Muddy Puddles

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Muddy Puddles

Muddy Puddles


Via - The Reese Report - Alex jones

Another planned pandemic. Don't the "Elites" have any better ideas?


Via - Charlie - The Spirit Walker

Do some research on Vaccines before you jab yourself or your children. One of the most eye opening documentaries I've ever seen.

Note: This came out way before the C0v!d Plandemic.


Via - @HealthImpactNews

American Airlines pilot Bob Snow suffers career ending adverse reaction from the C0v!d shot minutes after landing.


Via: Mark Dice

Mark Dice disguises himself in city council meeting. Listen to how stupid his story sounds. Yet the councilors seem unaware of his sarcasm.


Via - A_Walk_To_The_Beach

So is it the water? Stew Peters dramatized his video for views. Dr. Bryan Ardis explains how his theory was dramatized by Stew.


Stew Peters interview Watch The Water
Via - @stewpeters @jimfetzer

Are they spreading it through the water?


Via - The Corbett Report - Max Igan - TheCrowhouse

Different place same agenda. Putin is no "anti-new world order" savior. He is apart of the plan, he's next up at bat. Don't let him fool you, he is apart of the WEF just as Justin Castro is.


Via - Max Igan (TheCrowhouse) - SkyNews

Victoria police try and smooth things over with Victorians after a horrific 2 years of abusing their own people.


Via - Maria Zee - Max Igan - TheCrowhouse

Maria Zeee Explains what's in the Pf!zer vials.
No question it's a Bio-Weapon!


Via - @seekingthetruth

Dr. Pippa Malmgren describes what's been planned for decades. a new monetary system that is completely controlled by the Governments of the world.


Via - @ausvstheagenda

Actor Bruce Willis diagnosed with Aphasia. This couldn't be related to the Pf!zer shot, or could it?


Via - Jeff Berwick - The Dollar Vigilante

President Assad explains how "The West" operates.


Via - @SixthSense

Evidence that Pf!zer and M0derna vials contain foreign metallic objects inside of them.


Via - Conservative,Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialist

Dr. Paul Alexander describes being bribed by Pf!zer. They offered him 1 Milion dollar and a 50k/year job to keep quiet about the c0v!d va((ines.


Via - Infowars - Alex Jones

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called out by EU Parliament.


Via - Russel Brand - Youtube

The cat's out the bag. We're allow to talk about Hunter Biden's laptop now... Wonder what's on it?


Max Igan - Three Sides to Every Story
Via - Max Igan - The Crowhouse

Wise words from a wise man. Max Igan always has an interesting view of what's going on.


Via - Nelk Boys - Youtube

I'm not Pro-Trump or Anti-Trump.. I'm pro free speech. Youtube took this down so here it is.


Via - Anonymous

This Anonymous whistle blower details the different c0v!d va((ines and what the possibilities are once it's injected into your body.


Via - Stew Peters

Spike Protein everywhere. This injection continually produces spike protein, alerting the human genome.


Via - Joe Rogan - The Joe Rogan Experience

When "conspiracies" become facts. NY Times confirms there are some fishy things going on with Hunter Biden's laptop.


Author - What's Her Face - Youtube

Wait, what? The Jabs have HIV in them!?!?


Author - Infowars -

The reporters know what's up!


Author - @bluewater

In the past they said it was a Russian Conspiracy. What's really on Hunter Biden's laptop?


Author - @tangentopolis(worldordersreview)

Pfizer's C0^!d19 Adverse Reactions of concern. Yes, of concern so there's more!

This is part of the document Pfizer tried to hide for 75 years. There are over 1200 reactions listed here from their trials.



Created 3 years, 9 months ago.

41 videos

Category None

Research everything. Trust nothing.

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