Death of a Nation

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Death of a Nation

Death of a Nation


Can we agree that multiculturalism is an abject failure? Look at our country. Just look at it. Look at our cities and how a once superior culture has diluted itself with inferiority and mediocrity. America's greatness is gone.
Courtesy of World Truth Video created 1/27/22

From VDare TV....

It's been a while but here is a compilation of what the usual suspects have been up to recently....

Pt. 1 of a 2 part series on globalism, demographics and the death of the west.

Pt. 2 of a 2 part series from Parse The Noise...

Didn't end well for this fella...

The usual suspects of course...

Tucker Carlson Clip from 6/24/21 episode. No other mainstream pundit addresses the messiness of race like Tucker Carlson. He clearly sees the writing on the wall that every American should see.

Colin Flaherty Podcast on Undeniable Truth from 6/20/21.

White girl is savagely attacked at Juneteenth celebration while crowd cheers on....

News clip from a few days ago. Crowd of Ladies & Fellas attack cop and the media of course ignores the blatantly obvious.

"Teens" cause chaos at two separate amusement parks and a water gun fight in a parking lot turns real, all in the past week...

Death of a Nation Remembers....Amazon Driver Slow-Poke Ramirez Assaults a 67 Year Old Woman.

Tucker Carlson 6/7/21: The Ladies welcome Chicago police into the hood, a black supremacist professor openly expresses her hatred of white people, without consequence, and more...

Another Public Service from our Law Enforcement. The targeted office was extremely lucky that someone was paying attention.

I could show at least one a day for what it's worth...

Tucker Reports. Cities have ending subway fees, traffic tickets, no longer prosecute shoplifting, among many other things to uplift the least among us and end white supremacy....foot chases are the latest change of tactics by Law Enforcement in the model city of Chicago....

Biden's America Memorial Day Weekend Reporting from Newsmax TV.

Never comprehensive. This one is a shorty about some recent stories about the usual suspects. I can't do the monthly roll call of crime victims anymore because they shut down No more black crime data base....

The Great Jared Taylor breaks down the current reality on America's most special, privileged class,

No shortage of the usual suspects doing as they do, increasingly empowered by a society that coddles and excuses them.

Jared Taylor comments on the St. Floyd verdict.

The usual suspects again, at McDonalds, again...

The 5 discusses the latest national narrative. I don't post much mainstream commentary because it's so sickeningly sanitized, but they do cover the hypocrisy of the current narrative. Perhaps we really should leave well enough alone....

The great Colin Flaherty is the inspiration for this channel. The author of the books "White Girl Bleed a Lot", and "Don't Make The Black Kids Angry" (which I helped proofread); he is the leading authority on America's greatest taboo; the reality of black crime and violence in America and the denial, deceit and delusion that enables it. This interview is about 6 months old but still relevant. It's a good refresher of the key points that Colin hits on. For more Colin and to support his work:


Created 5 years, 6 months ago.

225 videos

Category News & Politics

This Channel is dedicated to American Traditionalism, Fighting Cultural Marxism and exposing America's Greatest Taboo of Racial Reality and other uncomfortable truths...