Donald-Grahn, Truth vs. NEW$, INC.

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Donald-Grahn, Truth vs. NEW$, INC.

Donald Grahn - Truth vs. NEW$ INC.


A profound, insightful military strategy analyses

Truth vs. NEW$ Part 2 of 3 (2 Oct. 2022) with James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.

[NOTE: Second attempt to Upload these truths to Bitchute: ]

The January 6th committee got an ear-full from attorney Ginni Thomas, wife of Justice Thomas, and (I surmise) ripped them a new one by laying our proof after proof of the theft of the 2020 election, which the committee was designed to cover up with false allegations of incitement and insurrection.

Count on Jan. 6th's final report including not a single word she had to say.

A prominent UK physician has changed his tune and come out against the COVID vax--in particular, the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA versions--as requiring a "pause" and reassessment, after his own father (who was in good health) died subsequent to taking the jab.

The evidence, he observes, is simply "overwhelming" that the vacc's are doing far more harm than good.

Fat chance anything will come of it, alas, because they are so effective in promoting depopulation through vax-induced multiple causes of death, newly categorized under 'SADS' = Sudden Adult Deaths Syndrome.

UNESCO absurdly now dedicates itself to the eradication of 'conspiracy theories', which really means the abolition of critical thinking (based on evidence), where everyone is supposed to simply accept whatever their controlling governments tell them as true.

This is a grotesque abuse of one of the few UN agencies that (at least, for a time) was regarded as actually doing some good.

No more!

Ron Johnson has documented how the social media giants have suppressed his views, even as a sitting United States Senator, which is grotesque and a clear abuse of the 1st Amendment (because they are doing so at the behest of the government, which it specifically disallows).
And a simple test of Ford's latest EV truck shows these battery-powered EV's are completely impractical for the kinds of jobs that trucks are supposed to do.

Look to Part 3 for an added factual segment about Mary Maxwell, Wolfgang Halbig, and Sandy Hook false flag - for gun control. [Guess what: Connecticut just passed legislation to outlaw guns!].

Tues, Oct. 4 Update from USSC, by Jim:

It appears that my Appeal to Stay did not catch up with the Petition for Writ it complements and that the Stay will be reviewed this coming Friday and decision announced on Monday. In my view, the Supreme Court has not simply erred but committed an egregious blunder. Look at the question I posed to the Court, which it has now affirmed to be the case. This is a legal catastrophe.

Intro perspectives by Scott thru 17 minutes, when 1st report goes to 30:30 then 2nd report until 45:30, when last week's 3 report ends at 54 minutes.

Truth vs. NEW$ 1 (2 October 2022) with the Prof.: James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
We began with the use of Weather Warfare stealth to inflict/increase serious damage upon Florida, which is Biden's retaliation against Gov. DeSantis for embarrassing the Democrats by sending 50 migrants to Martha's Vineyard and shifting attention back onto the immigration problem.

This manipulating / magnifying of weather storms (HAARP) not only does great damage to the natural state but makes its residents more dependent upon the federal government for assistance and makes it all but impossible to conduct these midterm Elections in a normal way.

It also allows Biden to claim the damage was due to 'climate change' and promote his (absurd) green energy policies.
It also distracts the public from the crime against humanity the Biden admin has committed by destroying the Nord-Stream (1 and 2) pipelines to punish Russia for its intervention in Ukraine and to keep Europe from succumbing to massive protests to restore cheap energy from Russia, which has now been (indefinitely and perhaps permanently) interdicted.
It has also released the largest volume of methane into the atmosphere, where, it "climate change" were real, would greatly exacerbate the situation.

Meanwhile, Putin has (in accordance with international law) conducted referenda that have now incorporated four regions of Ukraine as parts of Russia, where attacks upon any will be regarded as attacks on Russia.
Have no doubt, Putin means it.
Tucker was all over this from the beginning, one more feather in his cap for being on top of major developments, not just in the US but world-wide. And the vast pro-Ukraine bots on Twitter have been exposed, where the American people are (by far) the most massively media-manipulated population the world has ever known to date.

NOTE: our Original Title and Thumbnail created 'problems' while uploading = Censored! Here is a non-offensive version...!

