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Ambitious psychiatrists, in conjunction with profit-obsessed pharmaceutical industry, succeed in labeling healthy people seeking help as sick, through a diagnostic manual with invented disease patterns and to literally ruin them with deliberately wrong treatment methods, sometimes with fatal consequences.

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Diagnostic & Statistical Manual: Psychiatry’s Deadliest Scam

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Part 1 is here: https://odysee.com/ICIC011023a:e

David offers insightful context on current events in his brand new show, exclusively on Ickonic.
Always exploring the big questions about life, and has a very enquiring mind.
He vociferously promotes unity consciousness and asserts that LOVE is the answer.

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In this first of two parts of ICIC's interview, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host attorney Dagmar Schoen talk with British veteran of the alternative media scene David Icke. He is an author, researcher and investigative journalist. Reiner Fuellmich and Dagmar Schoen question him about his personal awakening process and the beginning of his involvement with the other side of the story, the real side, that initially turned his world upside down. He recounts his startling experiences that, ultimately, broadened his horizon and understanding of reality, as opposed to the mainstream’s narrative. These processes led him to leave his old life behind, defying all reprisals, and to dedicate his life to the uncovering of hidden knowledge and truths, beyond the fabricated “reality” we have been fed.

Icke describes in detail the structure and the far-reaching entanglements of a pyramidal organizational structure designed by a small, but very well-organized conglomerate. This conglomerate was, indeed, able to infiltrate almost all areas of our social structures over many years by installing stooges in politics, business, NGOs, etc. Those who pull the strings, who act in secret, have positioned themselves like a spider in the center of this network, so that they have everything under surveillance. They must maintain their position of power at all costs in order to survive at the expense of humanity – which is waking up to this reality ever faster.

David Icke addresses issues that at first glance seem to have nothing to do with each other, explaining the entanglements and then connecting the dots so that an overall picture emerges of the great deception to which we have been and are being subjected. None of this is an accident, as the last three and a half years have shown us.

The connections are becoming clearer and clearer, revealing that this inhumane agenda is aimed at total control of humanity, combined with dehumanization through technocracy to replace anything human, indeed, creation as a whole. David Icke’s work reveals the workings of a persistent and perfidious psychological terror that is being deliberately used against us.

If we realize that we as humanity are vastly superior to this inhumane conglomerate, that it is dependent on us and can only survive through our energy and creative power, then this exploitation and deception will cease immediately. For this, the determined refusal to participate on our part is sufficient. We need only communicate this to these creatures by using the powerful word “No!” And we must understand that we are now at a point in time that even our legal systems analyze as a situation of self-defense.

In this conference, a mother shares a poignant account of the hazards associated with Wi-Fi, recounting the tragic loss of her daughter.

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This Irish man makes all the “experts” leave the room : “Are you guys worried about #Nuremberg2!?” “All of you guys have COLLUDED together to cheerlead this experimental #Covid #Vaccine!! So let me ask again, are any of you afraid of #Nuremberg2?”

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Everything comes to light! 💥😡

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‼️🦠 Black Pope Arturo Sosa: Covid-19 is not a coincidence, it is a confirmation of our mission to collaborate and contribute to changing the world.

👨‍💼 The Superior General of the Jesuits, Arturo Sosa, also known as the Black Pope, openly admitted in front of the camera that Covid-19 is not a coincidence and revealed their true mission behind it. They are telling it to you directly.

Arturo Sosa is a Venezuelan Jesuit priest and theologian. He currently serves as the Superior General of the Society of Jesus, also known as the Jesuits. As the head of the Jesuit order, Sosa is responsible for guiding and overseeing the activities of more than 16,000 Jesuits worldwide. He was elected to this position in 2016.
The term "Black Pope" is a nickname that has been used historically to refer to the Superior General of the Society of Jesus. It does not have any reference to race or ethnicity. The term is often attributed to the influence and power that the leader of the Jesuits holds within the Catholic Church.


‼️🦠 Schwarzer Papst Arturo Sosa: Covid-19 ist kein Zufall, Es ist eine Bestätigung unserer Mission zu kollaborieren und zum Wechsel der Welt beizutragen.

👨‍💼 Der Generalobere der Jesuiten, Arturo Sosa, der auch als der Schwarze Papst bekannt ist, gab vor Kamera zu, dass Covid-19 kein Zufall ist und enthüllt was ihre eigentliche Mission dahinter ist. Sie sagen es euch ins Gesicht.

