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In what appears to be an interview conducted by Tucker Calson of which he meets with Vladimir Putin, the political leader of Russia. From what we can deduce from this interview it had occurred at the Kremlin on February 6th, 2023.

John Perkins is the author of the book: Confessions of an Economic Hit Man (2004) in which Perkins describes his former life as an Economic Hit Man. Perkins states that he worked directly with heads of state and CEOs of major companies. According to Perkins' his function was to convince the political and financial leadership of underdeveloped countries to accept enormous development loans from institutions like the World Bank and USAID. Saddled with debts they could not hope to pay, those countries were forced to acquiesce to political pressure from the United States on a variety of issues.

Perkins argues that developing nations were effectively neutralized politically, had their wealth gaps driven wider and economies crippled in the long run. In this capacity Perkins recounts meetings with some prominent individuals, including Graham Greene and Omar Torrijos. Perkins describes his role of an EHM as follows:
* Economic Hit Man (EHMs) are highly paid professionals who cheat countries around the globe out of trillions of dollars.
* They funnel money from the World Bank, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and other foreign "aid" organizations into the coffers of huge corporations and the pockets of a few wealthy families who control the planet's natural resources.
* Their tools included fraudulent financial reports, rigged elections, payoffs, extortion, sex, and murder.
* They play a game as old as empire, but one that has taken on new and terrifying dimensions during this time of globalization.

Perkins charges that the proposed conditions for this debt forgiveness require countries to privatise their health, education, electric, water and other public
services. Those countries would also have to discontinue subsidies and trade restrictions that support local business, but accept the continued subsidization of certain G8 businesses by the US and other G8 countries, and the erection of trade barriers on imports that threaten G8 industries. Perkins repeatedly denies the existence of a "conspiracy." Instead, Perkins carefully discusses the role of corporatocracy.

In the 1980s Perkins left Main and founded and directed an independent energy company. Perkins implies in New Confessions of an Economic Hitman, published in 2016, that he was poisoned in 2005 on behalf of the NSA or CIA. Doctors diagnosed him with diverticulosis.

evil; wicked; sinful

First recorded in 1595–1605; from Latin nefārius “wicked, vile,” equivalent to nefās “offense against divine or moral law”.

We know how this escalates!

It must be getting difficult for those to cling on to their cognitive dissonance at this point. I will be going into greater detail on how this is all Prophetic and how this is going to tie everything together from Daniel, Zachariah, Ezekiel, Revelation, & more, & how likely it is that your understanding of scripture has been tainted from the worlds indoctrination.

But until then heres some links:

Original Video:

Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology & Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, & Secure American Economy
> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/09/12/executive-order-on-advancing-biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-innovation-for-a-sustainable-safe-and-secure-american-bioeconomy/

Background Press Call on Executive Order to Launch a National Biotechnology & Biomanufacturing Initiative:
> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/press-briefings/2022/09/12/background-press-call-on-president-bidens-executive-order-to-launch-a-national-biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-initiative/

NIST & the National Biotechnology & Biomanufacturing Initiative
> https://www.nist.gov/mml/nist-and-national-biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-initiative

Digital Assets (CBDC):
> https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2022/03/09/executive-order-on-ensuring-responsible-development-of-digital-assets/

A documentary series into the modern medical industrial complex & how it operates, while examining its ancient & occult origins.

Mike Adams visits the InfoWARS show live on air to show everyone why this has been dubbed "the clot shot".

Have you ever wondered "Why is my entire name capitalized on legal documents?" If not, you likely don't understand grammer. The only reason a name is presented in all capital letters, is when it is referring to corporate entities or businesses, for example UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Otherwise it would be spelled incorrectly on government documents...

All roads lead back to Rome they say & this is no exception.

It began with a Papal Bull called “Unam Sanctum” in 1302, which made a claim of ownership on the lives of every man, woman, and child as property of the church.

The “CESTUI QUE VIE TRUST” is actually three parts:
1. Real Property - Here on Earth
2. Personal Property - Your Physical Body
3. Ecclesiastical Property - Your Soul

It is a fictional version of you called a strawman. This strawman exists only on paper, documents & records.

Think of it as the Deed of your slavery!

This movie takes place in the year 2022. People gotta eat, but the only thing available is Soylent Green. And people really NEED Soylent Green. But what is it?

SPOILER ALERT >>> Its People!!!

Consider this predictive programing...
We have a movie talking about the year 2022 where a food shortage happens &
1. We're in the beginning stages of a food shortage now.
2. In my state of Washington (as well as others) they're actually recycling people & putting them back into our water supply
3. We've got Bill Gates engineering food for the population & he also owns the bulk of americas farmable land.

A small piece of how Obama is not what most think he is, I'll add another about Obamacare in the near future. Think he gave free cell phones to ghettos to be nice and not to establish & track you?

This video was made available in early 2018.
Dr. Charles Morgan speaks the United States West Point Military Academy where he discusses a range of topics. He was approached by the CIA Intelligence Science Board back in 2006 when he was about to leave his job at the CIA where he worked for a number of years. They asked if he could give a briefing on what they can expect over the next five years, given certain technologies that were being developed at the time. This is where he starts as an updated extension on the technology most are not aware of that are already happening.

