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… other phrases to avoid include, “what are you going to do about it”?, and “oh yeah, you and what army”? And for you men out there, don’t ask, “where can I find the model of you, that has a vagina”?

… see previous post for more. Corsi can’t be this stupid. He’s claiming proof of 3 shooters, and not one of them was the chauffeur … just in your face an outright lie. He’s shilling for Mossad, AGAIN.

Jerome Corsi is a bonafide idiot…he has to be the worst researcher EVER…That, or he’s a sellout shill… … “JFK was shot by 3 shooters”…. he says. and the chauffeur, wasn’t one of them… what? … when it’s right there in the tape for all to clearly see. Here it is. … you can see the chauffeur’s “real” arm pop up, as he turns his whole head around, to take dead aim, and he fires the gun into JFK’s head….his fake arm is on the car door arm rest.
What kind of a “researcher” fails to find that,… real, actual, literal, smoking gun evidence. A press briefing was given and the film was shown and the chauffeur was named as the shooter. This effectively ends Corsi’s career…. I will never let this Bozo live this down… it’s inexcusable… like he’s the know all, be all, on the subject and yet he can’t get to jr high school level journalism 101 basics. Pitiful shit. He can’t be that stupid. Sounds like more MOSSAD Corsi scamming bullshit … what a God damn scum bag… covering for anti American criminals 70 years after the fact… someone needs to give this man the zero respect he deserves. … expose his Mossad lovin, Bozo, lying shill ass. He was on SGT getting sickening praise and applauds for pure bullshit. SGT owes his audience an apology for promoting this liar.
Hear the press briefing and the clip that shows the murder. I’ll also post the clip if the shooting showed down, next.

… what a crock of shit.

… she lists the 15 promises Trump has made, as a reason to vote against him.

…. No word on whether these were muscles of the “green lipped” type. Yes, green lipped muscles… it’s a real thing… who even knew muscles had lips, I know, I know. Well, after today… about 146 more of us will know this, is my best guess.
Noting “lips”, aren’t always on a “face”, if you know what I mean, and I bet you know what I mean… so be careful with your “assumptions”, is all I’m saying.


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

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Category Entertainment

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