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In this webinar, Dr. Cowan discussed COVID shots and if they make you make spike proteins, and whether they actually contain mRNA. He broke this all down and looked at the science.

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He wants to own the food supply now.
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Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has gained popularity for its purported health benefits and versatile uses. Produced from fermented apple juice, ACV contains various bioactive compounds that contribute to its potential health-promoting properties. This report delves into the key benefits associated with the consumption of apple cider vinegar.

**1. **Weight Management:**
Apple cider vinegar has been linked to weight management. Some studies suggest that acetic acid, a main component of ACV, may aid in reducing body weight by promoting a feeling of fullness and enhancing metabolism. Incorporating ACV into a balanced diet and regular exercise regimen may support weight loss efforts.

**2. **Blood Sugar Control:**
Several studies have explored the potential of apple cider vinegar in improving insulin sensitivity and lowering blood sugar levels. The acetic acid in ACV may play a role in slowing down the conversion of complex carbohydrates into sugar, helping to regulate blood glucose levels. This makes ACV a potentially beneficial supplement for individuals with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.

**3. **Digestive Health:**
Apple cider vinegar has been traditionally used to aid digestion. It may help alleviate symptoms of indigestion, bloating, and heartburn by promoting the production of stomach acid. The fermentation process of ACV also results in the presence of beneficial probiotics, which can contribute to a healthy gut microbiome.

**4. **Antimicrobial Properties:**
ACV possesses antimicrobial properties due to its acidic nature. It has been used historically as a natural preservative and disinfectant. Some studies suggest that ACV may help inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi, offering potential support for oral health and the prevention of infections.

**5. **Heart Health:**
Limited studies indicate that apple cider vinegar may have a positive impact on heart health by helping to lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. The antioxidants in ACV may contribute to cardiovascular protection, although more research is needed to establish definitive connections.

**6. **Skin and Hair Care:**
External applications of diluted apple cider vinegar have been associated with improved skin conditions, including acne and eczema. Additionally, it is believed to contribute to hair health by balancing the scalp's pH, reducing dandruff, and enhancing hair shine.

Apple cider vinegar, with its rich composition of acetic acid and other bioactive compounds, offers a range of potential health benefits. While more research is needed to fully understand the extent of its impact, incorporating moderate amounts of ACV into a well-balanced diet may contribute to overall health and wellness. As with any supplement, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to one's diet, especially for indivi

Numerous sources have raised this concern, and several individuals, including myself, have reported experiencing such occurrences. Notably, there have been instances of fatalities, particularly among breastfed infants and newborns, linked to this phenomenon

Know the scam that this system is built on - The word "register" means to abandon under Maritime Admiralty Law

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Presidents come and go, but the politics do not change. Do you know why?
When a person is elected, people in dark suits like mine come with briefcases and start explaining how things should be done.
...And everything changes instantly."
This is the case everywhere in the world. Deep-rooted nations and civilizations have a state mentality. The state mentality has been alive for thousands of years. When you elect the president, you think you have chosen him, but after he is elected, you see that things are different."

🇷🇺 Putin erklärt Tiefen Staat!
"Präsidenten kommen und gehen, aber die Politik ändert sich nicht. Wissen Sie, warum?
Wenn eine Person gewählt wird, kommen Leute in dunklen Anzügen wie meiner und mit Koffern und beginnen zu erklären, wie die Dinge gemacht werden sollten.
… Und alles ändert sich augenblicklich."
Dies ist überall auf der Welt der Fall. Tief verwurzelte Länder und Zivilisationen haben ein Staatsdenken. Das Staatsdenken ist schon seit Tausenden von Jahren lebendig. Wenn man den Präsidenten wählt, denkt man, dass man ihn gewählt hat, aber nachdem er gewählt ist, sieht man, dass die Dinge anders sind.

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Paul Roberts was Deputy Treasury Secretary in the Reagan administration, where he co-founded the administration's economic policy program.
As a publicist, he was an associate editor and columnist of the Wall Street Journal, among other publications.
In his book The Failure of Laissez-Faire Capitalism and the Economic Erosion of the West (2012), he analyzed and criticized the neoliberal economic policies that he believed led to the 2008 financial crisis.
He also criticized the War on Terror, which had primarily curtailed civil liberties under the Constitution, as well as the War on Drugs and Israel's policies in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

In this episode of ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and co-host Attorney Dagmar Schön talk to Paul Craig Roberts, an economist and publicist, economic advisor to former U.S. President Ronald Reagan and then U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy, about the current disastrous situation of global financial and economic policy with its devastating, destructive effects worldwide. He explains how and why this state of affairs could come about and who benefits from it and is responsible for what he sees as the deliberate planning and promotion of the demise of entire economies.

