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After you watch parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 of this saga at https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/wumqt , will you get a better idea of what immigrating to "that rich country" is like?

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You know that curiosity killed the cat, that you're about to find out if curiosity can kill a crash test dummy going to a rich country, and you only have to click https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/wumqt to find out.

Available on YouTube:


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Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

Music And Sound Effects By:

Sure you can click https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/wumqt to watch this video, and also sure you'll become more patient after watching what happens to this crash test dummy on this animation.

Available on YouTube:


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Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

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Will the same happen to you the next time you cross any border line after you watch the rest of this cartoon at https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/wumqt ?

Available on YouTube:


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Owners of the copyright may reserve the right to monetize their audio.

Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

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After watching the ending of this saga at https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/dtfho , will you get the right or the wrong idea about what is like to immigrate to a bunch of developed countries?"

Available on YouTube:


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Owners of the copyright may reserve the right to monetize their audio content.

Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

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You'll study the path to "very old and rich countries" as you click on " https://www.bitchute.com/video/aV3Tz1VwKwbl/ " and watch a crash test dummy being used to walk that path.

Available on YouTube:


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Owners of the copyright may reserve the right to monetize their audio content.

Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

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Just because you can watch a school boy killing innocent people and then killing himself, doesn't mean you're going to click on https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/ykbima , right away. Does it?

Available on YouTube:


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Owners of the copyright may reserve the right to monetize their audio content.

Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

Music And Sound Effects By:

So, you see a plucked rooster who is blindfolded and also scared to death; and this makes you wonder why shouldn't you watch this video's ending at https://diametral.gumroad.com/l/GhEUA

Available on YouTube:


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Owners of the copyright may reserve the right to monetize their audio content.

Even though I have not applied for any video monetization program, you might see ads on my videos.

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(ENGLISH) (Español abajo ; Português em baixo ; Français en dessous)

Will you feel encouraged to give us money for our paid access animations after watching this animation for free? Find out at https://gumroad.com/diametral

Music And Sound Effects By:



¡No Estamos Mendigando Dinero!

¿Te sentirás motivado a darnos dinero por nuestras animaciones de acceso pagado después de ver esta animación gratis? Descubrelo en https://gumroad.com/diametral



Não Estamos Pedindo Dinheiro!

Você estará incentivado a dar dinheiro pelas nossas animações de acesso pago depois de assistir gratuitamente esta animação? Vá para https://gumroad.com/diametral para descobrir.



On N'est Pas En Train De Quémander De L'Argent!

Serez-vous motivé(e) à donner de l'argent pour regarder nos animation d'accès payant après regarder gratuitement cette animation? Allez à https://gumroad.com/diametral pour le découvrir.

(ENGLISH) (Español abajo ; Português em baixo ; Français en dessous)

As you figure out another ending for this video, would you check out our other animations in gumroad.com/diametral ?

Music And Sound Effects By:



Mientras buscas otro final para este vídeo, le echarías un vistazo a nuestras otra animaciones en gumroad.com/diametral ?



Enquanto você procura um outro final para este vídeo, você daria uma olhada em nossas animações em gumroad.com/diametral ?



Tandis que vous cherchez une autre fin pour cette histoire, pouvez vous donner un coup d'œil à nos animations sur gumroad.com/diametral ?

(ENGLISH) (Español abajo ; Português em baixo ; Français en dessous)

If all stereotypes about Eastern Europe are real... then a coffee date in that region always end up like any toxic couple scene.

There is nothing funny about it, there is nothing exemplary either. It's just dark humor or gallows humor.

GIMP Animation.
Kdenlive Animation.

More animations available at https://gumroad.com/diametral

Music And Sound Effects By:



Si todos los estereotipos sobre Europa del Este son reales ... entonces una cita para tomar café en esa región siempre termina como una escena de pareja tóxica.

No tiene nada de gracioso, tampoco hay nada de ejemplar. Es solo humor negro.

Animación GIMP
Animación Kdenlive

Más animaciones en https://gumroad.com/diametral



Outra tentativa falhada de fazer um desenho animado da Europa Oriental que seja divertido e educativo.

Se todos os estereótipos sobre Europa Oriental são certos... então um encontro de café nessa região sempre termina em uma relação tóxica onde o abuso acontece a diário?

De certa forma, assemelha-se a como os esforços investidos na diplomacia internacional para essa região terminam em um confronto entre Rusia e Ocidente.

