The Light Bulb Initiative

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The Light Bulb Initiative



Objective observation has revealed the following to be true; Mr. Obama is a cultural marxist, Mr. Obama is anti-American, Mr. Obama is a globalist, and Mr. Obama is a very accomplished con-man. His hate for the principles our country was founded on is hidden behind soft smiles and compelling, although divisive, words garnished with verifiable lies. America was bamboozled into handing their lives over to a harbinger of chaos and now the foolish are confused as to why their lives are in chaos. He wasn’t the first, he was just the most efficient. His Neo-Marxist strategy to hide his malicious intentions behind the hue of his skin is what allowed him to rise above the ground work laid by his predecessors. I did not vote for him. It was obvious to me that when you trade white hoods for black hoods you still get burning crosses on the front lawns of who they deem their societal enemies. Despite what Mr. Obama, as a Cultural Marxist would have you believe, evil is not inherent to any particular ethnic origin, but dwells in the hard hearts of mankind itself. Elected leaders are the direct reflection of the prevailing national culture. With this in mind, historically speaking, we have consistently elected leaders that choose not to represent the interests of the American people, but instead further their own interests by serving the elite class that ironically Marx claimed to oppose. Marx’s ideology was never meant to create a classless society, but instead was a brilliant vehicle to convince the proletariat to relegate themselves into a slave class and willingly except the domination of the high-born where he planned to reside. Mr. Obama stands as the culmination of decades upon decades of experimentation and in the end the Frankenstein monster that was unleashed upon our country did what he was created to do - burn the United States to the ground.

Let me begin by saying this in hopes that you understand me clearly, “no matter what they say their goal is not to keep you safe.” As the great Thomas Sowell says and I’m paraphrasing, “the best society can achieve are trade-offs.” Meaning, perfection, or a utopian society is out of reach to imperfect people. We must always strive to ensure that the trade-offs produce the greatest good for our populace as a whole; a net positive if you will. Our first and second amendments are excellent examples of a net positive trade-off. But to illustrate this point better let me show you how removing either of these amendments would present a net negative trade-off as this trade-off would produce the same result. Let’s say you don’t like what another citizen has to say so you empower a government body to punish that citizen if they continue to speak in a way you deem offensive. Now let’s say that you notice your neighbor owns a firearm and even though he has done nothing wrong to you, him being in possession of a firearm makes you feel uncomfortable. Because of this uneasiness you vote to empower that same government body to come to his home and remove any and all firearms, by force if necessary, so that you can alleviate your fears. In both of these scenarios the trade-off was liberty for safety. Unfortunately for you, historically speaking, this trade-off has always produced a net negative result; it’s always been a matter of time. In striving for your own subjective safe space, you’ve given power, to an institution outside of yourself, to silence speech and disarm law abiding citizens. Sure, this time, they did it for you, but what’s to stop them from doing it for themselves now that you’ve given them the power to do so? The irony is the two things that would have kept them in check, speaking your mind freely no matter who’s offended and possessing the most effective tool for self defense, were the very things you traded to feel safer. Our forefathers, having liberated themselves from the heel of tyranny, knew this and in their wisdom crafted our constitution fully aware that individual liberty can never be compromised for any reason, period. Guided by divine providence, they took it a step further, inscribing that no government has the power to remove what God has given. Being the land of free you are not guaranteed safety which is why this is also the home of the brave - because it takes courage to live free.


Gun Death by Country

ON PODCAST: https://podcasters.spotify.c

The prevailing tyrannical question has always been, “how do we control effectively control the populace”? That’s it, in a nutshell, that’s all there is to it. They begin with kindness, then bribery and when that doesn’t yield the desired results, they slide right into force without hesitation. History teaches us that this tactic has never worked in the long run and, in fact, has precipitated every empirical collapse without exception. However, being students of authoritarianism somehow precludes one from being a student of history and ultimately they end up falling into the same trappings as their historical predecessors. It would be comical if this repeated process didn’t also cost the lives of untold millions of innocents while the most deserving of consequence seldom suffer the fruits of their own tyranny.