Roberts recounts his experiences, and which presidents of the U.S. sought policies for the people, rather than destructive and self-interested ones, and why they had no chance of tangible success with them, except for Reagan, who ended stagflation in America and the Cold War. He explains how monetary systems work and details the historical background culminating in an insatiable greed for profit by the U.S. to strengthen its supremacy, as well as the power of the petrodollar as the most powerful means of payment for global trade.

Looking at current world events, he explains why the U.S. failed to perceive the emergence of the powerful economic and trade community of the BRICS countries, which are now in the process of destroying the supremacy of the petrodollar. In his opinion, the arrogance of the United States has put the country into a hopeless situation from which it can no longer get out of very easily using its fiat money system, and simply printing money out of thin air.

At the same time, however, this means that the USA and its European puppet states must resort to ever more vicious crimes against humanity in order to secure their existence. Paul Craig Roberts is convinced that any means will do, since they do not even shrink from assassinations of popularly elected presidents at home and abroad, from electoral fraud, from terrorist attacks such as the 9/11, assassinations, creating a pandemic, or provoking Russia. Roberts warns that people must comprehend these things and realise that they are literally fighting for their lives right now.

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I may not be a climate scientist, but as someone who is always eager to learn and think critically, I believe it is important to explore new areas of knowledge and evaluate my understanding before forming an opinion. As long as the concepts are within the realm of my comprehension of relationships, it is reasonable for me to read or listen to the work of others, along with reviews, to gain a worthwhile understanding of what is known, areas of uncertainty, and the varying levels of confidence in different statements.

I have reached a point where I no longer dismiss the possibility of a manmade climate crisis. Even if we were to extract and burn all the available hydrocarbon deposits, I don't believe that would completely eliminate the chance of such a crisis. Furthermore, it is worth noting that there are still undiscovered reserves of hydrocarbons, even though proven reserves that can be extracted at reasonable prices are limited. The term "proven reserves" does not imply that there are no other untapped resources. By ceasing to survey and prospect, the count of proven reserves can decrease rapidly.

In a short film, which is part of a larger production, the main findings of the Vostok ice cores are summarized. It is interesting to observe that a specific date is chosen as the baseline against which "global warming" is measured. This choice of baseline can significantly impact the interpretation of data, making it a flawed experiment. Errors were not made solely in the selection of this baseline, but also in other aspects.

If you have any more questions or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask.

1. #ClimateScience
2. #EvaluatingKnowledge
3. #CriticalThinking
4. #ManmadeClimateCrisis
5. #HydrocarbonDeposits
6. #ProvenReserves
7. #UndiscoveredReserves
8. #VostokIceCores
9. #BaselineSelection
10. #ScientificUncertainties

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"Princes of the Yen: The Hidden Power of Central Banks" is a documentary film and a book written by Richard Werner, a German economist, and professor at the University of Southampton. The work explores the role of central banks, particularly the Bank of Japan, in shaping the economic and financial landscape of Japan during the 20th century.

Here's an overview of the documentary and book:

1. **Historical Context**: The documentary/book delves into the history of Japan's economy, particularly from the post-World War II period onwards. It examines the country's rapid economic growth and the role of central banks in driving economic policy during this time.

2. **Central Bank Power**: The central theme of "Princes of the Yen" is the significant influence and power that central banks have over an economy. It argues that central banks, through their control over money supply and interest rates, can shape the economic destiny of a nation.

3. **Bank of Japan**: A major focus of the work is on the Bank of Japan (BOJ) and its actions. It highlights how the BOJ, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, pursued monetary policies that aimed to control and direct Japan's economic development.

4. **Economic Bubbles**: The documentary/book also explores the emergence and bursting of economic bubbles in Japan, such as the asset price bubble of the late 1980s and early 1990s. It suggests that the BOJ's policies played a significant role in inflating and subsequently deflating these bubbles.

5. **Financial Deregulation**: Another aspect of the story is the financial deregulation that took place in Japan during the 1980s. It argues that these deregulatory measures, driven by the central bank, had profound effects on the Japanese economy.

6. **Alternative Policies**: "Princes of the Yen" also presents alternative economic policies that could have been pursued by Japan's central bank and government. It suggests that different policies might have led to different economic outcomes.