Animação 2d Quadro Por Quadro Feita Com GIMP e Kdenlive

Mais animações em https://gumroad.com/diametral



Une autre tentative échouée de faire un dessin animé amusant et éducatif sur l'Europe de l'Est.

Si tous les stéréotypes sur l'Europe de l'Est sont vrai... alors, est-ce qu'un rendez-vous au café dans cette region devient toujours une relation toxique où l'abuse se fait quotidiennement?

D'une façon, il ressemble à comment les efforts investis dans la diplomatie internationale pour cette region devient toujour une confrontation entre La Russie et L'Ouest.

Animation 2d Image Par Image Fait Avec GIMP Et Kdenlive.

Plus d'animations à https://gumroad.com/diametral

(ENGLISH) (Español abajo ; Português em baixo ; Français en dessous)

Bullying at School sucks! It sucks more in this cartoon!

But sometimes it is possible to find "justice" in an unpretentious school bully animation.

Moreover, in a time when bullying and indifference often go together, the bullied and the bullies will usually enter a game of extremism that nobody wins.

GIMP Animation.
Kdenlive Animation.

More animations available at https://gumroad.com/diametral

Music And Sound Effects By:



¡La escuela apesta! Mucho más en estos dibujos animados! .

Pero algunas veces un corto animado sobre el bullying (matoneo) y sin muchas pretensiones trae algo de "justicia".

Por otra parte, en una época en la cual el matoneo escolar y la negligencia van de la mano, los abusados y los matones normalmente entrarán en un juego de extremismo que nadie gana.

Animación GIMP
Animación Kdenlive

Más animaciones en https://gumroad.com/diametral



A escola é cruel! Ainda mais neste desenho animado!

Mas às vezes, é possivel de encontrar un pouco de "justiça" em uma Animação (despretensiosa) de Assédio na escola.

Por outro lado, em uma época em que o bullying escolar e a negligência vão juntos, os abusados e os fortalhões normalmente entrarão em um jogo de extremismo que ninguém ganha.

Animação GIMP
Animação Kdenlive

Mais animações em https://gumroad.com/diametral



L'école l'emmerde! Et même plus dans ce dessin animé!

Mais parfois, on peut trouver un peut de «justice» dans une Vidéo (sans aucune prétention) de Harcelement à l'école .

Par ailleurs, à une époque où les brimades à l'école et la negligence vont ensemble, les abusés et les brimades entreront habituellement dans un jeu d'extrémisme où personne gagne.

Animation GIMP
Animation Kdenlive

Plus d'animations à https://gumroad.com/diametral


Created 4 years, 4 months ago.

13 videos

Category Anime & Animation

---------- (English) ----------


Broadcasting from a planet whose inhabitants' actions make no sense at all, this is DIAMETRAL, another failed attempt to summarize world's problems, rationally.

Thank you for choosing us as a your source for entertainment. If you didn't like our videos and feel like killing us for making you waste your time, remember that you always had the choice of reading a book!

More animations available at https://gumroad.com/diametral

---------- (Español) ----------


Desde un planeta habitado por seres irracionales, transmite DIAMETRAL, otro intento fallido en resumir los problemas del mundo de manera razonable.

Gracias por hacer de nosotros la opción de entretenimiento elegida ¡Si nuestros vídeos resultan no ser agradables y es preferible que estemos muertos, hay que recordar que, desde el principio, siempre estuvo disponible la opción de leer un libro!

Más animaciones en https://gumroad.com/diametral

---------- (Português) ----------


Em um planeta habitado por seres irracionais, transmite DIAMETRAL, outra tentativa falhada de resumir os problemas do mundo de maneira razoável.

Obrigado por nos considerar como a sua opção favorita de entretenimento. Se os nossos vídeos não são agradáveis e a nossa morte seria muito melhor, é importante lembrar que, desde o início, a opção de ler um livro esteve sempre presente!

Mais animações em https://gumroad.com/diametral

---------- (Français) ----------


Dans un planète habité par des êtres irrationnels, transmet DIAMÉTRAL, autre essaie échoué de résumer les problèmes du monde de façon correct.

Merci de penser à nous comme le bonne choix de divertissement. Si on trouve que nos vidéos ne sont pas agréables et il est préférable que nous soyons morts, il faut rappeler que, au début, il était toujours le choix de lire un livre!

Plus d'animations à https://gumroad.com/diametral