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We save civilians.

We fight a mobile weapon.

We try to escape with the gold.

We siege a castle.

We train some more.

We do some training and advance the plot.

We steal another truck.

We grab some gold.

We dispense justice and solve our case.

We continue our investigation.

We investigate the victims Workplace

Huge robots.

We stop being a hobo and investigate our first case.

We crack an egg and save the world.

We reach the final battle.

We reach the final showdown.

We do some spying and then some running.

We find Rich's remains.

We battle volcano chan for the last time.

We Assault ants minding their own business in their ant home for treasure.

We defeat fake gustave by getting beat up.

Fake Gustave wrecks someones dad.

Skirmish Free for all

We swear fealty to a Gustave cosplayer.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

202 videos

Category Gaming

I play games