a beacon of maturity and effectiveness: the no contact rule. In this article, we'll explore why no contact isn't just a game but a powerful tool for personal growth and the potential for reconciliation.

Embracing Distance:
Following a breakup, the temptation to reach out to an ex can be overwhelming. Yet inundating them with messages or attempting to persuade them to return only reinforces the notion that their decision isn't respected. Allowing space for both parties enables emotional processing and a clearer understanding of the relationship's dynamics.

Gaining Insight:
Implementing the no contact rule prompts both individuals to confront the reality of the situation. It challenges the assumption that one person perpetually craves the other's presence and allows for a reassessment of the relationship's dynamics. Stepping back offers an opportunity to discern whether the absence is genuinely missed or merely a product of familiarity.

Exhibiting Maturity:
Contrary to popular belief, adhering to the no contact rule isn't a game; it's a demonstration of emotional maturity. It signifies respect for the other person's decision and acknowledges that a healthy relationship requires mutual consent. Engaging in begging, pleading, or incessant communication only diminishes one's worth in the eyes of the former partner.

Nurturing Self-Assurance:
Furthermore, embracing the no contact rule is an assertion of self-confidence. It showcases the ability to navigate adversity with poise and dignity, even in the face of heartbreak. By prioritizing personal well-being and honoring boundaries, individuals become more appealing to their exes and themselves.

Recognizing Absence:
One of the most impactful aspects of no contact is the presence of absence. While the fear of being forgotten by an ex is natural, the absence of constant communication serves as a stark reminder of one's absence. This disparity in expectations prompts introspection and may lead to a reconsideration of the breakup.

Addressing Perceptions:
The fear of being perceived as indifferent by an ex is common, yet initial reactions post-breakup are often skewed. Over time, as the initial relief fades, exes may begin to question the sincerity of the other's feelings. This curiosity can pave the way for introspection and, potentially, regret.

The Road to Reconciliation:
Ultimately, the no contact rule lays the groundwork for potential reconciliation. By allowing both parties space to heal and reflect, it opens the door to genuine conversations and a reevaluation of the relationship. When approached with maturity and respect, no contact can foster a stronger, healthier bond.

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On Life Coach Hug

Coach Lee shares how you can get over your ex and feel better after they break up with you. Through mental reframing, specific actions, and discipline you can get over your ex, feel better, and move on to a great life.

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If you are thinking and feeling that you don't want to be married anymore, consider Coach Lee's words before you divorce. In this video, Coach Lee will offter some practicial things that you can do in your marriage that can bring back the "want to."

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A Concise Guide for Couples Facing Divorce

In the voyage of marriage, encountering the storm of potential divorce is a daunting experience. This concise guide aims to provide strategies for those navigating this challenging phase in their relationship.

Deciphering the Roots of the Problem
The journey begins with a deep dive into understanding why your spouse contemplates divorce. Listening with an open heart and mind is crucial. This step is less about finger-pointing and more about comprehending the underlying issues that have led to this juncture.

Keeping the Situation From Worsening
Initial reactions are pivotal. The goal in the early stages is to prevent further deterioration. This means refraining from confrontational or defensive responses. Aim for a dialogue that's calm and constructive, avoiding actions that could deepen the divide.

Communicating Your Feelings Effectively
While empathizing with your spouse's perspective, it's also important to express your own feelings in a composed manner. This helps in maintaining an environment conducive to open and honest communication.

Creating a Pathway for Reconciliation
End conversations on a note that keeps the possibility of reconciliation alive. Phrases that express hope for future consideration, without pressure, can be beneficial.

Fostering Positive Interactions
Reviving the initial warmth and positivity that characterized the start of your relationship is key. It's about reminding your spouse of the reasons they fell in love with you in the first place.

Envisioning a Future Together
Suggesting a future together subtly can plant seeds of hope. Avoiding direct promises, use phrases that imply a potential for a shared future.

Commitment to Effective Co-Parenting
For couples with children, a commitment to effective co-parenting is crucial. It demonstrates the ability to work together for a common goal, essential in rebuilding trust and partnership.

Importance of Physical and Emotional Connection
Maintaining both physical and emotional closeness is important. This involves staying connected and supportive, showing care beyond mere words.

Handling Marital Issues with Calmness
Addressing the root causes of marital discord should be done calmly and without placing blame, ensuring a constructive discussion.

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Reconciliation After Separation

Rebuilding a relationship following a period of separation requires dedication, empathy, and a commitment to repairing the bond. This concise guide offers key insights for couples striving to navigate their way back to a harmonious relationship.

