Mis Inspirit

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Mis Inspirit

Mis Inspirit

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Good News Video link https://youtu.be/uoXs2Iws5gc?si=a45djHaiiVwXvOV5 The Case for a Pre-Tribulation Rapture by Chuck Missler (RE-UPLOADED)

Ezekiel 8:16 So He brought me to the inner court of the house of the LORD, and there at the entrance to the temple of the LORD, between the portico and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs to the temple of the LORD and their faces toward the east; and they were bowing to the east in worship of the sun. in summery sun worship is looking to your own dreams and desires turning your back on Gods will and listening to the wrong voice. many are in sun worship and don't even know it. this allows people to be put in a trance, while others know full well what they are doing. I was shown this as a child in a vision of the world in a trance while they were facing the sun, and a voice came from it, but it wasn't Gods voice and later in life when I asked what I saw the Lord gave me this scripture.

what eyes wide shut was really about this video was not in the links in the video below, so I added it because it brings it to contemporary times. fluoride, Prozac even Trump questioning what is the 1000 points of light?

this is a very specific detailed deep dive. Mothers of Darkness Castle discussed 1:48:55 Mind Control discussed.
Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier plus so much more you probably never heard before regarding Marilyn Monroe to al gore and others. human aka fake alien abductions, reptilian eyes so much information covered in this even what the Boston tea party was really about. trigger words used. you will never hear this info from Alex Jones. plus scroll down for many more links
the above videos source; https://rumble.com/v4q9ws0-bloodlines-of-the-illuminati-fritz-springmeier.html
Hidden Symbolism and Human History - Part 1
Mystery Babylon - A Visual Presentation (Episodes 16-17)
Codex Magica - Texe Marrs & Freeman
Predicting 9/11 & The Money Spell - The Freeman Perspective
Masonic Corporate Logos & Columbia - The Freeman Perspective
Michael Tsarion - The Subversive Use of Sacred Symbolism in the Media Part 1
Michael Tsarion - Astro-Theology & Sidereal Mythology Part 1
OCCULTURE with There4Iam Beautiful Losers Esoteric Science Roundtable
Mind Control Programming - Part 1 - The Wizard of Oz
Mind Control Programming - Part 2 - The Wizard of Oz
Al Fry - Hidden World History
Al Fry - Lock Up Dangers and Freedom Techniques
The Ritual Sacrifice of JonBenét Ramsey
Pedogate - Parts 1-3 Complete Series
Elite Human Trafficking - Parts 1-6 Complete Series
Pervywood - Part 1
Eyes Of The Devil - Child Ritual Sacrifice, Torture, and Trafficking

they are setting the stage. what this guy isn't a Jew? wth they all say it's the Jews. wake up they are all on the same team!

this one I completely agree with. before the internet, this was common knowledge as I remember the older generation already talking about it. that's why they are all on the same team. he was referring to the creation of Israel becoming a nation. the Bible says Satan rules the nations. It is very simple: all those who succumb to sin are "children of Satan" (John 8:44)

US basically told Israel to go back to bed n retaliate later. its over for now

this is 2017 but if you google search title you will see this happens with other pilots also.

this is new to me, so I thought I'd share.


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

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Prophetic Sounds