Neo Reservation

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Neo Reservation

Neo Reservation


Never got traction on jewtube for some reason feat. The damaged coda (song) ..Squished cat gets its revenge

Best i've ever found. From this guy

good job mom

---- 7 minute preview/overview
Chapter 1 - Rise of the Money Power - First Era
Chapter 2 - Rise of the Money Power - Second Era - 14:40
Chapter 3 - Rise of the Money Power - Third Era - 27:16
Chapter 4 - Devourings of Money Power Since 1864 - 35:13
Chapter 5 - Devourings Of Money Power In The U.S - 50:37
Chapter 6 - Devourings of Money Power in the U.S - Oil Industry - 1:35:56
Chapter 7 - Devourings of Money Power in the U.S. - Industries now being devoured by the Money Power - 2:18:12
Chapter 8 - Demonstration of the Work of the Money Power in This Country - 3:07:54

Commodore Vanderbilt Specific Reference 1:24:00

Specie is metallic money in all of its forms, gold or silver traditionally, but including nickel and copper as well. Specie is distinguished from other forms of money such as paper money or credit instruments like checks, money order, credit cards and the like.

Keeping shill4sweden's nutsnufflers cooped up in a cage like this is pretty gross. They should be free to roam and eat wild grasses and roots.

found this on citizen smith's odysee, he also has a bitchute


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

76 videos

Category Entertainment