Dickroot Stalker

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Dickroot Stalker



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Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

1 video

Category Arts & Literature

Dickroot Stalker is the sister wing of the Youtube channel with the name My Mockumentary. Due to the political nature of my work, presented in a satire montage format, can get trolled, and like many other content providers Bitchute is an avenue for a little more free expression. Designed to inform and entertain, my left field approach can seem intriguing, funny, but also creepy or disconcerting. Ultimately my work is fictitious, but I transform real events to bend perception and hence potentially bend reality. There is no prolonged violence or prolonged foul language. My work is risky, but political art should be. My Mockumentary takes no sides, takes no prisoners, and does everything it can to take the piss in a way that tickles your fancy.