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Date of Birth: 956
Died by Martyrdom: April 23rd 997

999 by Pope Sylvester II

Poland, Czech Republic, Archdiocese of Esztergom,
Archdiocese of Prague, students of Polish literature

De Oliveira, P. C. (n.d.-f). St. Adalbert of Prague, saint of April 23. https://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j069sdAldalbert4-23.htm

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr

Born: Unknown date in Cappadocia
Died: 308

One of the 14 Holy Helpers

Soldiers, archers, saddle makers,
armourers, butchers, rashes and more.

[email protected]. (n.d.-e). Lives Of The Saints: St. George, Martyr. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives132.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr

Papacy began: 167
Papacy ended: 174

Wikipedia contributors. (2023g). Pope Soter. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Soter

[email protected]. (n.d.-g). Lives Of The Saints: St. Soter, Pope, Martyr. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives130.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr #pope

Born: Unknown
Died: 202 Martyr by beheading

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-s). Saint Leonides, Martyr. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_leonides.html

[email protected]. (n.d.-e). Lives Of The Saints: St. Leonides, Martyr. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives131.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr

1033 at Piedmont,Italy

April 21st, 1109 at Canterbury, England

1492 by Pope Alexander IV

Jones, T. H. (n.d.-b). Patron Saints Index: Saint Anselm of Canterbury. 2005. https://web.archive.org/web/20051216223649/http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/sainta16.htm

[email protected]. (n.d.-b). Lives Of The Saints: St. Anselm, Archbishop. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives129.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #archbishop

Born in North Africa
Died in 374 at Emrun

[email protected]. (n.d.-d). Lives Of The Saints: St. Marcellinus, Bishop. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives128.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday

Born: 1268 in Tuscany, Italy
Died: April 20th, 1317

Canonized: 1726 by Pope Benedict XIII

Jones, T. H. (n.d.). Patron Saints Index: Saint Agnes of Montepulciano. 2005. https://web.archive.org/web/20051126092148/http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/sainta2g.htm

[email protected]. (n.d.-g). THE LIVES OF THE FATHERS, MARTYRS, AND OTHER PRINCIPAL SAINTS - ST. AGNES, OF MONTE PULCIANO, VIRGIN AND ABBESS. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/vol4/april83.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #virgin #dominicans

Born: 954
Died: 1012

1078 by Pope Gregory VII

Greenwich; Solihull; kidnap victims

[email protected]. (n.d.-c). Lives Of The Saints: St. Elphege, Archbishop. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives127.shtml

CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: St. Elphege. (n.d.). https://www.newadvent.org/cathen/05394a.htm

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-k). Saint Elphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_elphege.html

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr #archbishop

Born: unknown
Died: 185

""There is waiting for me something better: eternal life, given to the person who has lived well on earth."

[email protected]. (n.d.-b). Lives Of The Saints: St. Apollonius, Martyr. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives126.shtml

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-b). Saint Apollonius, Martyr. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_apollonius.html

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr

Born: 1566
Died: 1618

Beatified: June 5th 1791

against impoverishment, against loss of parents,
against poverty, parents separated from children,
poor people, widows

BLESSED MARY OF THE INCARNATION. (n.d.). https://www.carmelitesisters.ie/blessed-mary-of-the-incarnation/

Catholic Encyclopedia -Bl. Marie de l’Incarnation. (n.d.). https://www.ecatholic2000.com/cathopedia/vol9/volnine646.shtml

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-a). Blessed Mary of the Incarnation, Carmelite. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/blessed_mary_of_the_incarnation_carmelite.html

AnaStpaul. (2017, April 18). Saint of the Day – 18 April – St Marie of the Incarnation. AnaStpaul. https://anastpaul.com/2017/04/18/saint-of-the-day-18-april-st-marie-of-the-incarnation/

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #carmelites

Born: late 1st century
Died: April 168

Papacy began: 157
Papacy ended: April 168

[email protected]. (n.d.-a). Lives Of The Saints: St. Anicetus, Pope, Martyr. https://www.ecatholic2000.com/butler/lives125.shtml

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr #pope

Born: 1050
Died: 1135

Canonized: 1623 by Pope Innocent VIII

St. Stephen Harding. (n.d.). https://www.ecatholic2000.com/cathopedia/vol14/volfourteen217.shtml

Cna. (n.d.). St. Stephen Harding. Catholic News Agency. https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/saint/st-stephen-harding-439

St. Stephen Harding | EWTN. (n.d.). EWTN Global Catholic Television Network. https://www.ewtn.com/catholicism/saints/stephen-harding-772

Saint Stephen Harding. (n.d.). America Needs Fatima. https://americaneedsfatima.org/articles/saint-stephen-harding

Wikipedia contributors. (2023i). Stephen Harding. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Harding

#saintoftheday #trad #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #catholicism #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #founder #cistercian

Born: March 25th 1748
Died: April 16th 1783

December 8th 1881 by Pope Leo XIII

bachelors, rejects, mental illness, homelessness, and beggars

Catholic Encyclopedia -St. Benedict Joseph Labre. (n.d.). https://www.ecatholic2000.com/cathopedia/vol2/voltwo509.shtml

Patron Saints Index: Benedict Joseph Labre. (n.d.). https://web.archive.org/web/20001015072431/http://www.catholic-forum.com/saints/saintb09.htm

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-d). Saint Benedict Joseph Labre, Mendicant, Pilgrim. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_benedict_joseph_labre.html

#saintoftheday #trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #begger

Born: ~480
Died: ~550

poets, scholars, and musicians,
he is recognized as a protector of cattle and livestock