7. **Global Implications**: While primarily focused on Japan, the documentary/book also discusses how the lessons from Japan's experience can be applied to understanding the role of central banks in other economies and the global financial system.

8. **Critique of Central Banking**: The work can be seen as critical of the traditional role of central banks and their impact on the economy. It questions the extent to which these institutions act in the public interest and whether their policies always lead to positive economic outcomes.

Overall, "Princes of the Yen" offers a thought-provoking analysis of the relationship between central banks, government policies, and economic outcomes. It has been influential in shaping discussions about central banking and monetary policy, particularly in the context of Japan's economic history.


#คลิป 4 🔥โลกร้อนเพราะ CO2 เป็นเรื่องหลอกลวง 🌎

คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ คือ สิ่งจำเป็นสำหรับพืช เป็นอย่างมาก 🍀

ต่างประเทศใช้อุปกรณ์เพิ่มคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ในอากาศ สำหรับพืชที่ปลูกในโรงเรือน ทำให้มันแข็งแรงทนทานต่อโรค และแมลง 🍊🍎 ทำให้ผลผลิตเพิ่มมากขึ้นกว่าปกติได้ถึง 30%


พืช/ต้นไม้ ก็จำเป็นสำหรับมนุษย์และโลกของเรา

คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์จึงจำเป็นสำหรับโลกเรา อย่าให้ใครมาหลอกเราว่าคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ คือ สิ่งไม่ดี หรือ ทำให้โลกร้อน ถ้าคุณเชื่อแบบนั้นคุณกำลังโดนหลอก

#คลิป 1 โลกไม่ได้ร้อนเพราะ CO2

#คลิป 2 โลกร้อนปาหี่

#Clip 4 🔥Global warming because CO2 is a hoax 🌎 Carbon dioxide is very necessary for plants 🍀 Foreign countries use equipment to increase carbon dioxide in the air. For plants grown in greenhouses Makes it strong and resistant to disease and insects 🍊🍎 Increases production by up to 30% more than usual. Carbon dioxide is essential for plants/trees. Plants/trees are also necessary for humans and our world. Carbon dioxide is therefore necessary for our world. Don't let anyone fool us into thinking that carbon dioxide is a bad thing or causes global warming. If you believe that, you are being deceived. #Clip 1 The world is not warming because of CO2. https://t.me/awakened_thailand/424 #Clip 2 Global warming juggles https://t.me/awakened_thailand/425

Unvaccinated Blood Is Now in Very High Demand

Kaira McCallum was removed from the magistrates' bench after 20 years of exemplary service after submitting a case to the International Criminal Court of genocide, crimes against humanity, and breaches of the Nuremberg Code against certain members of the UK government and its advisors.
Source: https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/meanwhile-in-britain-magistrate-removed

HAWAII MAUI FIRE COVER UP THREAD #19 What Really Happened In Maui? #Maui #MauiCoverUp #Maui911 #Hawaii #HawaiiFire #Truth #Trump2024NowMorethanEver

I did a subtitle video but cannot replace it here. If you want a subtitle video because it is not very audible here, go to this link:


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The full film is here:
Soylent Green: A Dystopian Glimpse of the Future (1973)

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In 1973, the science fiction film "Soylent Green" was released, leaving a lasting impact on both film enthusiasts and those concerned about the future of our planet. Starring Charlton Heston and Edward G. Robinson, the film was set in the year 2022, presenting a dystopian vision of the future that was eerily prescient in many ways. In this report, we will review the film "Soylent Green" and examine its accuracy in predicting the year 2022.
Watch the full film here.
Plot Summary:
"Soylent Green" is set in a grim, overcrowded, and polluted New York City in the year 2022. The film follows the story of Detective Frank Thorn (Charlton Heston) as he investigates the murder of a wealthy businessman. During his investigation, Thorn uncovers disturbing truths about the state of the world. The society is dependent on a food product called "Soylent Green," which is supposedly made from plankton. However, as Thorn delves deeper into the mystery, he discovers a shocking and horrifying secret about the true source of Soylent Green.
Accuracies to 2022:
1. Overpopulation: One of the most accurate predictions made by the film was the issue of overpopulation. In the movie, New York City is depicted as a densely populated and polluted metropolis, and the consequences of overpopulation, such as food shortages and overcrowded living conditions, are prominently featured. While not as extreme as depicted in the film, concerns about overpopulation and its impact on resources remain relevant in the real world.