Truth vs. NEW$ Inc. hour 2 (25 Sept. 2022) with Jim Fetzer, Scott Bennett, David Kenney, and Donald Grahn appears!.
Kevin McCarthy announces that the Republicans will cancel the directive for 87,000 new IRS agents, which some grateful taxpayers will find to be a very good reason to vote GOP in November.
And the White House Press Secretary, in attacking DeSantis and Abbott for sending migrants to other states and cities, admits that the Biden admin has been doing that "from the start", which only confirms what most students had long since concluded.
Only 1.3% of Americans have taken the bivalent booster, which hints that the public may be "wising up" that the vax agenda is a depopulation program, not meant to protect the health and lives of the people.
Fauci turns out to have mocked those who took him seriously about wearing masks and basked in his ability to induce the public into following his (often medically absurd and counterproductive) advice.

24 GOP AGs are advising VISA, American Express, and MasterCard not to use a special code for purchases involving guns and ammunition, which appears to be already in place, alas, as the Democrats go all-in on gun control to sabotage the 2nd Amendment.
And Chicago's Mayor attacks the CEO of McDonald's for suggesting that Chicago has a crime problem, when it's obvious to the world. Absurdity of absurdities,
California is now contemplating banning diesel trucks in the state, which would bring commerce to a halt, on the ground that minorities suffer more than their fair share of pollution.
But this is only one of many moves the Democrats are making as moralistic morons who have no idea of the consequences of the actions they are taking in the name of impractical "Green Energy", including the promotion of EVs that have limited range and enormous charging problems.

2nd attempt to upload here!!
Truth vs. NEW$ 1 (25 Sept 2022) with James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
With Russia mobilizing 300,000 reservists and asserting its right to use nukes if the existence of the Federation should be at stake, one would think the West might pause as to what it has been doing about the intervention in Ukraine, which objective observers regard as fully justified by Putin's pivotal speech of 24 February, in which he laid out the reasons why this was necessary.
Now that Europe's own security has been placed at risk by the reckless economic sanctions imposed upon Russia, which has withdrawn its provision of natural gas to Western Europe, those nations are confronting a very bleak winter facing freezing temperatures and economic collapse-
-and they brought it all upon themselves by policy decisions that were irrational and unfounded (as long as your goal was to protect your country and its people from harsh effects that place their nations at risk.
And in some ways even more disturbing, the US appears to have reversed its past policy of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction), which has all-but-guaranteed no first use of nukes - to one of "nuclear primacy", which supposes that the US can inflict greater damage upon Russia than Russia can inflict upon the US, which may lead to a global catastrophe of historic proportions.
Profoundly disturbing!
Climate fanatics are trying to depose Trump-appointed David Malpass as the head of the World Bank because he is not sufficiently zealous about problematic green energy.
Hillary likens Trump to Hitler* and his followers to Nazis--no surprise here from one of the greatest public monsters the world has ever known--while it turns out that -
Mitch McConnell was eager to see Trump gone from the scene in the wake of the January 6th intrusion, which many will find a good reason to look for alternative Senate leadership should the GOP retake control.
*Whom would you liken Hillary Clinton to, historically?? ______________!

Truth vs. NEW$ 2 (18 Sept 2022) with James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
The Obamas now have the opportunity to construct new cages for these immigrants just as they did before when Barack was in office, where Michelle observed that it would be nice to have more servants around the house!
The "fact checkers" are not checking the facts when Jean-Pierre mangles the truth, however, as though it never occurred, which is the Democratic way.
David offered extended reflections on the meaning of the surge and the open border policy as the introduction of the North American Union, where there will be no borders between Mexico, the US, and Canada, which is taking place before our very eyes without any discussion or debate, much less consultation, with the American people.
The effects for the quality of life in the United States hereafter are going to be profound--and very distressing by depressing the value of everything American.
Reinhart Fullmuch spells out what The Great Reset entails and the stages through which we are progressing, which represents on a global scale what the US is enduring on a continental.
The military is quietly changing its vax policy to acknowledge religious exemption, but most of the damage has already been done.
As though to exemplify the insane policies Democrats are advocating and implementing, Newsom of CA has a huge number of "green laws" that affect every aspect of life in California that parallel those Obama promoted as President of the United States.
None of it is good.
The Governor of Wisconsin has been letting serious criminals out on parole, where they can continue their life of crime, including those convicted of murder, kidnapping, and sexually abusing children.
in Pennsylvania, the Democrats are running an (obviously) brain-damaged candidate, to do to PA what they are already doing to the USA with the (obviously) cognitively incompetent Biden.

