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It's a pandemic of the ever vaccinated
Headline news
Lloyd Austin smited
icann discovered through FOIA CDC and top officals were aware of "breakthrough cases"

Unvaccinated Djokovak wins, Vaccinated Critic loses
Joesthetics Dies suddenly after being peer pressured to take vaccination
Doctor Wilson gets lab leak wrong. Debunk the Funk Haired Scientist
Provaxx youtuber can't figure out what's wrong with his health.

The hospitals become flooded with young children the weeks following mass vaccine of young children. Mostly vaccinated and now immune compromised, we are seeing wave after waves of illness in the ever-vaccinated/immune-compromised. Will the gaslighting ever stop? Youtube subliminally normalizes young people who "die suddenly" of heart attacks by highlighting a rare case of supposed "caffeine induced" death.

What is a sheeple? Paul Offit loses debate
Oveta Fuller FDA Safety head dies from jab she said was safe. Zdogg admits to being vaccine injured. Connect the dots.

Based on the Congress Model, I predict that the Covid Vaccine has killed, maimed, or injured more than 1 in every 50 americans. CDC FDA Claims this is RARE. I beg to differ.

Saipan commissioner of education resigns due to deteriorating health problems post vaxx. (Myocarditis)
Vaxxhole Instant Karma
Died Suddenly headlines
Senators cognative abilities deteriorate post vaccine.

Pfizer makes a record profit off of mandated vaccines with zero liability.
They use this money and power to pay off politicians and talking heads on the tell-lie-vision
These Mockingbird Media elite mandated their employees take the injection their sponsors were selling.
Now we see the normalization of people dying suddenly or stroking out on live TV.


The Floating heads of the mainstream Pharma Narrative get smited by the Karma Gods.

So much shaming.... so much Karma. Don Lemon, Cuemo, Morning Joe, Joe Biden, Lian Wang, a time capsul of CoVAIDS irony.

The Fight Against HPV Mandates in CA; UK’s Hancock Caught Red-Handed; Dutch Farmers Step Up The Fight; Congressional Oversight Committee Questions COVID Vaccine Origins, Redfield Lets Loose on Fauci; Movie Star / Comedian Talks Surviving Cancel Culture, Doing What’s Right; Russell Brand Lights Things Up on Late Night Guests: Michael Baum, Esq., Rob Schneider

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Propagana News outlet Healthday claims clotshot is good for heart. BS
The vast majority of covid deaths in hospital are amongst vaccinated.
Boy twists ankle and dies from "Strep A" Bacteria days later. Nothing to see here
Some more celebrities die in ironic ways
Never go full retard

Today we are following The Chemical Trail: Fluoride Lawsuit Exposes Apparent Government Official Hiding Data; Big Win in Maryland; Gates-Funded Study Shows Two Years Later, Natural Immunity Still Better Than Vaccine. Why?; Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Attacked By The U.S.?; Tackling the Controversial Issue of Chemtrails; ICAN wins in CA Lawsuit Prohibiting Any Vaccine Mandates, Setting Precedent Guests: Derrick Broze, Dane Wigington #FluorideLawsuit #NaturalImmunity #ICANLegal #AaronSiri

We need to learn how to think critically in order to free ourselves and free our minds. In the name of humanity, stop pretending the vaccines are either safe or effective. They are not... The chinese weather baloon is a distraction. January 6th was not an insurrection, but a peaceful protest against the tyrants who stole the election and those that work to destroy our democracy and abolish freedom.

Branch Covidian Dr. Wilson gets debunked again. He agrees vitamin D works, then he debunks himself, then he provides contrived data and shoots himself in the foot and the arm with even more boosters despite no safety tests except in 8 lab rats... then injects his kid rejects excercise and healthy living... he's scared of a virus with a 99.9% survival rate.

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Medical Tyrants Caught on Camera; Pfizer Caught Shifting Goalposts, Again; New Legislation Targets CDC, WHO Overreach; Cochrane Review Shows Masks Didn’t Work, But this Vitamin Does;

Moderna CEO admits to creating 100,000 covid vaccines before there was a pandemic.
President of EU plays kiss face with CEO of Pfizer and Zalensky mandates vaccines nobody voted for her.

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Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

100 videos

Category Health & Medical

If we can connect the dotz, we can begin to see the bigger picture. In these videos, I look at different scientific data, headline news, and conspiracy theory to help the sleeping sheep wake up.