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I discuss some things about this year's marathon that I did, since its now become some yearly thing for me. I also had to mention something that i forgot to in the Tier list.

I figured it was about time to update this as some of my opinions have changed.

**Used a different tier list than my previous list.

I go on various tangents in this video but they all end up back at talking about how troons and fags are treated in Jewpan, and about this stupid new law that the jewed government is trying to pass.

Stupid bitchute blocked my commenting for being truthful about a certain group of kosher people, so I needed to make a video to respond to a comment in one of my slightly older videos

Talking about how the fake news is attempting to normalize this eat ze bugz crap.

Archive link:

After spending a lot of time this weekend with learning more about languages roots and things, an idea came to mind and I want to get input from my viewers about this idea.

**You can find my odysee channel at

**Since I had to upload yesterdays video today, you get 2 videos here today.

The thumbnail pic is a meme i made of sailor saturn saying "Only death awaits those who got jabbed." there's your spoiler for this episode of degeneracy :D

**Again, bitchute didnt upload properly so it is uploaded a day later than odysee. Fuck these damn jews on bitchute

Showing off my desktop and the stuff I use most often now with my pc. I also wanted to test out ffmpeg for screencasting.

Saw the video I show on the screen here, thought I'd talk about since it's been awhile since I bothered to do something "sciency"

Saw an article this morning about this face dieper crap so I needed to make a 2nd video going into the bullshit again

***I tried uploading twice yesterday and it didnt publish. Bitchute being a fucking jew

Saw an article this morning about this face dieper crap so I needed to make a 2nd video going into the bullshit again

Been awhile, been busy, tired and all kinds of shit.

With the "you can decide for yourself about face diepers" crap starting the day after tomorrow, felt i needed to discuss it through two articles that just make Jewpan look stupid.

Archived links:

This is an explanation of all the different companies and places working on Bug food

Figured i havent done a random rant/ramble video in a while so here it is.

Thought I'd talk about what a friend found the other day and give some health related advice at the same time.

welp they are finally trying to supposedly get people to take off their diepers now, acting as if they had the power or even gave an order that they were ever mandatory

PC trouble has kept me out from making videos so there was a lot I explain at the end of the article that is related to my previous video on the lowering of the fake virus classification, and other "disparaging remarks" about various other people ;)

Source Link:

I dont think i uploaded this before, but i recorded it some time ago. Anyway here it is lol

More shit from our favorite fake news to scare people. I also talk about something I saw on the train the other day that was fucking stupid

archive link

So hospitals are making big bucks, this being revealed by an official audit of the support money the government has been throwing at them for hospital beds and crap.

So I go through some notable names in the list and some explanations of a couple specific people who are selling their constituents out to the jews

This is similar to an article i talked about recently but i wanted to test some things out on my laptop, see how everything runs so this is just a quick video.

No one else has gone through the effort to point this out, so I figured I'd be the first.

I thought I had an article that proved my point but it was older than I had expected, but I do show off how I go around looking for information in Japanese about jab stuff.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

289 videos

Category None

I post let's plays, commentary, just about anything I feel like discussing. I focus on retro gaming as I dont own anything newer than a ps2, and I prefer old games because I'm an old fogey.