Truth vs. NEW$ Inc. 1st hr. (18 Sept. 2022) with James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
A Swedish newspaper has exposed a RAND document showing that the US wanted to create a war between Ukraine and Russia to syphon-off assets that would benefit the US economy by sending skilled labor and capital from Europe to the United States.
Russia appears to be in command of the war there, where it has taken out Ukranian command-and-control sites and surrounded Ukrainian troops in an effective decoy mission, where they are about to be annihilated.
Chuck Schumer has advised Nancy Pelosi that the Democrats are going to lose in November, where he says they have a 60% chance to hold the Senate but only a 40% chance to hold the house.
I predict the GOP will take both.
Biden has not mentioned his student loan payment program, which appears to have been a political disaster they want to cover up.
The DOJ is appealing the appointment of a Special Master in the case of the raid on Mar-a-Lago, but it's most unlikely to succeed--where the overly broad warrant would lead to the exclusion of any incriminating evidence that might have been present as "the fruit of a poisonous tree".

The migrant mission to Martha's Vineyard and then to the Naval Observatory have ripped open the blatant hypocrisy of the Democrat Party, which claims to support migrants but actually never wants to have to physically deal with them--other than harvest their votes!
Martha's, which voted 84% for Biden(!), had these illegals removed as promptly as possible, where a Spanish-language TV reporter said most residents admitted they "don't want migrants here".

Sen. Ted Cruz put the matter in context by observing that, while Martha's melted down over 50 migrants, 15,000 Haitian illegals entered Del Rio, TX, in a single day.
And calculations have it that the Vineyard could hold as many as 6,000,000 migrants.
Since Martha's is a declared sanctuary island, let's make sure migrants have a fair chance to relocate there ASAP.

Truth vs. NEW$ 1st hr. (13 Sept. 2022) with Jim Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
We begin with tributes to--and concerns about-- the late Queen, who reigned for 70 years over the UK;
Then we turned to the Ukrainian offensive which (ostensibly) Is routing the Russians, but it looks to some of us as a trap of the kind the Russians have employed in great victories of the past.
Don't be surprised if the AFU encounters a massive disaster, which is currently in the making.
The EU has put itself into a predicament over gas with its sanctions on Russia, which have backfired to its detriment.
Now they are scrambling, not for more wind and solar, but for hydrocarbons and (even) nuclear to keep their nations warm for the coming winter.
This is not going to be pretty.
A Special Master has been appointed, who will require months and months to sort through the 11,000 disputed documents, which looks likely to put an end to Merrick Garland's pre-emptive coup.
And Tulsi observes that our agencies--the FBI, the DOJ, and the IRS--have been weaponized against the administration's political opponents, which is exactly what they do in banana republics.
So under the Democrats, the US has become one of them!
It appears raids and subpoenas for 50 or more Trump supporters are intended to make the case that the alternative electors plan to cope with the theft of the 2020 election is the centerpiece of the effort to deny Trump the ability to run again because the Democrats are terrified that (once again) he will clean their clocks!

9/11 - Just the Facts, Man! Know and Remember the Facts and Evidence of this historical hellacious treasonous terror attack. - not reliving eyewitness impressions and personal stories.
This hour is brought to you by the Author/Editor of the "bible of 9/11" - Dr. James H Fetzer - and his 17 dedicated discipled professor/authors.
This show, and his profound history book, "America Nuked on 9/11" should be featured in every Non-Fiction section of Every Library in this land. You, as a freedom and truth loving American, should have this book on your coffee table to be read - even just 1 page at a time - as a reminder of why our country has degenerated since 2001 (at least).
SAVE - and - SHARE this 21st Anniversary SPECIAL 9/11 program for Posterity, bro.

Truth vs. NEW$ 2nd hr. - our 9/11 Special (13 September 2022) with Prof. James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
We review the events of 9/11 (but only in general) and some of the excellent presentations and discussions thereof that are available on the internet, especially here on my BitChute channel.
James Corbett wins the prize for the most succinct summation of the events of that day and how they were subsequently addressed (cover-up) by the Bush/Cheney admin, which is not surprising since Cheney appears to have been the executive director of events on the ground (and air) that day from a bunker beneath the White House.
The same guy (VP) was responsible for the rise of Fauci, who was never actually a medical expert but a bio-weapons national security official, which we were never told and how will be responsible for more deaths than any other future in human history.
Biden players are being required to turn over their correspondence with the social media giants, with whom they were colluding to manage the flow of "disinformation", which is anything they did not want the public to know.
10 more "environmentally friendly" helpful alternatives to the use of electricity!
Also, why Michelle O. wears very baggy pants when leaving a ritzy hotel with a suite that runs $30,000 a night.