At some point we are all faced with a choice, of which there are only two: have the courage to seek truth no matter the outcome or live in fear of the truth and continue to hide in a subjective reality that offers us the illusion of justice. One choice will unify while the other will divide and conquer. One choice will empower individual sovereignty while the other will leave you a hollowed out slave to the whims of the influential. One choice will assure a prosperous future through the trials and tribulations of life, while the other will only lead to extinction.


Elections cannot cure a diseased culture, on the contrary, only people can inoculate themselves against cultural decline. The first step, the first ingredient needed for an effective vaccine is objective truth. Like an addict’s initial public declaration, we cannot move towards sobriety until we face our good, our bad, and our ugly. The mob depicted in the video I’m sharing today beating an unarmed man into a coma are not monsters they are human. The very worst aspects of humanity certainly, but human nonetheless. Used by every tyrant past, present, and most assuredly future, dehumanization attempts to spare their conscience the weight of otherwise unjustifiable violence against their own kin. If this brutality was carried out by a pack of jackals, then we can rationalize this barbarity as something we would never be capable of. If we deem a specific group of people “rats”, then their extermination becomes a public service not a genocide. Hamas beheads babies while Planned Parenthood rips them apart in the womb and yet it is only the former that is labeled monstrous. I say they are both ugly. Evil is ugly and it must be faced if it is to be fought. And to face it we must first look in the mirror and acknowledge that throughout history we have quickly devolved from civility to barbarism in the blink of an eye. A neighbor claims their Jewish friends are like family on Monday and then by Friday turn them in to be burned alive. In China we see teenagers reading a red book on Monday and then by Friday turning on parents that sacrificed everything for them. And yes, we also see a brother exclaim that his sister should no longer receive medical care because she refused to be a part of a global experiment that created 9 new Pharma billionaires while at the same time destroying our national economy. How many times does this need to happen before we learn? How many empires need to fall? How many brothers and sisters are we going to watch kill brothers and sisters before we recognize that we are broken, cursed and diseased? Yes we are diseased and only Christ is the cure.

Border Encounters:
2020 - 458,088
2021 - 1,734,686
2022 - 2,378,944
2023 - 2,475,669

Single Adults
2023 - 1,293,008

Single Minors
2023 - 131,519

2022 - 100
2023 - 160

Just over 4,300


Increased 164% from 2020 to 2022. Seizures in 2023 of 21,846 pounds has already surpassed last year’s 14,104 pounds. Most seizures occur in Arizona and California.


2022 - 399
2023 - 4,042

Wednesday’s tragic mass casualty event on going in Maine is not an argument for increased gun control, as the second amendment abolitionist would have you believe, but instead stand as a clear indication for the necessity of effective personal protection, not just from a tyrannical government, but from any mad man hell bent on taking human life using firearms. Last count, at the time of this writing, stands at 22 maliciously taken from us and since I have yet to see any reports or eyewitness accounts stating that the suspect had to contend with return fire, the probability is high that no one present at Schemengees Bar or Sparetime Recreation (bowling alley) were armed. If this is the case, then once again anti-gun anti-2A propaganda has succeeded in convincing American citizens to turn themselves into soft targets whose only recourse when faced with a bad guy with a gun is to run, hide, and hope not to be slaughtered. Fact: no current gun law no matter the state would have prevented this tragedy. Fact: no firearm, as it is an inanimate object, has ever taken a life. Fact: any “common sense gun-law” that leaves American nationals unable to defend themselves when it truly counts, is not common sense at all. Fact: every evil person with a firearm is ultimately stopped by a firearm. Fact: no gun-law has ever prevented a criminal, who by definition don’t follow laws, from doing anything they want to do. Fact: gun-laws only hinder the law abiding from protecting themselves, their family, and their property. Fact: if our leaders genuinely cared about stopping the massacre of American citizens, then they would focus their efforts on mental health, harsher consequences for these unlawful acts, and finally, they would do everything in their power to help steer our country back towards a culture that prioritizes the traditional family unit.


