Cis White Male with Extra Privilege

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Cis White Male with Extra Privilege

Cis White Male with Extra Privilege


0:00 - The eternal law of force. Earth in an infinite void of energy and matter, surrounded by giant stars and black holes.
4:21 - A duel

0:00 - Daughter wolf sneaks away to mate with an outcast male. The couple is broken up by the alpha male.
3:53 - A stag beetle overthrows his rivals
8:01 - Rams butting heads for mates
11:20 - A lioness watches two males fight for her, to discern a victor
12:49 - Hummingbirds fighting in the air
14:19 - Buffaloes fight for females
16:25 - Damselflies fight for the best locations to attract mates from
18:11 - The many mating rituals of the birds of paradise
28:57 - Cuckoo chick parasitism. A bird unwittingly raises a bird that is not of his own blood.
30:05 - The cuckoo chick instinctively knows to kick out the other eggs, so that he may parasitize more effectively
33:41 - A robin sees the cuckoo egg for what it is, and promptly kills and eats it.
34:31 - Stallions fight for mates
38:25 - Ant queens forge their empires
41:01 - A drought causes two ant colonies to expand, encounter each other, and ultimately the annihilation of one
48:54 - Two hornet colonies fight to the death
52:16 - The low and disgusting seek social acceptance. Normal decent people are at first disgusted, but pity them, and make a show of being accepting. Both are attempting to move up the social ladder in their own way
55:56 - Black single mother of 15 surviving off the handouts of whites
57:06 - The end result of race mixing
58:45 - Zebras fight for mates
1:02:52 - Gelada fight for mates. The loser loses one of his canines, a symbol of his masculinity, while the winner climbs to his higher spot
1:06:00 - A lioness goes to the male of a rival pride, and flirts with him
1:08:18 - Peacock males gather in an area (a "lek") to attract females, while fighting each other for their territory within it
1:10:58 - King cobras fight each other for a nearby female. being immune to their own venom, they must wrestle until one loses his strength
1:14:23 - Powerful draft horses pull a plow for a creature much weaker and than themselves, much like how Aryans today fight on behalf of Jews

0:00 - Lions fight over a kill, but still work together

1:30 - Male giraffes fight for dominance. The younger wins the first part of the fight with superior strength, but is bested by the older males experience at the very end. Be sure your enemy is defeated and do not drop your guard.

5:39 - A mother bear and male bear fight over a fishing spot. The male is larger and would likely win, but the mother wants it more, and is willing to fight for it. The mother fights for her children, where as the male only fights for himself, and so is not willing to take the same risks. Those who fight for only themselves will be bested by those fighting for something they care about, and children are the greatest reason.

"To fight and conquer in all our battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

9:12 - Young male lions take over a pride by running off the current two dominant males, and then proceed to kill the cubs. This will send the females into estrus, so they may be breed by the new alpha males. In this way, the dominant lions ensure their bloodline. Even animals have enough sense to not raise another males children.

14:05 - Snakes gathering for warmth, and for mates. One male snake secretes female pheromones to attract the other snakes for warmth. When the actual female arrives, the snake which secreted the pheromones is much warmer than the rest, and more quickly moves to secure the female.

17:55 - Jumping spiders that mimic ants. The female's front legs are disguised as antennae, and the males fangs make it look as if he is carrying an ant. These fangs are also used to fight off rival males.

21:05 - Orca uses its great strength to launch a seal into the air

22:05 - Panicked birds lose their nerve and leave the safety of their burrows when an eagle appears. Sometimes the best move is to not move at all.

24:17 - The alpha baboon is the only one with fur thick enough to protect himself from the bees. He does not share his food, and chases away his rivals.

27:49 - The harmful appears harmless - “Appear weak when you are strong, - "

30:12 - The harmless appears harmful - "- and strong when you are weak.”

31:32 - Even when defeat seems inevitable, there's always a chance.

35:24 - Ants consume all in their path

39:05 - Ants farm aphids for the honeydew they produce. Though the ants provide protection, they also clip their wings to prevent them from leaving.

41:59 - Wasps try to steal aphids from the ants

45:13 - Crabs run a gauntlet of predators to get to their feeding grounds

50:36 - A puffin catches food for his puffling, while trying to avoid having it stolen

58:14 - Haitians destroy their environment

1:00:38 - Indians pollute their "sacred" river. The end result of the Aryan Brahmans losing their caste system, and letting mixing degrade their race and beauty. Now an ugly and irretrievable race, most well known today for their disgusting living conditions.

