Injections of Sanity

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Injections of Sanity

Solar Ensigns


is going to do something about it. And he is well-spoken, too. A rare find.

The old character traits of duplicity and cunning have rarely been more fully embodied than in the tall music industry agent appearing in this revealing story. A rare peek at the endless evil machinations constantly taking place behind the scenes.

"It's bigger than the music business ..." It sure is!

The old character traits of duplicity and cunning have rarely been more fully embodied than in the tall music industry agent appearing in this revealing story. A rare peek at the endless evil machinations constantly taking place behind the scenes of the world. Jump to around 04:45 if you want to skip the intro.

"It's bigger than the music business ..." It sure is!

Via Global Communist Takeover (a mixed bag, but some really interesting material)

Two excerpts from recent and very impartial videos, found on the high seas.

"Solution: Just stage yet another fake "Islamic terrorist attack"! Problem solved! That will quickly turn the sentiment of the stupid goyim masses against the Muslim again. But don't do it in America this time. We almost got caught we we did 9/11, remember? Even the most corrupt U.S. politicians are beginning to grow weary of our chutzpah. Do it in Russia for a change. Putin is our boy anyway. He likes killing gentiles just as much as we do, especially when they belong to that old anti-Communist Ukrainian tribe."

The video itself is a few years old, but still worth your time as a reminder.

Here is a great summary of the last four years, along with an eye-opening update on the situation in Canada. Well worth a listen. By the way, 25 months after the tragic end of the trucker Freedom Convoy, some of the young men involved in that wonderful act of peaceful civil disobedience are still imprisoned, in some cases in more or less solitary confinement. What used to be one of the best countries in the world to live in, is slowly turning into a lawless Bolshevik nightmare.

Turns out they have been there for centuries, and guess what they have been pushing? Sexual debauchery, "gun control", revolutionary atheism and the legalization of drugs. Does something about this sound familiar? When will our almost infinite patience come to an end?

An unusually clear presentation of the real nature of the abusive relationship between the United States and Israel. By Ryan Dawson. Source:
Many good points. But do all the dollars come from the American population? Aren't many of them created "out of nothing" by the Fed? Moreover, would ending American aid actually end the problem completely? Isn't the Rothschild family still the richest in the world, and a supranational entity, not dependent on the U.S. alone?

The reward for his dissent is exile from his medical college and a new "career" as life saver at the beaches. Note: The intro is probably meant to show the absurdity of the official narrative. The interview starts at around 2:00.

What he hasn't understood yet is that he is not trying to integrate into an Anglo-Saxon culture.
But he has understood that the way to deal with zee subversives is to laugh them out of our towns and countries, and all the way back to Hierosolyma or Avaris or the Arabian Desert or wherever the h*** they originally came from.

The remaining third will hopefully survive the shedding, and become the revered ancestors of a new and less gullible populace. If the picture this man is painting is true to life, it won't be long now before the non-compliant start receiving their rewards: A lot more space, cheaper housing and higher salaries. Unless they are completely flooded with equally un-injected Africans, that is. Thanks a lot, Cromwell!


Showing compassion towards da Palestinian goyim is now a crime which can land you in jail in that Holy Land of Israel. The whole notion of "fascism" was always a projection made by the real "fascists", the mostly Jewish Bolsheviks of the Soviet Union and other kill boxes like it, onto the resistance to Jewish World Supremacy (the national revival movements in Italy, Germany, Spain, Romania, England, etc.)

Via Global Communist Takeover at Rumble:

If this is what it seems to be, the live re-enactment of the actions of the Bolsheviks in Russia a hundred years ago in present-day Gaza has reached even greater depths of immorality. The second clip is of a pop singer urging soldiers to deal with the "goyim", a derogatory word for the "gentiles" or "nations" or "heathen". Nothing has changed since some of the authors of the fake Torah (not the original one) composed their genocidal rants thousands of years ago, projected their contempt for other peoples onto Yahoo (Jah), their god, and declared them to be Divine Revelation.

Whatever you think of Islam, what Israel is doing to the Palestinians is unacceptable. The latest reports indicate that around two hundred people, most of them helpless civilians, are being killed or die EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Via Global Communist Takeover at Rumble:

Then they came for America, but it was too late to come to your senses, for they already owned the DoD.

But don't forget the dumbbells.
Go and support the Good Demiurge at

The Hyksos Pharaohs are exploiting your fascination with the novel and outlandish, and you don't understand that you are feeding your fancies instead of doing the hard and time-consuming and sometimes rather boring digging for the Truth.

We Indo-Europeans have allowed a crime syndicate of the most dangerous and ruthless kind conceivable to grow up in our midst, and many or most of its members are Hyksos Usurper-Pharaohs / Phoenician Child-Sacrificing Merchants / History-Twisting Scribes and Pharisees / Chosen of the Jealous Demiurge / Tefillin-Wearing Tengu -- pick any of their hats you prefer. The presence of this crime syndicate in our midst is nothing new, but its power and chutzpah has been growing and growing ever since the Judeao-Masonic "Revolution" in France (with certain exceptions, such as the restoration of the monarchy in France, and the Twelve Years a certain people in central Europe was not enslaved to the Rothschild usury-banking power). A hundred years ago, truth-seekers like Nesta Webster and Ezra Pound and Dennis Fahy and many, many others (including dozens of Germans most people have never heard of, since most of their books were destroyed in the Allied book-burning orgies after WW2) could still find a publisher willing to risk printing their work. It was not easy, but it could still be done. But since the 1960s and 1970s, the Rothschild octopus and its innumerable tentacles have had almost total control over the press and the publishing houses, except for a few beleaguered holdouts, such as the Barnes Review and the Institute for Historical Review, maybe. What are the sources of the power of this mafia? They are (a) economic (the creation of shekels ex nihilo) and (b) psychological (meme pathogens and thought-terminating cliches like "Nadsi" (actually a Jewish pun on an ancient term for the real Christians) and "HollowCoast").


