Mith Chronicler

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Mith Chronicler

Mith Chronicler


I’m trying to get back into my flow. There is no subject matter to this. I’m feeling a little rusty and hoped, perhaps, you could provide me with some thoughts and feedback
💥 I made a promise to answer or reply to EVERY single comment anyone makes on THIS video. (I’ll go through them all throughout the day. I’m not going to rush it. I’d rather it was genuine and helpful)
Update: okay, maybe I need a little more time! 😂 I’m absolutely loving the feedback. I’m not going to throw anyone a half-hearted reply. This stuff is great! Got my fat brain mouse working hard!

All comments are welcome and appreciated

Here’s some really good advice and some recipes for various teas that can help you with gut and dental health. I really admire this woman (Barbara O’Neil) and think she truly understands how to properly care for your health in this poisonous world.

Some material from Self Sufficient Momma

If I didn’t understand this, I would have delved into this technology with great enthusiasm. Unfortunately, this is not merely art. This is spiritual and dark, though, unlike most AI creations, it isn’t quite so twisted and nightmarish. It’s actually quite beautiful. This is just a small taste to show you the upgrade in technology and form.

Then she adds: “but they (6 million Jews) should have”

Mirrored from: Zionist Global Communist takeover.

Just think about the possible applications

This is the ESSENTIAL basics
Do not accidentally incriminate yourself or arm these thugs with “probable cause”
Mirrored: Smoke&Mirrors

What happened with all that money those suckers gave them?

Everyone is welcome at Gary’s

These are their sacraments…
All of this killing and corrupting…

People are waking up. This is no longer.a fringe subject. An apple is not an orange. Simple as that.

Mirrored from Gemma O’Doherty

I just don’t have any real use for them.
This seems like it could be a weekly thing. I’m constantly cleaning house.

CAUTION: I left the stupid loud telephone ringing sound from this video in. I meant to muffle that.
7:03 -7:25

I wanted to stay apprised of what’s going on in this crazy transhumanism experiment. Here’s an update on the “patient” who volunteered to get this mechanism implanted in his brain. Now he’s hooked up to “the system“. Just imagine the implications of that in todays Orwellian world.

I do not think this is “good” technology. There’s something very INSIDIOUS about this. It’s troubling

C”mon, three against one? 😁 The poop versus water edition. God bless these farmers and their righteous fight against the NWO

This is phenomenal and UNREAL
💥 Interacting with demons in the virtual streets. Listen CAREFULLY to how they respond to certain questions, and DISCERN the true meaning of what they say.
👹 Demon psychology.
💥 Don’t screw with this crap. It’s summoning demons, without a doubt
(sorry about the typos : scree with this crap? Mith Cheonicler? Terrible. 😁)

Tmanth2 is the name of the guy talking to these demons. He’s on YouTube (not that I recommend using that horrible site)

If you didn’t know already that this was a COMPLETE mock-up, you might feel like you were watching someone play an ACTUAL video game!

I designed nearly everything from scratch—menu screens, sound effects, character select screen….and tons more. I also borrowed a little footage from a real video game and footage from the movie Matrix Reloaded.m, and little snippets from lots of other sources. The majority of this is all newly created, however.
I know this isn’t perfect, but If I devoted more time to this whimsical little project I could almost make it good enough for actual development. I did my best to mix modern video game styles with classic arcade styles. Tell me what ya think.

It’s the Truthers Matrix Video Game! (video)

In case you didn’t know, I make all of my videos on a little old-school phone with a tiny cracked screen and hardly any memory. It’s like trying to light a fire by banging some wet sticks together. Even so, I think that’s why my videos have a certain feel to them…a unique style that I very much enjoy. I hope you do too.

You’ve NEVER seen anything like this!
This (the original footage) is from the movie Matrix Reloaded, a truly awesome movie (and I don’t even watch movies or tv shows anymore. I’m too aware and awake. So, I think that my favorable opinion of these movies is worth noting )

I collected and edited so many scenes and so much footage from these three Matrix movies for my Truthers Matrix series that I ended up with tons of extra material that didn’t fit in those videos or wasn’t suited for their truther-centric theme (simply because there wasn’t a whole lot of trutherisms , philosophy or allegorical gems in these selections that reference or overtly parallel the evil people, systems, and issues that you and I have to contend with here in the real world).

In other words, these particular scenes and clips did not contain any bits of wisdom or information that would enhance our understanding of the things in our lives and our world that really matter)

Even so, these scenes and footage that I collected and chronicled in my private files are still extremely entertaining to watch (and even more entertaining to sculpt into cool videos—if you have the skill, the creativity, and the technical means to do so)

To put it simply: they’re really cool and super fun to watch, especially after I remixed and reshaped them into unique little stories and musical productions that are very dissimilar to their original forms.

