Data Dumper

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Data Dumper



Jimmy Dore, June 20, 2024

Preliminary evidence from a recent study suggests a potential link between COVID-19 vaccination, particularly mRNA vaccines, and increased incidences of Alzheimer’s Disease and mild cognitive impairment. The study took place in South Korea and included more than 550,000 participants, all over age 65.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss this latest adverse effect to be identified from Covid vaccination.

Kurt Metzger on Twitter: / kurtmetzger
Kurt’s website:

Jimmy Dore

Redacted, June 20, 2024

The Biden administration wants to put electronic tags on all bison and cattle that moves between state lines. Why? It can't be because of bird flu! Sixth generation farmer Trent Loos joins us to discuss it.


Jimmy Dore, June 19, 2024

At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States military launched a secret campaign to counter what it perceived as China’s growing influence in the Philippines, a nation hit especially hard by the deadly virus, an investigation by the Reuters news agency has found. Through phony internet accounts meant to impersonate Filipinos, the military’s propaganda efforts morphed into an anti-vaccination campaign, Reuters reported in a story released on Friday. Social media posts decried the quality of face masks, test kits and the first vaccine that would become available in the Philippines – China’s Sinovac inoculation.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss how the U.S. government was actually the biggest spreader of vaccine misinformation during the pandemic.

Kurt Metzger on Twitter: / kurtmetzger
Kurt’s website:

Jimmy Dore

Jimmy Dore, June 18, 2024

The state of Kansas has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical company Pfizer, Inc. for alleged consumer protection violations related to the company's manufacturing of the COVID-19 vaccine, saying the company marketed the shot as "safe" even though it "knew" the vaccine was connected to "serious adverse events."

"Pfizer misled the public that it had a ‘safe and effective’ COVID-19 vaccine," the 69-page lawsuit filed Monday in the District Court of Thomas County alleges.

Jimmy and Americans’ Comedian Kurt Metzger discuss the possible repercussions Big Pharma is facing over massive duplicity about vaccine effectiveness.

Kurt Metzger on Twitter: /kurtmetzger
Kurt’s website:

Jimmy Dore

Rebel News, June 19, 2024

The Calgary-Lougheed United Conservative Party constituency association hosted a grassroots vaccine information townhall, where Rebel News spoke with prominent physicians on COVID-19 vaccines and the spike in childhood mortality.

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The Jimmy Dore, June 19, 2024

FBI kicking Trump supporters & vaxx skeptics out of FBI

Jimmy Dore

The Hill, June 19, 2024

Reason Magazine reporter Christian Britschgi weighs in on the hearing on covid-19 origins that took place yesterday. #Coronavirus #LabLeak

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Rising is a weekday morning show with bipartisan hosts that breaks the mold of morning TV by taking viewers inside the halls of Washington power like never before. The show leans into the day's political cycle with cutting edge analysis from DC insiders who can predict what is going to happen. It also sets the day's political agenda by breaking exclusive news with a team of scoop-driven reporters and demanding answers during interviews with the country's most important political newsmakers.

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The Jimmy Dore, June 17, 2024

Liars take zero responsibility with Neil Oliver

Jimmy Dore

PANDA, June 17, 2024

Richard Jeffs is a former ITV producer and director-of-photography. He is now an independent investigative filmmaker and a tech start-up CEO, with an interest in the future of work.

In 2020, Richard produced "The New Normal" documentary, which was the first viral film to investigate the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset.
Watch "The New Normal":
• The New Normal

Over the past sixteen months, Richard has devoted long seven-day weeks to making a powerful new series or feature films, which investigate Stakeholder Capitalism. Enacted in 2020 by the World Economic Forum’s Stakeholders, Stakeholder Capitalism is a new political system currently being mandated by governments, aligning with Klaus Schwab's intent to transition the world to full Stakeholder Capitalism by 2030.

Watch Richard’s new feature film, "Stakeholder Communism"

There remains a continued drive toward the transformation of our societies in ways that threaten democracy and our existing way of life. PANDA Open Sessions examine the scientific, political, societal and economic dimensions of these influences.

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Presentation: 22 May 2024

Kim Iversen, June 18, 2024

Sam Husseini is an independent journalist and founder of Sam is known for his tough questions at State Department press conferences. Sam has been a vocal critic of US foreign policy and was an early voice on the possible lab origins of COVID-19. Additionally, he co-wrote a detailed investigation into the origins of Ebola in 2014, implicating many scientists who later dismissed the lab origins theory of COVID-19. Read Sam’s work here:

**About the show
The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily.

**Medical Disclaimer:
The CDC states that masks are effective and patients should not try medications or protocols that are not approved for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. Hundreds of millions of people have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. This program is not a replacement for medical advice and may explore counter opinions. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health.