Dr. Morgan has an impressive and extensive background doing work contracted with various branches of the military related to intelligence as well as national defense and security. He has worked with the Navy, Army, SERE training, etc, and focused on areas of PTSD and stress related memory, psychology, neurobiology, psychological interrogation, fear-potentiated conditioning, neurotransmitter alterations through the use of substances, military deception, war, etc. A link to some of his related background is here:

US National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe has said that China is creating a new generation of 'super soldiers' using 'gene editing' to make them 'stronger and more powerful'. "They want them to be the largest and they also want them to be the strongest which is why they're engaged in gene editing - literally trying to alter the DNA to make soldiers, sailors and airmen stronger and more powerful." "The intelligence is clear: Beijing intends to dominate the US and the rest of the planet economically, militarily and technologically." 'There are no ethical boundaries to Beijing's pursuit of power." "China poses the greatest threat to America and the rest of the free world since World War II." Mr. Ratcliffe said China has been using the gene-editing tool CRISPR (Clusters of Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats) to modify human embryos to breed military personnel capable of fighting harder, longer, and more efficiently. Source:

The Peoples Republic of China (PRC) has been collecting people’s DNA for years. China plans to use this information to create bioweapons designed to target specific ethnic groups (white people: USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Israelites). They have also found ways to obtain the DNA of Americans by buying American companies which have DNA profiles, subsidizing DNA analysis for ancestry companies, and also by hacking any organization that has DNA profiles. For example, in 2015 it was discovered that the PRC hacked Anthem, the second-largest insurance company in the U.S. Source:

If you thought slavery was ended, you are ignorant of history and have no idea what reality is...

Whether its an hegelian dialectic or not, most, if not all the things throughout history have been caused by those in charge.

A Clip from 'The Underground' about the their plans for us...

[Details will be added soon]

The Beast from the sea (Rev 13) is just gonna walk into a system already set up for him, Damn!


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

21 videos

Category Education

If you are still living your life like everything is fine;
If you think "Soon, things will return to a state of normalcy soon enough."
Then you will find nothing here that will appeal to your interest or ability to decern & comprehend!
...If however things have you anxious, on edge, or apprehensive... Well, you may of just made it in time to see some of those questions get answered.
We have all been submerged by the flood of all the worlds collected information, on demand at our fingertips. But who has the knowledge to use it properly? Who is able to properly decern it? The wealth of knowledge anyone of us can access has become like everything else under the sun... Tainted & Corrupted.
The largest collection of information in history is accessible nearly anyone who chooses to seek it. However the normal person will attempt to access it by tools (such as Google) who are in the business of information & data, more specifically your data. The misconception is they “block” gaining access to info & therefore its reasoned they can't block it all. However their method is much simpler, all they do is choose what they make accessible, choosing themselves as the gate keepers.
Individuals benefit & profit off leading people astray. If they can control what you do & don't want, they have just sucessfully hacked you!
We are watching everything come together right now, the stage is set & the final scene is about to play itself out.

In Rome they had a method to control the population, called "Bread and Circus" & it was used to describe the political deception. It reveals just how little the majority of the population requires to remain utterly blind & ignorant. Fast forward to today & not much has changed. The people have only spread a little more across the globe, & our oppressors have gotten better at enslaving us & deceiving our understanding the world.
Most people don't understand the difference between the words ignorance vs nescience & why that's important.
Here is what you should know:
1. There are a few who control the rest of the world, but they still take orders.
2. The world is enslaved by money. It is the #1 chased goal around the world, while also being the least understood concepts. For one, money doesn't really exist. Currency exists, but not money. Currency is only used to get you other things, its like a middle man.
3. The quote "IN GOD WE TRUST" on currency, is the god of this world, Satan.
4. America is NOT the world Hero, we are the Villian, the global terrorist.
5. You, & everyone else are not people! You are a commodity, like change in someone's pocket. If you dont believe it, you have never considered why your name is in all capital letters on your Birth Certificate, Drivers License, Social Security Card, etc.

Don't be a fool by thinking you know anything. You may consider a concept, but you don't really know shit!
1. You are born dumb, a clean slate & truly innocent.
2. You are indoctrinated in your youth, soaking up what others tell you.
3. With age you develop questions. Through the multitude of your failures you begin to learn.
4. If your lucky you aquire knowledge along w/ your first grey hairs.
5. After many years of contemplating your limited knowledge, mixed w/ a healthy portion of humility, you may acquire the understanding that all you really know, is just how much you dont know. You then may understand w/ the fear of the LORD, and may grasp what wisdom is.
6. After a lifetime, you still finish the same as the fool, the beast, & even a plant. Everything dies & gets cozy in the grave.
So what was the point of it all? Will I havent made it that far yet. And 20/20 vision is only had in hindsight. But it seems thus far, only that there isnt much you are really in control of.
However among the few things you can control, it would seem your have a choice in how you navigate lifes problems.

When asked: “Why did you drop out of school?”
I said: “Because of recess!”
“Recess?” They replied curiously.
I continued and said: "That's right, recess! Cause that's anyone wants to do nowadays, and I dont play!”