According to the Hennepin County Medical Examiner’s Autopsy Report George Floyd’s time of death was recorded 5-25-2020 at 9:25pm and his autopsy was performed 5-26-2020 at 9:25am. I know this because I acquired the autopsy report on 6-3-2020, because in spite of the prevailing narrative, I didn’t believe that Mr. Floyd was murdered. I did however believe that the officers on scene, recognizing that Mr. Floyd was experiencing a medical episode, should have gotten him medical attention far sooner and as such were negligent in their duty to protect and serve. That is of course unless there were extenuating circumstances that may have hindered their priority to get EMS on the scene expediently; such as, I don’t know, an increasingly hostile crowd. The reason why this is relevant today is because the autopsy report that was completed on May 26th has been brought to the forefront because of a conversation between the Medical Examiner and a Hennepin County Prosecutor who is currently in litigation on unrelated accusations. “Why is this so important”, you may ask? It is important because the report that was completed in May, the report that I quite easily acquired in June, is also a report that states at the top of page two, and I quote, “NO LIFE-THREATENING INJURIES IDENTIFIED”. In addition to this, it also states, under Blood Drug and Novel Psychoactive Substances Screen, that he had a total of 7 substances present including 11 ng/mL of Fentanyl and 19 ng/mL of Methamphetamine. A medical examination that finds murder was not the cause of death would seem to me to be crucial evidence needed in a murder trial. If this report, dated May 26, 2020 is accurate, then how could anyone be convicted of murder? Why, after so many years, is evidence that I easily procured in June of 2020 now being thrust back into the public square as if it’s a new discovery? Maybe feeding the mob their pound of flesh was more important than the truth. Maybe social justice was more important than actual JUSTICE. Maybe inciting riots was more important to MSM than journalistic integrity as they released an edited video removing context in order to create an emotional frenzy. Maybe BLM was more important than all lives mattering. Maybe reelection became more important to Trump than protecting American citizens from local governments who were willfully refusing to do so. Maybe ideology became more important than reality itself. Either way the result was the same. Justice was lost and when justice is lost for one it becomes increasingly hard to find for us all.


This isn’t a complicated question, “do you condemn the actions of Hamas?” Not only is it not a complicated question, but if you are pro-Palestine, you can still be anti-Hamas. Why then, are so many, unwilling to condemn the actions that raped, killed, kidnapped, burned and beheaded innocent people without hesitation? Why did our MSM reject the actions of Hamas until Israel, rightfully so, responded to the slaughter of their citizens with a declaration of war? Once Israel engaged in a counteroffensive, the mainstream media’s characterization of Israel shifted from victim to oppressor, why? In addition to the shift in narrative, the mainstream media has either lied about ,or at the very least, not contradicted the lies about the historical conflict, in favor of Palestine. Why has the MSM clearly chosen a side and why is it the side that celebrates the decapitation of infants? That to me would seem to be the wrong side to be on, right? Who does this narrative serve? What does the MSM gain from this? Do they own substantial shares in Lockheed? I’ve already answered these questions for myself, my challenge to you, is that you do the same. And once you have those answers keep it going by challenging others to question as well. This is how we fight the darkness; turning on the lights.


In pledging to temporarily fill Feinstein’s seat with a BLACK person, Newsom let everyone know that if they are not black, then they need not apply. In pledging to temporarily fill the seat with a black WOMAN, Newsom let everyone know that if you are not female, then you need not apply. In choosing a lesbian, to check the bonus box, Newsom let everyone know that if you are heterosexual, then you need not apply. In one fell swoop he promised to be racist, sexist, and discriminatory for the good of our state and the good of our country. “Oh, but, isn’t racism and sexism bad”, you ask? Well, not to a racist it isn’t. To a racist judging people solely off of their ethnic origins is following the doctrine of today’s progressive left. He will be celebrated for his choice by people who claim that systemic racism has infected the very foundations this once great country was built upon. The reality is, they are the virus, actively injecting racism and discrimination where once there was none to further divide and demoralize the populace. Tokenization is big business for the the left and neither Kamala, Karine, nor Laphonza have the self respect necessary to refuse positions offered to them solely based on their immutable characteristics and sexual preferences. Racism is alive and well in our country and you can thank Governor Newsom and President Biden for leading the charge.