Jimmy Dore, June 16, 2024

FDA Executive caught on undercover video

Jimmy Dore

Redacted, June 15, 2024

Moderna announced that it’s flu/Covid vaccine combo completed Phase 3 of its clinical trials and that the vaccine results in a “higher immune response than the licensed comparator vaccines used in the trial.” Were they less likely to contract Covid or the flu? That wasn’t tested. Were they less likely to show symptoms? That also was not tested. Is it safe? Moderna says that it “showed an acceptable tolerability and safety profile.” Acceptable? Let's review that, shall we?


Redacted, June 14, 2024

Mexico set the record straight and said that the person that died with bird flu had several other complicating factors including obesity, kidney and respiratory failure. So why did the World Health Organization say that the man died OF bird flu when in fact he died WITH bird flu and many other health co-morbidities? Are we doing this again? After the WHO tried to pass of the death as caused by bird flu last Wednesday, they turned around and corrected themselves on Friday saying that the death was "multifactorial." They did not apologize for the mis-assessment though but they should have.

http://redacted .inc

Redacted, June 14, 2024

The U.S. and European Union will order bird flu vaccines from from vaccine manufacturer CSL Seqirus, which is funded and advised by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation. What do we even know about bird flu vaccines?


Paul Weston, May 31, 2024

Rishi Sunak's dodgy financial relationship with Moderna

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Kim Iversen, June 12, 2024

A new American McCarthyism is on the rise as a new report exposes the FBI's internal anti-Trump bias

**About the show
The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily.

**Medical Disclaimer:
The CDC states that masks are effective and patients should not try medications or protocols that are not approved for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. Hundreds of millions of people have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. This program is not a replacement for medical advice and may explore counter opinions. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health.

The Jimmy Dore, June 9, 2024

Chris Cuomo unrepentant about his own lies with Neil Oliver

Jimmy Dore

Kim Iversen, June 11, 2024

On Friday the 9th circuit court of appeals not only reinstated a covid vaccine mandate case that was thrown out by a lower district court but they also called into question whether or not the covid vaccines were actual vaccines

**About the show
The Kim Iversen Show is a fully independent program produced for your entertainment and information. The one hour show airs live M-F at 11am PT/2pm ET at Clips from the program are published to YouTube daily.

**Medical Disclaimer:
The CDC states that masks are effective and patients should not try medications or protocols that are not approved for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19. The CDC states that COVID-19 vaccines are safe, effective, and reduce your risk of severe illness. Hundreds of millions of people have received a COVID-19 vaccine, and serious adverse reactions are uncommon. This program is not a replacement for medical advice and may explore counter opinions. Always consult your personal physician before making any decisions about your health.

Surviving End Times, June 10, 2024

The latest US Department of Agriculture data shows bird flu has infected at least 80 dairy herds across ten states. There are growing concerns about rising cow mortalities from the virus and the risk of farmers culling cows to stop the spread. This could ignite economic stress across the farm belt and unleash a supply shock.

The USDA has informed farmers that lactating dairy cattle are not eligible for interstate transportation, which has snarled the dairy supply chain.

One major concern is whether the virus jumps from dairy to beef cows. If that's the case, then culling beef cows to stop the spread could catapult retail prices even higher because the nation's total herd population has collapsed to 1951 levels.

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Jimmy Dore, June 9, 2024

Scottish archaeologist and commentator appeared as a guest on The Jimmy Dore show to discuss a range of topics, from the establishment’s pandemic lies to the Ukraine war and Gaza to the World Economic Forum, and offered his theory about how elites sense they are losing their grasp on the public narrative and feel compelled to try to terrify the populace into acquiescence to mass surveillance.

Jimmy Dore

Will Do Freedom, June 9, 2024

We discuss a variety of subjects.
Prof. Murakami is professor emeritus at Tokyo University of Science. He specializes in immunomedicine and antibody research and was the first in the world to succeed in the mass production of neutralizing antibodies against the new coronavirus.
He has been speaking out and warning for the dangers of the mRNA injections that are not vaccines but experimental genetic therapy.
April and May 2024 has seen massive protest in Japan against the WHO. The professor is one of the key leaders and voices behind this national movement.
Article on April 13th protest:
“Massive Rallies Break Out in Japan Against WHO's Pandemic Treaty”
May 31st event website
He has a warning for people worldwide, in October the next generation of self amplifying and possible self spreading mRNA injections will be offered and implemented in Japan.
He is a founding member and vice president for “United Citizens for Stopping mRNA vaccines”,
Japan has suffered like many other countries form declining birthrates, sudden death and excess mortality.
Murakami is convinced this is due to the nature of the injections.

