altered gaits

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altered gaits





wanted to hop into the old Trucking Simulator Convoy Experience!

will they work in VR th0?

i like this game

i like this game

i like this game

i like this game

race cars yay

race cars yay

race cars yay

race cars yay

simulation quality is extra good on account of the cars all being practically the same kind of stock cars... but hey, that's the vibe i was missing.

First, unplug the cable... COMPLETELY! Then, plug the little end into your expensive thing. FINALLY, plug the fat side into the powered port. Heck, unplug that from the wall before you plug into it, if you can. these things tend to spark right where they're being plugged in / unplugged. isolate that event as far away from your precious as possible.

uhhh neat i can edit the title again

just added a few more shakers to my racing hammock
for a grand total of 8 Dayton TT25
16 ohm each so 4 pairs of them at 8 ohms each

front front
back back

i still want a couple more under the pedals it's actually quite weak down there all along there are 6 in my lap here and only two under my feet it is noticeably less rumble down there

build some wind sim to go with my new booty shakers

messing around with theBAH

messing around with the bass shakers

messing around with the bass shakers


most GPS devices were made in the 90s and keep telling you to turn on Melrose Place.

At this moment, I am feeling discomfort in my head, which is causing me some pain. Additionally, I have a strong urge to engage in a simulation that involves driving a truck.

hopefully with a mic this time

the constant rumble of the engine and the never-ending stretch of asphalt
days and nights away from home, living out of a cramped cabin
endless hours spent alone behind the wheel
longing for a more fulfilling existence
feelings of loneliness
- Streamlining the experience of driving off a cliff


Created 1 year, 9 months ago.

59 videos

Category Gaming