0:00 - Great white hunting seals
3:00 - Feeding frenzy by various creature on a school of sardines
7:00 - Birds feeding their chicks. Some must die so that others will live
14:47 - Cheetah eaten by crocodile when he spends too much time at the watering hole
16:00 - Shark eats shark
17:11 - Mother crab eats some of her babies
18:00 - Mother spider lays eggs for her babies to eat
20:53 - The mother spider sacrifices herself to her babies
22:11 - A praying mantis eats its mate while mating with him
24:43 - Penguins hunt for food, while trying to avoid becoming food themselves
29:24 - Ants team up to consume a scorpion, and anything else that stumbles in their path
31:11 - A kingfisher beats its prey to death, thoroughly making sure it is dead before consuming it
33:17 - Various single celled organisms eating each other
36:42 - Gazelles attempt to cross a river with crocodiles
40:05 - Anaconda uses its intelligence to sneak up on it's prey, and its great strength to crush it
44:41 - An eagle uses gravity to break a turtles shell
46:53 - A fox uses its keen hearing to sense hidden mice
49:40 - Snow leopard hunting
53:00 - Jaguar hunts crocodile. A well paced bite to the back of the neck ends the fight immediately
54:58 - Jaguar ambushes crocodile from above
56:58 - A red-tailed hawk hunts more agile bats by using its greater speed
59:55 - Wildebeests must take a risk for water by approaching a river of crocodiles. Death must be faced either way. Those who go first face the worst
1:03:53 - A father lion and his cubs fight over meat, as does the rest of the pride
1:06:49 - A smaller lioness attempts to steal the prey of a larger male. The male merely has to intimidate the smaller one to get his way


0:00 - Spider weaving web
4:00 - Bolas spider swinging a ball of pheromones which attract moths
6:02 - Sheep caught in thorns, which would have held it until death, fertilizing the plant
9:10 - Chameleon changing color
13:17 - A jumping spider hunts an orb weaver
17:02 - Portuguese Man O' War lures fish with tendrils
22:15 - Angler fish using camouflage and lures
26:26 - Killer T cell attacking a cancer cell
27:33 - Antlion lying in wait
30:42 - Cuttlefish hypnotizes crab with colorful display
33:50 - Larger alpha crocodile steals food from the weaker one who caught it
37:08 - Alpha crocodile is pushed around by a hippo, then challenged by a smaller crocodile for dominance. The larger crocodile wins, and tears off the jaw of his rival
42:38 - A drought puts many creatures through a less direct test
48:23 - A weak shoebill chick is bullied by it's stronger older brother, and then abandoned by its mother
52:17 - A stork throws out its smallest chick from the nest
55:42 - A polar bear mother and her cubs hunt together
58:49 - The inferior African American stock behaving worse than animals
1:02:29 - The relatively superior pure Africans, hunting in the way man originally hunted. A superior stock, unmixed and much more noble.
1:09:45 - A family of otters fight off an alligator
1:13:32 - An army of ants invaded a termite mound
1:17:16 - Two bears fight for dominance


0:00 - Cordyceps fungus infecting ants and controlling their minds to spread themselves
3:04 - Parasitic wasp lays eggs inside a caterpillar, and injects it with a poison that compels it to weave a protective cocoon for the wasp larvae that will consume it
11:36 - Dogs pretend they are going to fight, but runaway when barriers are removed. The tactic of bluffing.
12:06 - Eden's whale engaging in "trap feeding". The whale lies still at the surface. The fish perceive the whale as a stationary object of no threat that they may take refuge in, only to swim in the mouth of their predator.
12:53 - A wasp injects a cockroach with venom that allows it to be lead back into it's lair, and eaten by it's offspring.
17:44 - Snake using camouflage to hide in a tree. The birds are too distracted by the fruit to take notice.
19:24 - Snake eats a rat
22:41 - Snake hunting at night
27:15 - Snake eats snake
33:51 - Chimps fight for territory, and eat the vanquished
38:04 - Mexican migrants trying to enter the US
40:04 - Swarm of locusts, similar to migrants but less destructive and repulsive
43:35 - A Dachshund, and example of dysgenic breeding
44:13 - Grey wolves, from which all dogs are descended, team up to attack polar bear
46:30 - Young polar bears fight for dominance, and for fun

Here's just a short explanation of each scene, to give an idea of what I am going for.

0:00 - Ants fighting - The necessity of fighting to ensure survival. Teamwork with those of your kind.

4:00 - Venus flytrap and the fly - The lure of a career after college, or heaven after death. Promises meant to enslave you. Ideologies meant to trap you.