Jimmy Dore, Jun 4, 2024

Fauci admits masking & social distancing rules were made up

Jimmy Dore

System Update, June 6, 2024

Sen. Rand Paul on COVID origin cover-ups, Ukraine's losing war, Trump's trial, and more

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Greg Reese, May 21, 2024

Evidence of VMAT2 Deletion in the shots

More than a hundred years ago, Rudolf Steiner wrote that. “In the future, we will eliminate the soul with medicine. Under the pretext of a ‘healthy point of view’, there will be a vaccine by which the human body will be treated... so that the human being cannot develop the thought of the existence of soul and Spirit… He would be extremely smart, but he would not develop a conscience, and that is the true goal of some materialistic circles.”

A viral video which claims to be a leaked 2005 presentation to the DOD by American geneticist, Dean Hamer, shows a man briefing a room of men about the VMAT2 gene, the God gene, and how it can be suppressed with the use of vaccines.

“Excuse me, on the left over here, we have individuals who are religious fundamentalists, religious fanatics. And this is the expression, RTPCR, real time PCR, expression of the VMAT2 gene. Our hypothesis is that these are fanatical people, that they have overexpression of the VMAT2 gene and that by vaccinating them against this, we’ll eliminate this behavior.” ~ Dean Hamer (Fake)

In 2021, former NEWS anchor, Ryan Harper, claimed in the San Francisco Chronicle that he created this video as a short film. But has provided no clear evidence to substantiate this claim. And if it is a hoax, then it appears to be disinformation, False information deliberately spread to employ strategic deceptions to advance political, military, or commercial goals. Because in 2009, Dean Hamer lectured at Marlboro College about this same subject.

“Well, it turns out at least one gene that’s involved in spirituality has now been identified. It's one of many different players. The next slide shows it. It's something called The Vesicular Monoamine Transporter number 2.” ~ Dean Hamer (Real)

And in 2004, Hamer published the book, “The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into our Genes,” where in he argues that a variation in the VMAT2 gene dictates one's openness to spiritual experiences, and without it, we can not feel God.

Not only is this information accurate, but it appears to have been deployed. In a recent article by Dr Ariyana Love, it is shown that this technology has existed for years.

The VMAT2 gene is a protein that carries several vital neurotransmitters to synapses in the brain. It basically controls the central nervous system. Deleting it, known as a knockout, would greatly reduce these neurotransmitters creating an endless list of chronic health issues.

Jimmy Dore, June 4, 2024

Chris Cuomo completely wrecked in COVID debate with Dave Smith

Jimmy Dore


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

2590 videos

Category Health & Medical

This channel is dedicated to the biggest scam in human history, COVID-1984. With all of the videos you'll find links and information for further research.

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Lockdown: Fiction or planning? (Rockefeller)
Harry Vox, October 21, 2014

Corona plandemic 'Pandora's box' (WEF)
Rooster's House, April 19, 2020

COVID fraud and illegal dealings (Patents)
Joseph Mercola with David Martin, September 29, 2021

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Your guide to the Great Reset
James Corbett, October 16, 2020

The New Normal
Happen Network, January, 2021

Decoding Davos
Truth Unmuted, February 28, 2021

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Billionaires became one trillion dollars richer in 2020
reallygraceful, December 1, 2020

MONOPOLY - Who owns the world?
Tim Gielen, March 19, 2021

Vaccine policy is economic policy (IMF)
Kristalina Georgieva / IMF, August 27, 2021

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China - Surveillance state or way of the future?
DW Documentary, October 17, 2021

They want your children!
Iconoclast with Melissa Cuimmei, November 23, 2021

Vaccine passports are a Trojan horse
BLCKBX Import, December 3, 2021

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The swineflu vaccination fraud of 1976
60 Minutes, 1976

WHO is lying to you (Vaccine safety)
Del Bigtree / The Highwire, January 9, 2020

WHO says covid-19 asymptomatic transmission is very rare
Maria Van Kerkhove, June 8, 2020

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NIH knew about chloroquine (HCQ)
Del Bigtree / The Highwire, April 17, 2020

The silver bullet for COVID19 (Budesonide)
Joel Evan with Richard Bartlett, June 24, 2020

Dr. Pierre Kory senate testimony on early COVID-19 treatments (Ivermectine)
Pierre Kory, December 8, 2020

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The trail of truth
Luke Alexander, December 22, 2020

The vaccine trials
The Mirror Project, March 2, 2021

These patients deserve to be heard (VAERS)
The Highwire, September 17, 2021

Sen. Johnson expert panel
Ron Johnson, November 1, 2021

The Unseen Crisis
EpochTV, May 25, 2023
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The characteristics of an initiation ritual
Truthstream Media, April 21, 2020

Is this torture?
Amazing Polly, July 1, 2020

Psychological impact of COVID lockdown
Patrick Henningsen with Richard Grannon, July 7, 2020

Mattias Desmet on our grave situation
Chris Martenson with Mattias Desmet, December 3, 2021

How they created supporters for medical tyranny
Amazing Polly, January 2, 2022