Why? Because you will not be taken in by the propaganda when the Third World War begins -- with the effort to take down the 7th country on the DoD/MOZZAD "bucket list": Iran.
23:00: One step removed from the crime, you always find a Rothschild connection (Chris Bollyn)
24:30: Meet Ronald Lauder, implicated in the 9/11 crime, who also happens to be the president of the World Jewish Council
26:30: 4,000 du(al)s stayed away from the towers on the morning of 9/11 because they had been warned of an impending danger by the messaging system ODIGO
29:00: Great speech by Alan Sabrosky (unfortunately, it seems that he was too optimistic)

Several waves of criminal legislation have prepared the ground for the "Kill box" which has now been put in place in both America and other countries. All power has effectively been usurped by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), manufacturers (like Pfizer and Moderna) are not obliged to adhere to any standards (!!), informed consent has been invalidated (by making classifying the bioweapons as military countermeasures), the "vaccines" cannot, by definition, be unsafe or ineffective (since legislation actually states that these "countermeasures" are "safe and effective" REGARDLESS OF WHAT THE EVIDENCE MIGHT INDICATE!!), and the perpetrators (the leadership of the DoD, the CIA, the MOZZAD, etc.) cannot, according to the new laws, be held to account, and are except from any and all liability. Furthermore, the bankers and money-powers are forcing the implementation and preservation of these anti-laws by threatening to crash the economy of any nation who tries to resist their genocidal agenda. The whole affair is truly unbelievable.


Katherine Watt's Substack (very insightful):
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.

"Orwellian" doesn't even begin to do their scheming justice. Several waves of terrible but little known legislation swept over the U.S. from the 1980s and onwards, preparing the ground for the DoD and HHS dictatorship which was unleashed in 2020, and which is still ongoing. For example, legislation making it impossible to hold anyone accountable, and making the novel "vaccines" "safe and effective" by definition, even when undeniable evidence reveals that they are adulterated, contaminated and extremely dangerous, was put in place long before the "corona crisis" was set in motion.


As usual, the perpetrators at the higher levels are not even mentioned, but Latypova's presentation is nevertheless useful and important.

If you'd like to go straight to the heavier stuff, skip to c. 07:20. One of our favorite parts starts at around 1:00:10. Enjoy -- but don't forget the dumbbells!

17:50 also has a good one.


A surprisingly good lecture. Many of the most flagrant examples of predictive programming designed to prepare people for the launch of Corona are mentioned, but the predictive programming preceding Nine-Eleven was just as cunning, so think of the Twin Towers that were actually Three while listening.

Legendary noticing. And this is just a few of them. Naming all the "blessings" in the U.S. state apparatus would take about one hour of continuous reading.

A fascinating episode of the Housatonic investigative journalism show, especially for those interested in finding the actual perpetrators of 9/11 and the Anthrax letters, and in the now rather obvious links between the false flags and psy-ops of 2001 and the second "9/11" launched in 2019 and 2020, i.e. the "corona crisis". Fans of Dr. Robert Malone will also love this episode. Start at ca. 14:00 if you would like to go straight to the crux of the matter.

George Webb: Last year, you repeatedly asked our dear Robert Malone where he had been on 9/11, and you were exasperated by Malone's unwillingness to answer that very direct and reasonable question. Oh, and by the way, what happened to that excellent Twitter space podcast of yours, Mr. Webb, in which you talked extensively about Robert Malone and the great ship of DOMANE? Now your never-failing source of inspiration, Mr. Husatonic, is asking you a very direct and reasonable question. Will you not reply?

A very informative interview with the truly lionhearted Irishman Niall McConnell. This humble sheep farmer ought to have gotten hundreds of thousands of supporters when he began his courageous campaign against destructive mass immigration and for a national revival a few years ago. But it turns out that most Irish men can't get it up. No, not their dick -- their arse. Like so many other Europeans, they seem to have become incapable of acting in an assertive way in the real world. It is a sign of a profound and ultimately deadly spiritual disillusionment.

For more from Niall McConnell, go to


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

229 videos

Category Entertainment

We started this channel in 2021, in the midst of the red-hot media- and government-driven corona-hysteria, out of a desire to do whatever we could to warn people of what was going on. Initially, we only uploaded copies or mirrors of particularly interesting videos we found online. At present, we are transitioning to the making of "original content" as well. But we have to learn video editing first, so please be patient and forgiving when it comes to new uploads. We have never asked for donations, and never promoted products or services, but finding and "vetting" videos is extremely time-consuming, and making our own from scratch is even more time-consuming, so if you would like to see us continue what we are doing in the future, then please consider supporting us in whatever way you can.