6:32 - Angler fish - Prophets and politicians who lure people with false promises.

7:06 - Osprey catching fish - The necessity, as well as the beauty and majesty, of the strong predator who consumes it's inferior prey.

8:43 - Spider web - The spider laying it's many traps to catch and immobilize it's prey, like so many falsehoods are woven to immobilize people into inaction.

10:22 - Trapdoor spider - The incompatibility of having two different kinds living together, and how one will always exterminate the other.

10:39 - School of fish - Strength in numbers and unity (for both the prey and predators). The way the smaller masses are pushed around by a few larger fish.

14:24 - The vultures and the carcass - The end result of failure, and the ultimate fate of all living things.

15:54 - Lions fighting off a lion who has invaded their territory - Follow your own set of rules. Obey only rules you must follow, and be willing to change rules and fight for what is best in the current time, if it is good for you.

18:18 - The crab spider, flower, and fly - The common man is lured and flattered into thinking he really matters, that his vote really matters, but is really just being duped by the predator once again, who hides in these concepts to prey upon him.

19:31 - Giant hornets vs honey bees - A few superior predators can kill many times their own number.

23:46 - Sundew and fly - The lure of sweet lies. A trap for those who rush into to believing anything that feels good, rather than what is true.

24:41 - Polar bear and seal - The strong, hungry predator eats the fat, complacent, unwitting seal who is not paying attention to what is going on around him. The necessity of strength, patience, and intelligence.

28:14 - The wolves and bison - Both use teamwork, and both are strong creatures. But the wolves are the predators, and the bison are the prey. Though overall stronger than the wolves, they are still cattle.

Make sure you pay attention to the scenes being presented. I didn't just grab any random crap from a nature documentary and throw it on here. The aim here is to give each idea in this book a real life presentation by nature itself, which is something few other philosophies can do at all. I carefully took certain scenes for different concepts.

For example, in the first scene, it is a group of conquistadors looking at a group of men who are not their friends.

In the second scene, a snake takes his opportunity to eat a lizard, and the hawk takes his opportunity to steal it away from the snake, as the snake failed to seize fully upon his meal. The other hawk who took longer to notice, can only watch the other fly away with the prize.

The hawk won by virtue of his strong sight, decisive action, speed, strength, and grabbing his prey with a strong grip, and securing it by taking it away from the grasp of others. The others failed to take their opportunities and got nothing.

All of that for just 60 seconds, so watch it thoughtfully.

Konstantin Kisin was born and grew up in Moscow in the former Soviet Union. He came from a family of Jewish heritage. His experiences in the country inform much of his own political views today. At age 11, he moved to the United Kingdom.

In March 2022 he appeared as a panellist on the first edition of BBC Question Time following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He talked about how he feels nothing but shame for his birth-country (Russia), and how his family in Ukraine are being bombarded.

I would strongly recommend you watch this here -$/playlist/ada01af25de6727203831ac3d7dfdc92dd7c04d3

Music timestamps

0:00 - Antonín Dvořák (Czech Austro-Hungarian) - Symphony No. 9 - New World Symphony - The fourth and final movement of this piece.

11:51 - Ludwig van Beethoven (German) - Symphony No. 9 in D minor - The final complete symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven

Music timestamps

0:00 - Flute from Geißenklösterle cave in Germany

2:33 - Improvisation on a mammoth-ivory flute, recorded close to the mouth of the Geissenklösterle cave in Germany, in the spring

3:50 - Mammoth ivory and bird bone flutes of Germany - The world's oldest musical instruments

4:05 - Bone flute

4:30 - Reed instrument - Made by an archaeologist adding a reed of birchbark to a discovered bone flute (the same as played just before this piece), as an estimation of how some of the bone flutes may have actually been played

4:49 - Drum - Made of leather, stretched around a circular frame

7:17 - Conch - From Marsoulas a cave in Southwestern France, notable for its archaeological wealth

9:00 - Blowing horn - Large horn from an ox

9:10 - Cow horn

9:48 - Bullroarer - Simply an oval shaped piece of wood attached to a string, in this case, echoing through the forest. Swung overhead at high speeds. Used as an ancient ritual musical instrument and a device for communicating over great distances


0:00 - Double Pan Flute

2:16 - Hellenistic Aulos

4:20 - Bronze Age Irish Music

8:40 - The Fipple Pipes - Irish - Bronze Age Musical Scale

9:44 - Irish horn

10:15 - Hurrian Hymn no.6 - 1400 BC - Syrian - The oldest known melody - While not European, as the oldest extant melody can offer some guess as to what ancient music would have sounded like.