💥 This is the Freeway chase scene from Matrix Reloaded. In my opinion, it’s the best “car chase” scene that was ever made. They built a MASSIVE freeway/movie-set to stage and film this in, and the stunt driving in this scene is phenomenal (especially the motorcycle sequence which is truly bad ass and looked like it was dangerous as hell to film even on this giant movie set that they constructed.

Of course, I put my unique artistic spin on the whole thing, and I also used this video to practice and test some really cool new editing techniques that I invented but never tried before . Perhaps you can identify them. I did not entirely succeed at executing what I had envisioned, but I did come very close.

Funny thing is, there is no better material to work with and than The Matrix to develop and practice these techniques. The Matrix was the movie that really pioneered these sorts of techniques, and the style is disturbingly similar to my own unique style (which I think was heavily inspired by these revolutionary movies and by1970s Kung fu flicks, Japanimation, and history/fantasy books (which I write)

💥A lot of this footage, to my knowledge, has been completely scrubbed off every platform on the internet. It was part of an old video I made around eight years ago that YouTube deleted. I found it on an old forgotten Zip drive!
This is the original production— or at least most of it. You have a chance to see my old style and hear my viewpoints from waay back then when my understanding of the world was much less refined(I believed in politics, Trump, and Q, for example. I’m not criticizing anyone who does, it’s just that I no longer support such things myself. I only have faith in God.
Regardless, everything I commented about—- I still believe to be true . This is all very credible, but the production mainly focuses on the testimonies of Isaac Kappy and how he got killed for revealing these secrets. There’s tons of footage to illustrate his references along with information that is not widely known by many people.
The name of the original production that I had posted on YouTube was “PedoWood”
Jewtube deleted it, of course, which is why I’m pleased to have recovered the original material for this video from my personal files.
Unfortunately, I had to slightly lower the resolution in this new version to reproduce and export it onto my old-school phone, but I don’t think the quality suffered in any appreciable fashion.

These creatures are vile.
Anti Zionism is spreading like a Maui DEW storm. People are starting to understand the true nature of these monsters and recognize what they truly are — gleefully murderous Tunnel Rats and Goblins that do not possess the capacity to love or have compassion for anyone but themselves.

Lost History ~
This definitely seems to be a massive ancient structure in New Zealand that was formed out of giant stone blocks with straight edges and corners that are snugly fit together in a recognizable fashion.
I found this to be very interesting and wished to share it with you. I added some short commentary at the very end to provide a little better context.

Most of this is mirrored from: TheWarAgainstYou
—But I slightly improved and expanded it

💥 You’re faster than this!
Don’t THINK you are,
KNOW you are!

* I plan to redo this video. It’s just not up to my expectations, though this video has value. It does convey many things I wished to convey. Still, stay tuned….

Also, some stinkin’ squealin’ roaches

And more!
This is alarming. We’ve been watching this develop for years…and things have certainly been brewing and surfacing quite a bit in recent months

—US government versus American people
—HIAS : Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
(Zionist Jew involvement, surprise surprise)
—And many other power players have been identified as being involved

💥Now, investigative journalists have dug into this story and uncovered a plethora of disturbing things—-startling information and details that you should be aware of. Also, I included drone footage of the massive INVASION CAMP that these reporters are referring to, and a clip of news about this matter from May, 2023 to lend some perspective.

You should always be cautious of people “selling” doom and gloom—invasions, market collapse, civil war etc —- and you should always understand the role of controlled opposition players and know to watch out for them —- and you should always consider psy ops (psychological operations), gas lighting, propaganda, fear porn, division tactics, etc. (the list of potential pitfalls goes on)
But, despite all these things, there is also REALITY
——know how to recognize critical threats, signs, reports, warnings, and indications of threats
—- and you should also always be prepared to contend with these threats if and when they arise.

Start by arming yourself with information.
Then, grow a backbone and act accordingly.

Okay, this is Epic.
And Retarded.
They got married.

It’s a running gag!
The contrasts are STARK!

I have another Russia vs USA meme (ish) video coming out after this one. We’ll see how long it takes to upload these bad boys. They’re kinda chunky

I did my best to avoid duplicating any memes that were in my first Russia vs USA meme video.

So many people dropping suddenly…
What could it be?

I realize that a huge part of my mission is to make people smile—-to boost that withering morale! Yeah, I’m a big goofball. I can’t argue with that! Hopefully, you’ll find this retarded crack humor of mine entertaining.
Of course, many of these deaths were ACTUALLY caused by the so-called Covid vaccines. I’m sure you’ll recognize many of these classics. That aspect of this is not funny at all, but I try to find humor in almost everything, and I feel like this is a good refresher to remind us about that horrifying subject in a nice sort of way.


Created 3 years, 5 months ago.

916 videos

Category News & Politics


Truth walks with a limp but she always arrives