We are now living, in real time, with the consequences of getting duped into advocating for our own destruction. Those who are still pretending otherwise are either willfully complicit because it serves their ends or they are in denial trying to hold onto any shred of the worldview they were assured would lead them to a progressive utopia. I understand. It’s hard to come to grips with finding out you put people in power that care more about funding a war on foreign soil than they do funding their own citizens who’ve lost everything. They care more about emptying prisons than they do housing veterans. They care more about mutilating children than they do mitigating rising adolescent obesity. They care more about killing unborn American citizens than they do saving those suffering from mental illness. They care more about cow farts than they do about rising food costs. The Democrats have been in control for almost three years and in those three years they have achieved absolutely nothing that objectively supports the basic necessities of free citizens. In fact they have chosen to be a yoke shackled to the neck of liberty with deliberate intention. We have become distracted by partisan theatrics. We have relinquished our position as the CEO’s of this once great nation and have instead been demoted to the mailroom located in a basement with no windows and only one door that locks from the outside. Who has the key? I know that I don’t because you were tricked into taking it from me when I wasn’t looking. I know that you don’t because you were tricked into giving it away in exchange for  “climate change”. This is no longer a romantic comedy, it’s not a sci-fi flic, or an uplifting drama where the hero prevails in the end. This is a horror movie complete with zombies, vampires, demons, escaped experiments, giant insects (the inedible kind) and animated dolls with no soul. The Pied Piper of Propaganda has put you to sleep and you will either awaken before it’s too late and choose to fight, or you will slumber long enough to be replaced by an illegal alien pod. Oh, sorry, I meant to say, “an undocumented alien pod”.


When Newsom says, “gun-violence is the number one killer of children”, he is lying. Unless of course you consider a 17 year old a child and not how the dictionary defines a child as a prepubescent human being. Last I checked, prepubescent, was 1 to 12 years old depending on gender. He wants you to believe that 9 year olds are dropping like flies because law abiding citizens refuse to sacrifice their right to defend themselves from the tyrannical government Newsom himself represents. What he doesn’t want you to figure out is that, of the violence perpetrated using firearms, the metro areas represent 5 x the amount of homicides found in non-metro areas. And those murders are overwhelmingly due to gang activity and the drug trade. If the CDC is counting children as anyone between the ages of 1 and 17, and we know that most murders are transpiring in the inner cities, then are we to believe that it’s 8 year olds and not 15 year old gang bangers that are contributing to these increased numbers? No matter which side of the 2nd amendment you fall upon, this truth is irrefutable; not one gun law, past, present, or future has or will stop gun violence because only the law abiding, by definition, follow the law and only criminals, who are the only ones responsible for these crimes, don’t. Simply put, you can never hope to stop crime, under any circumstances, punishing the law abiding citizen more than you punish the guilty.


It breaks my heart to say this, but we have passed the point of return. Unfortunately no election outcome will halt our slide into utter despair, the best we can hope for at this point, is to slow the progression to give us more time to prepare. That being said, on the other side of this great despair, is our ultimate salvation. Only in times of unfathomable misery are we forced to unite under a shared goal of survival. Only in times of insurmountable tragedy do we shake off our delusions and embrace objective truth. As our great ship sinks towards the depths of hell, truth is the only lifeboat sturdy enough to carry us to dry land.


Either you are against murder or you are not. There is no grey area here at all. Let’s have respectful conversations about the the obvious contradictions and give both sides a chance to present arguments based in logic and objective truth.

Many religions throughout man’s history believed that prosperity could be achieved through the sacrificial offering of children. So when I witness a Hollywood actress stand before her peers and contribute her success to “a women’s right to choose”, the similarities are hard to miss. What’s most tragic about this scenario is that she really believed that she wouldn’t have been able to make manifest her aspirations if she hadn’t murdered her own flesh and blood. Did she believe she wouldn’t be strong enough or did she believe that caring for herself alone would be easier? Did the father take responsibility or did he abdicate the burden onto her shoulders then move on to his next carnal conquest? Either way, the consequences of their actions falling to the only innocent human being involved, is the very opposite of justice. I guess the aspirations of their unborn child never crossed their mind. Apparently her right to choose allows her to negate another’s right to choose because being further along in the developmental process gives one dominion over life and death. And what were these grand aspirations that she traded in the life of her own child for; riches, fame, power and status. This modern day pagan ritual, it would seem, hasn’t changed much at all.