14:48 - Bronze Age Lyre

17:11 - Nordic lur - The earliest references to an instrument called the lur come from Icelandic sagas, where they are described as war instruments, used to marshal troops and frighten the enemy.

19:44 - 1300-700 - Late bronze age Irish horns

20:36 - 1700-500 - Nordic Bronze Age lures


0:00 - Circa 10th century BC - Lyre of Har Megiddo - Played by King David (Jewish) - Improvised instrumental played on a replica of the ancient lyre. The “Lyre of Har Megiddo” is an instrument etched onto an ivory plaque that was discovered in the excavations of a royal palace in the ancient city of Megiddo (aka Armageddon) in Israel, and said to be the same played by King David himself.

2:23 - Circa 10th century BC - Psalms 23 in Hebrew - King David (Jewish) - According to tradition, of the 150 psalms in the Old Testament Book of Psalms, 73 are said to have been written by David himself. Of these, Psalm 23 is one of the most well known. Based on the lyre of Har Megiddo.

Psalm 23

1 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.
3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

A note from Peter Pringle, who performed this piece. "No one has any idea what the psalms might have sounded like sung by David but we do know he was a singer and an instrumentalist. No music has survived, and the texts were not written down until several hundred years after David’s death. I can make no claims to authenticity in this rendition, since we do not even know how David tuned his lyre. For this video, I have tuned to an F minor harmonic scale, and I sang in a gentle, lyric, style, which seems appropriate for the content. All I can say for sure is that it would have been possible for David to play this on his 10-string “kinnor”."

6:30 - Circa 10th century BC - Zemer Atik (Jewish) - Performance of the traditional Hebrew song "Zemer Atik" or "Ancient Melody". Performed on a replica of a surviving ancient Egyptian lyre (circa 1300 BC) from just before the traditional Biblical time period of King David (10th century BC). Performed by Micheal Levy with the aim of replicating what a lyre form the time of King David would have sounded like.

10:03 - Circa 10th century BC - Kinnor (Jewish) - Performance on a 10-string Biblical lyre of the Shabbat melody composed by Rabbi Israel Goldfarb, "Shalom Aleichem", a spoken greeting in Hebrew, meaning "peace be upon you". Micheal Levy's attempt to evoke the feeling of the music of ancient Israel/Judea, with arrangements of both traditional Jewish sacred and instrumental Klezmer music, uniquely arranged for my evocation of the 10-string Biblical lyre known in Hebrew as the "Kinnor", which is vividly described both throughout the Biblical text and also in the writings of the first century Jewish historian, Flavius Jo

Music timestamps

0:00 - Circa 9th century BC - Phorminx - One of the oldest of the Ancient Greek stringed musical instruments, in the yoke lutes family, intermediate between the lyre and the kithara.

2:13 - Circa 9th century BC - Phorminx - Most probably originated from Mesopotamia. Common in Homer's day, accompanying the traveling rhapsodes, who recited epic poems from memory.

3:51 - Circa 9th century BC - Phorminx - Santoorinio-style playing. Santorini is an island in the Aegean Sea off the coast of Greece

8:19 - Circa 9th century BC - Phorminx and aulos - The Phorminx probably originated from Mesopotamia

Music timestamps

0:00 - Micheal Levy - Ancient Greek Musical Fragment
0:33 - Micheal Levy - Procession of the Olympians
1:11 - Micheal Levy - Spirit of the Kithara
1:50 - Micheal Levy - Paean (a song of praise or triumph)
2:35 - Micheal Levy - New Music for Ancient Lyre - Inspired by Homer
5:57 - Late 8th Century - Homer (Greek) - Ancient Greek Music - Fragment by Homer
7:29 - Late 8th Century - Homer (Greek) - The Iliad - Reading in ancient Greek
9:30 - Late 8th Century - Homer (Greek) - The Odyssey - Reading in ancient Greek

Important note - Micheal Levy is a modern composer who recreates approximates of ancient lyre music. The first five pieces are not compositions from the 8th century BC.


Created 5 years ago.

1089 videos

Category Education

"And just how," the mongoose demanded scornfully of the serpent, "do you propose to climb Mount Kailash, the home of Lord Siva? You who have neither arms nor hands, neither feet nor toes with which to grip the precipices?"

"Very slowly," the serpent replied. "Carefully. Coiling back and forth upon my belly, over a rock here, up through a crevice there. I shall get there in the end, you know."

The mongoose snorted in derision. But in his heart he suspected the serpent spoke truly.

- Indian fable

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