Ajeyaseelan. (2023, January 12). St. Paternus, Bishop of Avranches, Confessor - Collection at Bartleby.com. Collection at Bartleby.com. https://www.bartleby.com/lit-hub/lives-of-the-saints/volume-iv-april/st-paternus-bishop-of-avranches-confessor

Butler, A. (1995). Lives of the Saints for Every Day in the Year: With Reflections. Macmillan Publishers. APRIL 15 - ST. PATERNUS, Bishop; pgs:150-151

#saintoftheday #trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #bishop

Born: 1163
Died: 1184

Avignon; bachelors; bridge-builders

De Oliveira, P. C. (n.d.-g). St. Benezet of Avignon, Saint of April 14. https://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j261sd_Benezet_4-14.html

Butler, A. (1995). Lives of the Saints for Every Day in the Year: With Reflections. Macmillan Publishers. APRIL 14 - ST. BENEZET or Little Bennet; pgs:149-150

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday

Born: April 18, 1380
Died: April 14, 1433 (aged 52)

March 14, 1890 by Pope Leo XIII

chronically ill, ice skaters, town of Schiedam

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-p). Saint Lydwina of Schiedam, Virgin. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_lydwina_of_schiedam.html

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #virgin

Born: Unknown
Died: 13 April 585/586

tortured and axed to death; relics at Seville, Spain

Canonized: 1585

against drought; against flood; against thunderstorms; converts

De Oliveira, P. C. (n.d.-i). St. Hermenegild - April 13. https://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j304sd_Herm_4_13.htm

Butler, A. (1995). Lives of the Saints for Every Day in the Year: With Reflections. Macmillan Publishers. APRIL 13 - ST. HERMENEGILD, Martyr - ; pgs:148-149

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr

Born: 280
Died: 12 April 352

Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, Pope St. Julius I: https://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j291sd_Julius_4_12.htm

Butler, Alban Fr., "April." In "Butler's Lives of the Saints: Volume 2",Complete Edition, 76-77, Maryland: Christian Classics, 1990.

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #pope

Born: 400
Died: 461

Virtue is nothing without the trial of temptation, for there is no conflict without an enemy, no victory without strife. - Pope Saint Leo the Great

Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, St. Leo the Great: https://www.traditioninaction.org/SOD/j016sdSt.LeoGreat4-11.htm

Butler, Alban. Fr., "April." In "Lives of the Saints: for every day of the year.",146-147, North Carolina: TAN Books, 2012.

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #pope #doctorofthechurch

Born: 12 March 1878
Died: 11 April 1903

2 May 1940 by Pope Pius XII

apothecaries; druggists; loss of parents; pharmacists; temptations

CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive  » Saint Gemma Galgani. (n.d.). https://catholicsaints.info/saint-gemma-galgani/

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-i). Saint Gemma Galgani, Virgin. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_gemma_galgani.html

St Gemma’s reaction to unkindness -forgiveness. (n.d.). https://www.stgemmagalgani.com/2009/12/st-gemmas-reaction-to-unkindness.html

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #virgin #mystic #stigmata

Born: 29 September 1591
Died: 10 April 1625

8 June 1862 by Pope Pius IX

cancer patients

CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive  » Saint Miguel de Sanctis. (n.d.). https://catholicsaints.info/saint-miguel-de-sanctis/

Saint Michael de Sanctis. (n.d.). http://www.traditionalcatholic.net/Tradition/Calendar/04-10.html

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday

Born: unknown
Died: 10 April 376

Wealthy Persian noble. Founded and led a monastery
in Bethlapeta, Persia. He and seven of his monks were
imprisoned for their faith during the lengthy persecution
by King Sapor. Chained and regularly beaten for four months,
he was murdered by Nersan, an apostate Persian prince who
hacked him to death to prove his renunciation of Christianity.

Saint Bademus (d.376) | Saint Mary’s Press. (n.d.). https://www.smp.org/resourcecenter/resource/7540/

CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive  » Saint Bademus. (n.d.). https://catholicsaints.info/saint-bademus/

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-b). Saint Bademus, Martyr. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_bademus.html

#trad #catholicism #saintoftheday #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #martyr

Born: unknown
Died: ~421

Chastity (warfare against the flesh;
deliverance from carnal passions);
demons (deliverance from); fever;
skin diseases; temptations of the flesh

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-n). Saint Mary of Egypt, Penitent. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_mary_of_egypt.html

Wikipedia contributors. (2023e, March 12). Mary of Egypt. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_of_Egypt

#trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saintoftheday #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday

Died: 30 December 490 AD

Depicted as a bishop directing the building of a church.
Sometimes the sick may be shown being healed at his tomb
or as his relics are carried in procession.

Butler, A. (1995). Lives of the Saints for Every Day in the Year: With Reflections. Macmillan Publishers. APRIL 8 - Saint Perpetuus, Bishop; Pgs:142-143

Magnificat, E. (n.d.-q). Saint Perpetuus, Bishop of Tours. https://sanctoral.com/en/saints/saint_perpetuus.html

#saintoftheday #trad #catholicism #romancatholic #saints #traditionalcatholic #catholic #dailysaints #saintsoftheday #Bishop #tours


CatholicSaints.Info » Blog Archive  » Pictorial Lives of the Saints – Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. (n.d.). https://catholicsaints.info/pictorial-lives-of-the-saints-annunciation-of-the-blessed-virgin-mary/

#saintoftheday #catholic #saints #trad #traditionalcatholic #romancatholic #saintsoftheday #catholicism #dailysaints #theannunciationofthelord #blessedvirginmary #rosary #lent


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