It would seem the powers that be have deemed this subject off limits. Apparently we are not even allowed to discuss this openly and honestly. If you whisper the word you may be okay, but if someone hears you, then you risk losing your job, you risk public defamation, and you risk being relegated to the fringe of human society. The “T” word has become the new “N” word, when did that happen?! The T’s haven’t earned it. How are they discriminated against and marginalized when they’ve been given so much power. They’ve been given more power, by percentage of population, than any other group. How can you advocate for their inclusion when they’ve changed hundreds upon hundreds of years of known grammar, the signs on the restrooms established for the safety and comfort of others - yep those gotta go, they’ve been allowed to overwrite basic biology - as if that’s actually possible, they can dance on the Whitehouse lawn topless and be invited to a sit-down with the President of the United States for playing a caricature of a malfunctioning Stepford Wife . The President has never invited me to the Whitehouse. But, maybe it’s because I’m mentally healthy and I’m a patriot. He appears to hate those things from his citizens. I believe in liberty and as such any adult American national has the right to alter their behavior to mimic the opposite binary gender, has the right to pharmaceutically alter their hormones, and has the right to surgically alter their appearance in their pursuit of happiness. But by its very definition, (marginalized is defined as: a person, group, or concept treated as insignificant or peripheral.), it is me and those that share my values and no the T’s that have been marginalized. Not only are our voices deemed insignificant, we are not even allowed to have a voice in the first place.


When someone decides for you which conversations you can and cannot have, in spite of what you are told, it is never in the best interest of the people. To assume that you possess the right to dictate to other sovereign beings what is best for them is the hight of hubris. I will never stop seeking truth. I will never stop asking questions. I will never stop encouraging my brothers and sisters to do the same. I find it comical that a corporation as large and powerful as YouTube is so afraid of little old me that they’ve devoted so much time and energy to suppressing my content. 😀


Why would anyone choose to eat a lab cultured version of an animal product that they can get from the naturally raised animal itself? This endeavor is almost as absurd as a female Supreme Court justice’s inability to define her own gender.


If you choose not to be what you were born to be and it is impossible to be anything else, what do you become?


If speaking the truth makes you feel bad just force the truth teller to shut up, by any means necessary.


I find it fascinating that the fangs of the serpent are plunged deep into your heel and you still believe the lie that it's lovingly giving you a kiss.


Transformation is a powerful word, it means; a change in form, appearance, nature, or character. Essentially, once you transform you are no longer the same as you were.


The number of Americans identifying as LGBTQ from Gen X to Gen Z has increased from 4.2% to 20.8% and the implication from the Left is that this is due to cultural acceptance not found in previous generations. I have not seen any data provided by those who make this assertion however, instead they offer anecdotal stories filled with emotional accounts ranging from discriminatory practices to physical violence. To be clear I condemn violence in all its forms save self-defense so I stand with anyone who is a victim of violence no matter their ideology, gender, sexual preference or age. That being said, am I really expected not to believe my eyes when I can clearly see the socially engineered infiltration hell bent on normalizing perversion? Am I expected to ignore the blatant sexual content deliberately implanted within media designed for prepubescent children? Do you really believe that I, at 47 years of age, have been inexplicably afflicted with a phobia that renders me terrified of any individual that chooses to engage in romantic same sex relationships? Really?! That’s your conclusion? Here’s the truth; I believe in the liberty of the sovereign adult US citizen, therefore it is not by place nor my right to dictate how one chooses to exercise their liberty. This does not mean that I am compelled to accept, no, it does mean that I will respect you. I only ask for two things in return, reciprocate that respect and leave children be.


Human civilization without God is like a schizophrenic of their meds. The world around us today, especially what’s happening here in the United States is a direct result of choosing to serve ourselves instead of our creator.



Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

273 videos

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"THE LIGHT BULB INITIATIVE" is first and foremost about the respectful sharing of ideas. We believe that no matter how one feels, you must always be open to the facts changing your mind less truth be abandoned for ideological gain. It is truth that we all have in common and denial of the truth leads to animosity, stupidity, hatred, and true evil.