Positive Interactions
Reviving the connection in a relationship post-separation begins with fostering constructive interactions. It's essential to go beyond mere conversations, focusing on rebuilding the emotional bond. Couples should consider revisiting meaningful places, engaging in activities that previously brought happiness, and spending tranquil time together, away from the hustle of everyday life. Recognizing and celebrating each small step forward in the relationship is important for maintaining a positive outlook and encouraging progress. As most marital issues have likely been addressed, the emphasis should be on encouraging uplifting and healing interactions.

Prioritizing and Developing Harmony
Achieving a successful reunion hinges on a commitment to nurturing harmony within the marriage. This commitment involves prioritizing the relationship's health over personal pride and the need to always be correct. Finding solutions that are beneficial for both partners and addressing conflicts with a spirit of teamwork is critical. Empathy, striving to understand your partner’s perspective, and being open to compromise are vital. Harmony involves not just the absence of discord but actively creating an environment of mutual respect. Active listening can play a significant role in sustaining this harmony.

Reestablishing a Shared Living Space
The decision to resume living together should be approached with thoughtful planning and mutual agreement. Setting clear expectations and boundaries is crucial to ensure a comfortable cohabitation for both partners. This may include discussions on sharing household responsibilities, respecting personal space, and managing financial contributions. The focus should be on teamwork and mutual respect in shaping the new living arrangement.

Exploring Roles in Marriage
For some, a return to traditional marriage roles can bring structure and reduce complexity in household dynamics. This approach should be mutually agreed upon, with both partners willingly accepting and adapting these roles to fit their relationship's unique context.

The Intimate Bond
Physical intimacy plays a crucial role in the health of a marriage, especially after a separation. It is important for couples to reestablish a physically satisfying connection. This involves open discussions about intimate desires and a willingness to explore and respond to each other’s preferences, enhancing the emotional intimacy.

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"What to Do When Your Husband Hates You"

Are you feeling lost in a marriage where love seems to have faded, replaced by indifference or even animosity? You're not alone. Many women face the heart-wrenching reality of feeling unloved or unwanted in their own homes. But there's hope, and it begins with understanding. Our latest video, "What to Do When Your Husband Hates You," offers a compassionate guide to navigating these turbulent waters.

Discover the Underlying Causes

Before you can begin healing, it's crucial to understand the root of the problem. This video delves deep into the common causes of emotional distance in marriages. Is it stress, communication breakdown, unresolved conflicts, or something deeper? Our expert psychologists and marriage counselors provide insightful analysis, helping you identify the underlying issues in your relationship.

Learn Effective Communication Strategies

Communication is the bedrock of any relationship. Our video equips you with practical tools and techniques to reopen the lines of communication with your husband. You'll learn how to express your feelings constructively, listen empathetically, and create a safe space for honest dialogue. These skills are invaluable in bridging the gap between you and your partner.

Empower Yourself with Self-Care and Personal Growth

In times of marital strife, it's easy to lose sight of your own well-being. "What to Do When Your Husband Hates You" emphasizes the importance of self-care and personal development. Discover activities and practices that nurture your mental and emotional health, reinforcing your sense of self-worth and independence.

Explore Ways to Rekindle the Spark

Sometimes, reigniting the flame in your marriage involves rediscovering what brought you together in the first place. Our video offers creative and heartwarming suggestions to rekindle the affection and intimacy in your relationship. From date nights to shared hobbies, these tips are designed to bring back the joy and connection you once shared.

Seek Professional Help When Needed

There are situations where professional intervention is necessary. Our video guides you on when and how to seek help from marriage counselors or therapists. These experts can provide a neutral perspective and structured approach to resolving deeper issues in your relationship.

Hear Real-Life Stories of Triumph

You're not just watching a video; you're joining a community of women who have walked in your shoes. Hear their powerful, real-life stories of overcoming marital challenges. These testimonies offer not just solace but also practical advice and hope for your situation.

After watching "What to Do When Your Husband Hates You," you'll be equipped with the knowledge and tools to take positive steps towards healing and happiness in your marriage. On YouTube at

Accompanying article at

Navigating a marriage where you feel that your wife hates you is a challenging and often heart-wrenching experience for a husband.

However, with the right approach, understanding, and dedication, it’s possible to turn things around.

This article will provide strategies for improving your relationship, particularly focusing on the scenario where the animosity seems to stem from your wife – even if your wife has said that she hates you. Accompanying article at

On YouTube at

In this video, Coach Lee discusses what your ex thinks, feels, and experiences in the relief stage, which is the first stage after they broke up with you. Learn more about this stage and why your ex is doing the things that they are doing. Get Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at

Get Coach Lee's FREE min-course to save your marriage at

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Get my FREE mini-course on saving your marriage at

Do you suspect that your spouse might be having an affair, a.k.a. unfaithful but can't put your finger on why? Are you feeling uneasy about changes in your relationship? Do you suspect that your spouse might be unfaithful but can't put your finger on why? In this video, we delve into the subtle signs and clues that may indicate your spouse is having an affair.

