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History shows the brutal nature of a tyrannical government. Farmlands are being poisoned, food manufacturing facilities destroyed and runaway inflation is making adequate nutrition unobtainable for millions. Be prepared!

Jeff Booth summarizes how tyranny manipulation destroys a nation's currency. In the digital age can Bitcoin be an option to free the people from the viscous cycles of destruction?

Only the lowest filthy scum remains in weaponized government agencies that focus their efforts on harming citizens and taking their rights. Mike lays it out. Be prepared!

Medical professional testimony on the Alex Jones Show 18JUN24.

Hyperinflationary flight to safety could be much closer than we thought. When the dollar crashes, what will Americans do to save their wealth while desperately panicking? Be prepared!

Latest interview with Mike and Steve. Get your affairs in order! Be prepared!

Max Keiser compares Americans to force fed animals that have been made obese by lives of excess. Also, with little to no attention span, it's almost impossible for most of them to grasp concepts regarding decentralized crypto currency like Bitcoin.

Clip from Max Keiser interview in El Salvador ( Luke Broyles )
Deficit spending and moral bankruptcy have destroyed the fabric and underpinnings of most developed western nations - is there still hope?

Situation Update with Mike Adams covers continuing Israeli genocide masked as "hostage rescue " the ends up killing 60 civilians to every one hostage rescued. Russian submarine fleet is holding off on its nuclear tidal wave weapons aimed at north America anticipating a Trump 2024 win - maybe. Be prepared!

Alex Jones Show Sunday 9JUN24
Recently retired Marine Corp Colonel describes the events he witnessed at the Jan 6 DC patriot setup. Also, he explains how NATO's provocation of war with Russia will lead to Chinese occupation of a weakened Russian mother land to exploit her natural resources. Be prepared!


Special appearance of Alex Jones in the War Room studio in midst of Federal shutdown of INFOWARS.

Consequences of clot shots are far reaching and abundant. Germany is preparing its citizens for nuclear war with Russia that will inflict more fatalities than normal due to the large number of vaxed people that have impaired ability to resist radiation poisoning. Mike lays it out, be prepared!

Elon Musk on U.S. Federal budget deficit

Judge Napolitano removed from aircraft before flight to Russia and his passport taken into Federal custody. Deranged and evil U.S. National Government deep state is committed to provoking Russia into launching nuks at the West in order to start WW3 attempting to cover up their heinous crimes against citizens Mike lays it out. Be prepared!

Brighteon Broadcast News, June 3, 2024 – InfoWars fighting for survival as blue states plot to rig national popular vote by removing Trump from ballots

- Infowars' potential shutdown by government agents. (0:03)
- Election rigging through state-level ballot restrictions. (30:54)
- Potential false flag cyber attack triggering World War III. (41:10)
- Enemy combatant occupation and potential war in #Ireland. (52:09)
- Potential foreign invasion and sabotage of US infrastructure. (57:55)
- #Infowars financial issues and potential sabotage. (1:10:32)
- The state of America, the collapse of the Republic. (1:29:06)
- Global elite's plan for world domination and population reduction. (1:38:54)
- Trump trial, Google whistleblower's revelations, and corruption in Congress. (1:45:24)

For more updates, visit: http://www.brighteon.com/channel/hrreport

Mike Adams teams up with legal experts to make a well prepared and funded legal counter attack against scum big tek for destroying the internet's true purpose - making unbiased information available to the public.

Now fast food is economically out of reach for most Americans so large fast food chain restaurants will automate with robots to save money causing millions of lost jobs. This will fuel the public demand for government financial safety net in the form of universal basic income or UBI. Most will waste away sitting at home with no purpose in a virtual reality simulated world. Be prepared!

Federal decarbonization climate change HOAX laws will cost landlords tens of thousands of dollars in unexpected expenses after they've bought property during the COVID low interest rate and inflation period. This will cause owners to run from their obligations while slashing their asking prices by hundreds of thousands below current values. John Williams breaks it down. Be prepared!

California government and cronies plan to drive out ALL lower level socioeconomic businesses and residents to destroy property values then buy it up for pennies on the dollar.. John Williams lays it out. Be prepared!


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

2284 videos

Category News & Politics

The Trilateral Commission, DAVOS - World Economic Forum, CFR - Council On Foreign Relations, Bilderberg Group, UN - United Nations, World Bank, IMF - International Monetary Fund, WTO -World Trade Organization, CDC -Centers for Disease Control, WHO -World Health Organization and BIS - Bank For International Settlements, are all organizations that collectively have one goal in mind: To herd the masses of common people into a global control system, and prevent up-rising and revolt as the people begin to realize the prison that has been formed around them. This system has been put together at the expense of the wealth of the common people, and under the guise that it's purpose is for charity and equality. Get informed now, and see through the smoke-screen of global chaos to protect your future, and the future of free humanity!

Globalism & NWO documentaries :

EndGame - Alex Jones
Terror Storm - Alex Jones
Police State 4 - Alex Jones
Fall Of The Republic - Alex Jones
Obama Deception - Alex Jones
Blueprint For Madmen - Alex Jones
Aaron Russo w/ Alex Jones - All Americans To Be Chipped !
Dark Secrets Inside The Bohemian Grove - Alex Jones
A I - Artificial Intelligence (Cyrus Parsa)
Money Masters (William Still) 3hrs
Auschwitz pt1 BBC
Auschwitz pt2 BBC
FDA's War On Health
Brave New World (Aldus Huxley)
YURI BEZMENOV - Former KGB - Demoralization of America
Strategic Relocation (Joel Skousen & Alex Jones)
Biosludged - Mike Adams
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