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Mons. Anton Teuma L-Isqof ta' Għawdex.

MP - Nationalist Party

Politician & Organizer of Prolife-Meeting

Norman Lowell jiċċara l-pożizzjoni tiegħu dwar l-abort

Dr. Adrian Delia jistaqsi dwar ir-restrizzjonijiet tal-covid.

WHO-BROLL COVID-19, monkeypox, safe abortion Press Conference 29JUN2022

Dalgħodu qabad nar u saret ħsara kbira li tammonta għal mijiet ta’ eluf ta’ ewro. Diversi persuni ppruvaw jitfu n-nirien, fosthom residenti u bdiewa, bl-għajnuna ta’ fire engines u pulizija li kienu wkoll fuq il-post biex jassistu. Kien hemm ukoll fuq il-post tal-annimali welfare biex jassistu fil-ħatt ta’ xi żwiemel minn xi rziezet

Music by Grazzi lill :

Postijiet u għelieqi varji f’Ħal Qormi jieħdu n-nar wara nar tal-ajru

With the whole setup at St. Paul's Cathedral and Archbishop Square, Projekt Lazarus Malta will be living history.

Andrea's partner shared their story with PmnewsMalta.

Cassola intervention in parliament building

Tedros, the WHO's general director, talked during a press conference on April 26 about the latest data on the rising hepatitis infections and Ebola reported cases in Mbandaka, a city in the north-western Equateur Province of DRC.

Effetti minn maskri li jistgħu jkunu negattivi fuq is-saħħa, isma 'dak li kellu jgħid Dr. Jean Carl Jean Soler

Dak li qallina Dr Jean Karl Soler dwar l-istudji dwar il-maskri

Friday evening an 18-year-old lost control of his vehicle and ended up going into two parked cars in Zebbug, Malta. He was taken to hospital and further police investigations are ongoing. The condition of the youth is still not reported.

Americans will be allowed to choose an X for gender on their passport applications and select their sex on Social Security cards, the Biden administration said on Thursday in announcing measures to support transgender Americans against wave of state laws targeting them.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Thursday on new rules for natural gas trade with "unfriendly" countries and regions, promising to halt existing contracts if those buyers refuse to pay in rubles.

WHO is releasing our updated Strategic Preparedness, Readiness, and Response Plan for COVID-19.

A parent decided to seek justification for the mask mandate in school in front of the Ministry of health.

Wheat shortages and increasing global fuel prices following the war in Ukraine have left thousands of Tunisians under further strain, in a country already struggling with political deadlock and a public finance crisis. Emer McCarthy reports-

Addressing the Doha Forum international conference via video link, Zelensky said countries such as Qatar could contribute to the stabilization of Europe.

Wearing a black leather jacket and aviator shades, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un supervised the launch of a new intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), footage aired on Friday (March 25) on state television showed.

The following is a resume' of how residents close to the Gheriexem project in Rabat have been duped by Minister Ian Borg and Frederick Azzopardi of Infrastructure Malta.
There are between 10 and 20 houses and garages affected with damages due to the Belvedere. A number of residents refute the statement by Infrastucture Malta.

ADPD-The Green Party warns of risk of abuse from facial recognition technology


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

28 videos

Category News & Politics

Pm News Malta is a New channel were we will be keeping you informed with what is going on. We will be discussing on various topics on what is happening locally and internationally.