Infidelity can be a painful and challenging issue to address in a relationship. It's often shrouded in secrecy, making it hard to identify. However, there are certain behavioral patterns and changes that can serve as potential indicators. This video aims to shed light on these signs with sensitivity and care, helping you understand what might be happening behind the scenes in your relationship.

Navigating the complexities of a relationship where infidelity is suspected is incredibly challenging. This video is here to guide you through understanding and handling these situations with the compassion and support you deserve. On YouTube at

When communication breaks down in a marriage, particularly when a wife ceases to speak to her husband, it can create a sense of confusion, frustration, and even despair.

This guide, inspired by Coach Lee's insights, aims to offer practical advice for husbands facing the challenging situation of a wife who won't talk to him.

Read the accompanying article at

Should you ever break no contact to reach out to your ex when you were broken up with?

Is no contact permanent or is there a time when you can break no contact by reaching out to your ex again?

Is the no contact rule permanent? Listen to Coach Lee's thoughts on this and consider it within your situation.

In this video, Coach Lee delves into the concept of maintaining distance post-breakup, exploring its benefits and pondering the appropriateness of initiating contact when your former partner remains silent.

He addresses the stance of certain relationship experts who advocate for a strict policy of not contacting an ex after a breakup. Coach Lee challenges this view, arguing from a standpoint of practicality.

Renowned for endorsing the no contact approach, Coach Lee, in this video, clarifies that his coaching philosophy is rooted in effective strategies rather than merely appealing theories.

Wondering if the no contact rule should always be upheld? Tune in to hear Coach Lee's perspective, and see how it applies to the personal circumstances of your breakup and relationship.

Get Coach Lee's free mini-course on saving a marriage at

Get Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at

This video is also at

In this insightful and transformative video, viewers are taken on an explorative journey to understand the complexities, challenges, and potential solutions for revitalizing and strengthening a marriage. The video commences with a serene and welcoming introduction, inviting audiences of all backgrounds and experiences to engage in an open and honest dialogue about the realities of marriage.

Get Coach Lee's FREE mini-course on saving a marriage at

In "What To Do When Your Spouse Says They Don't Love You Anymore," renowned relationship expert Coach Lee delves into the emotional turmoil and heartache that comes when a partner utters those dreaded words.

This enlightening video not only offers a compassionate understanding of the emotions at play but also provides actionable steps and strategies to navigate this challenging time. Coach Lee draws from years of experience to guide viewers on how to:

-Process and understand their own emotions.
-Approach the conversation with empathy and patience.
-Evaluate the underlying causes and triggers for this revelation.
-Reinvent the relationship dynamics and reignite the flame.
-Seek professional help and support when needed.

Whether you're in the midst of this situation or supporting someone who is, this video offers valuable insights and tools to foster healing and potentially rekindle the love that once was. Don't let despair take over; let Coach Lee help guide your journey back to connection and understanding.

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Can optimism help with anxiety? Yes! In today's fast-paced and uncertain world, anxiety has become increasingly prevalent. It affects millions of people worldwide, interfering with their daily lives and overall well-being. While anxiety can be a challenging condition to manage, cultivating a positive outlook and embracing optimism can play a vital role in alleviating its effects. This article explores the relationship between optimism and anxiety, highlighting how adopting an optimistic mindset can lead to improved mental health and a more fulfilling life.

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Coach Lee answers the question, "Is the No Contact Rule the only way to get an ex back after a breakup?"

Get Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at

There are many good reasons for using no contact and it's for more than only getting an ex back but is also best for you after a breakup. The no contact rule is a strategy that is often used after a breakup or during a period of intense conflict in a relationship. It involves cutting off all contact with the other person for a certain amount of time. While it may seem simple on the surface, there are a number of factors to consider when implementing the no contact rule.

Is no contact the only way to get your ex back?

The first thing to keep in mind is that the no contact rule should be a deliberate decision. It's important to take some time to reflect on your goals and motivations before cutting off contact. Are you trying to win the other person back? Are you hoping to move on and start a new chapter in your life? Whatever your reasons, it's important to be honest with yourself about what you hope to achieve through the no contact rule.

Once you've decided to implement the no contact rule, it's important to stick to it. This can be difficult, especially if you have strong feelings for the other person or if you are used to talking to them on a regular basis. However, breaking the no contact rule can be counterproductive and prevent a runion or rekindling of the relationship.

During the no contact period, it's important to take care of yourself. This might involve focusing on your physical health, such as by getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet. It could also mean taking care of your emotional well-being, such as by spending time with supportive friends or engaging in activities that bring you joy. The key is to focus on your own needs and to use the time away from the other person to heal and grow.