Environmental Degradation: "Soylent Green" accurately portrays a world suffering from environmental degradation, with pollution and climate change having devastating effects on the planet. This theme aligns with real-world concerns about environmental sustainability and the need for urgent action to address climate change.

Food Scarcity: The film's central premise revolves around a food crisis, with Soylent Green being the primary source of sustenance for the population. In 2022, while we haven't resorted to eating processed human remains, the issue of food scarcity and the need for sustainable food production methods remain significant global challenges.

Social Inequality: "Soylent Green" also highlights stark social inequalities, with the wealthy elite living in luxury while the majority of the population struggles in poverty. This theme resonates with contemporary discussions about income inequality and the concentration of wealth among a privileged few.

Corporate Power: The film portrays powerful corporations controlling essential resources and manipulating public perception to maintain their dominance. This echoes concerns about the influence of large corporations in modern society and their impact on public policy and consumer choices.

"Soylent Green" remains a thought-provoking and relevant film that accurately depicted several pressing issues, such as overpopulation, environmental degradation, food scarcity, social inequality, and corporate power, all of which continue to be subjects of concern in the real world. While the film's depiction of the year 2022 is an exaggerated dystopian vision, it serves as a cautionary tale and a call to action to address these critical challenges facing humanity.

University of South Carolina Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC.

Dr. Phillip Buckhaults, Experte für Krebsgenomik [https://sc.edu/study/colleges_schools/pharmacy/faculty-staff/buckhaults_phillip.php] , sagte kürzlich vor dem Senat in South Carolina über die in mRNA-Impfstoffen gefundene DNA-Kontamination aus:

„Der Pfizer-Impfstoff ist mit Plasmid-DNA verunreinigt, es ist nicht nur mRNA (…) Ich bin etwas beunruhigt über die möglichen Konsequenzen (…) Es könnte einige der seltenen, aber schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen wie den Tod durch Herzinfarkt verursachen.“ (...) Diese DNA kann und wird sich wahrscheinlich in die genomische DNA von Zellen integrieren, die mit der Impfstoffmischung transfiziert wurden (...) Sie unterscheidet sich von RNA, weil sie dauerhaft sein kann (...) Sie könnte theoretisch (...) einen anhaltenden Autoimmunangriff verursachen. Es stellt auch ein sehr reales theoretisches Risiko für zukünftige Krebserkrankungen bei manchen Menschen dar (…) In jeder Dosis des Impfstoffs befinden sich wahrscheinlich etwa 200 Milliarden Stücke dieser Plasmid-DNA … Das ist eine schlechte Idee.“



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Clif High, born into a military family with his father having served three tours in Vietnam, after the Korean war.

In his work he has designed software that scans the Internet for patterns of information. For example, he has used it to find out what the Government has been doing in the Antarctic.

He has researched the possibility of Anunnaki technologies being discovered by the Nazis in that area, and noted subsequent high-level visits made by high level politicians to the area in recent times.

Using his software, he claims to be able to predict when major events will take place, such as 9/11 and a possible alien invasion after a crash in the money markets.

Clif enjoys meditating as well as practicing the martial art of Aikido.

In this episode at ICIC, Dr. Reiner Fuellmich talks to Clif High, an internet nomad, writer of software able to predict world events, about his personal view of life, the current terrible global problems and how the invisible world works and influences us.

After actually briefly dying twice, he is convinced that the visible, material world and the invisible world are firmly interconnected, with everything being related and interdependent. He reports on his experiences in different other worldly planes or 'spaces' with various entities found in different dimensions of our universe and which have malicious intent. This complete lack of empathy and emotion is reflected in their actions and work which causes a negative influence on us and our world.

According to Clif, several years ago the Earth was invaded and taken over by malignant entities that have connected with people possessing a similar energy vibration, which they can abuse and manipulate. He explains in detail the roots of the existence of the Khazarian Mafia. Clif describes how they were able to reach global positions of power worldwide, and what all this that happened in the past has to do with our present and challenging situation.

He explains the cycles of the yugas and at what point of change for the good we currently stand, as the dark age of Kali yuga is on the downswing to make way for the bright, golden yuga of truth. Until then, Clif believes that several more years of hard work await us, as we are in the transitional period needed to take down these psychopathic creatures.

He encourages all people who also feel these changes not to lose heart and continue to fight for the truth and a peaceful future full of joy for us and our children. It is only a matter of time before evil and its henchmen fall. An important tool for accomplishing these tasks is the knowledge of our true nature and our human virtues and strength, which they fear the most.

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