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all audio goes to owners.

Just deleted the video on youtube because Facebook censored my image and banned me for 1 day. so im just going to upload here just in case if youtube gives me a strike for it.

All Content rights belong to its rightful owners. no copyright intended.

Join the Catholic Crusade Against Islam! Ave Maria and Deus Vult!


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

2 videos

Category Gaming

Name: Casey.

Grade: Graduated.

Religion: Christian (Catholic).

Age: 24.

Disability: Autism.

Race: Caucasian.

Video Game Interests: RPG, Action/Adventure, Fighter, MMO, RTS,Platform, Survival Horror.

Book Interests: Fantasy, SciFi, Medieval, Japanese, Religion, Gothic Fantasy/SciFi, Wastelands, Anime, Manga, Holy Bible.

Music Interests: Pop,Classic, OST, Rock, Metal, Christian Music,Chant,Hymns.

Computer Interests: Chatting and RPG Games and More.

Movie Interests: Anime, Fantasy, SciFi, Action/Adventure, Classic, Comedy/Drama, Historical Drama, Medieval, Horror/Suspense/Thriller.

TV Show Interests: Anime, Sitcom/Animated Sitcom, Fantasy, Classic.

CyberBullies and Trolls Are Not Allowed: If Anyone Wrote a Hateful Comment: You Will Be Blocked.

If Your a Christian/Catholic or a Helpful Person You Are Welcome to Subscribe!

Welcome to the BrotherHood of God's Justice! Just a YT Guild I Made Up. Male and Female of Any Age Welcome to My Guild and Channel!