One of the benefits of the no contact rule is that it can provide clarity and perspective. When you are no longer in regular contact with the other person, it can be easier to step back and see the relationship in a new light. This can help you to identify patterns of behavior that may have contributed to the breakup or conflict, and to consider how you might approach future relationships differently.

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Another benefit of the no contact rule is that it can help to reestablish boundaries. There are also important reasons for using the no contact rule if you truly want your ex back and are willing to be disciplined enough to stick to it.

It's worth noting that the no contact rule may not be appropriate for everyone. For example, if you have children with the other person, you may need to maintain some level of contact in order to co-parent effectively. Coach Lee has a video about this called "Strategic Contact." On YouTube at

Coach Lee shares the best relationship advice that you've never heard. In the five tips Coach Lee shares, you'll learn from his twenty-two years in relationship coaching. Most of the advice and tips on the list aren't talked about often if ever but can help relationships to be strong and to survive life's challenges. Apply the lessons from this video and your relationship will be a better one because of it.

Coach Lee's support community is at

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Coach Lee answers the question, how to know if your ex is still in love with you. Just because someone broke up with you does not mean that they are no longer in love with you or that such love is permanently lost. In this video, you'll learn what to look for to help you know if your ex is still in love with you. Coach Lee mentioned two important resources in this video and they are the Emergency Breakup Kit which you can get at as well as the Support Community at

Learn ways and how an ex tests you after a breakup and what you should do about it if you want to get back together and reunite with your ex. If your ex is testing you after a breakup, it's important to be aware of what's going on and to respond in a way that feels healthy and appropriate for you. You don't have to engage with their tests if you don't want to, and it's okay to set boundaries and protect your own emotional well-being. It's not uncommon for an ex to test you after a breakup so be aware. Get the Emergency Breakup Kit at

Coach Lee speaks to those who feel that their ex is never coming back after breaking up with them. If you are struggling after being broken up with and fear that your ex is gone for good, this message is for you! Get more information on Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at and his Emergency Marriage Kit at

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Coach Lee explains how you can show your ex that you have changed if you are using the no contact rule. It can seem difficult to show your ex anything if you are not in contact with them, but there are important things to consider and ways that you can show them that you have changed even if you aren't in contact with them. Timing, however, is key in revealing these changes and there is definitely a right way and a wrong way to show them. Coach Lee shows you how to show them in a way that brings about the most attraction from them to you. It's important to know that right after the breakup, your ex doesn't care if you change or want to change because they just want to get away from you. That's why it's important to be in no contact and if you are doing that, you are still doing the right thing even if you have changes that you need to make for yourself and for hope of reuniting the relationship. Get Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at

Coach Lee explains what your ex needs in order to come back to you and the relationship. Often times people don't understand the dynamics of a breakup that cause someone to continue to want to be broken up. It's important to understand how your ex sees you and how they feel in order to have the best chance to reunite with them. There are some cases where moving on is best, but there are also many times when a broken relationship can be restored. Get more information on Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at and his Emergency Marriage Kit at

Next video:

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Learn what caused your ex's feelings to fade to the point that he or she wanted to break up with you. Many people don't understand that feelings fading had a cause and that, if the cause (or causes) are understood, reunion is possible and the fading phenomenon can be prevented in the future with your ex or with someone else. What does it mean when an ex says that their feelings faded? Why did your ex's feelings fade? That is what Coach Lee discusses in this video.
Get information on Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at and his Emergency Marriage Kit at

Video on Limerence mentioned in this video: or at

Coach Lee debates a radical feminist on masculinity's positive contributions to society and explains what life would really be like without strong, masculine men.

This is what makes an ex change their mind and want to get back together again. Most people don't understand this concept and struggle to get their ex back or to determine if a reunion is likely. Coach Lee explains what can cause an ex to change their mind and heart so that they want to rekindle the relationship with you. Get more information on Coach Lee's Emergency Breakup Kit at


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

87 videos

Category People & Family

Coach Lee is a relationship coach who helps people get their ex back after a breakup.

Lee holds a diploma in marriage and family counseling and has lectured at Pepperdine University, Lipscomb University, and others, is a TED educator on the science of breakups, and has been interviewed by major media including the New York Times, USA Today, The Today Show, New York Post, Men's Health, L.A. Business Journal, Cosmopolitan, Daily Mail, Metro UK, AskMen, Bravo TV, Yahoo Lifestyle, Glamor, and MSN among others.

Lee uses real-life experience with breakups along with his work for 23 years providing relationship-recovery services as a coach. He has multiple certifications for relationship coaching & consulting.

Get information on his Emergency Breakup Kit & Emergency Marriage Kit at Also see his website for overcoming anxiety at, on Medium at, and at, and

SUBSCRIBE here on BitChute so you don't miss videos on saving relationships, keeping love strong, and the science of attraction. INSTAGRAM @RealCoachLee