9/11 - Just the Facts, Man! Know and Remember the Facts, reality, and Evidence of this historical hellacious treasonous terror attack. - don't relive eyewitnesses impressions and their personal experiences.

This hour is brought to you by the Author/Editor of the 423 page "bible of 9/11" - Dr. James H Fetzer - and his 17 dedicated discipled professor/authors.
This show, and his profound history book, "America Nuked on 9/11" should be prominently featured and available in every Non-Fiction section of Every Library in this "free" land. You, as a freedom and truth-loving American, should have this book on your coffee table to be read - even just 1 page at a time - as a reminder of why our country has degenerated since 2001 (at least).
SAVE - and - SHARE this 21st Anniversary SPECIAL 9/11 program for Posterity, bro.

Truth vs. NEW$ 2nd hr. - our 9/11 Special (13 September 2022) with Prof. James Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and David Kenney.
We review the events of 9/11 (but only in general) and some of the excellent presentations and discussions thereof that are available on the internet, especially here on my BitChute channel.
James Corbett wins the prize for the most succinct summation of the events of that day and how they were subsequently addressed (cover-up) by the Bush/Cheney admin, which is not surprising since Cheney appears to have been the executive director of events on the ground (and air) that day from a bunker beneath the White House. The same guy (VP) was responsible for the rise of Fauci, who is not actually a medical expert but a bio-weapons national security official, which we were never told and how will be responsible for more deaths than any other future in human history.
Biden players are being required to turn over their correspondence with the social media giants, with whom they were colluding to manage the flow of "disinformation", which is anything they did not want the public to know.
10 more "environmentally friendly" helpful alternatives to the use of electricity!
Also, why Michelle O. wears very baggy pants when leaving a ritzy hotel with a suite that runs $30,000 a night.

See Part 1's description - as there's nothing you WANT to see here or there that isn't another sign of the Royal's roots' rot.

Historian and prolific author, Joachim Hagopian hits the mark to explosively expose the hidden hellish history of the Windsor Royal family.
If You think you can handle harsh reality - read and listen to this heavy / hurtin' history lesson.
Hard for compliant citizens to comprehend how the world could be so fooled for so long for such evils.
This revelational info will shake you to your core! Hold-on! Part 1 -(abbreviated)

Earth-shaking insider info on the reign of the late Queen's Monarchy that is very hard/harsh to realize - that this is true - and all you know is false!
Really -Don't believe this premise?? Wait until you view this video - 33 min.
"17 days of Mourning" - should turn into 17+ days of Rage at the Royalty's revulsive reign.
Provide some proof that this is wrong, or - reprogram the paradigms of your mind.
At least, - WAKE UP to what all's happening NOW!

2nd attempt to upload this profound interview /debate with Scott Bennett.
Interview with Scott Bennett in debate - on Press TV re: Russian European tensions, supplies...!! 27 worthy minutes of your time

Truth vs. NEW$ 1 (6 September 2022) with Don Grahn, Scott Bennett and special return guest: Michael-Jay Anderson.
Russian forces continue to destroy the Ukrainian military, which was built up after the coup of 2014 to be the most formidable in all of Europe (and supplied with the most sophisticated Western and US military equipment).
Zelensky appears to be doubling-down, but it will be to no effect--other than the continued slaughter of his troops, which does not appear to bother him.
Meanwhile, Biden's Dark Speech was a call to arms against half the American people by describing his political opponents and Trump supporters as though they were "enemies of the state". The White House had promoted the speech as "non-political", when it was anything but. And polling shows that most Americans reject its contents as "too extreme", which is ironic considering that Biden's aim was to make out MAGA fans as "too extreme" for America.
Once again, a Democrat political gambit appears to have backfired--even enormously!

Truth vs. NEW$ 2 (6 Sept. 2022) with Prof Jim Fetzer, Donald Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Michael-Jay Anderson.
The FBI appears to have fabricated 'needed' evidence at Mar-a-Lago by spreading out documents on the floor and adding covers and (even) photo-shopping the outcome to be unflattering to Donald Trump.
A federal judge has granted his motion to appoint a "special master", (Overseer/Decider) which is appropriate in this case if there were ever to be one.
Trump reports that his polling numbers have skyrocketed and donations have soared this month.
While he appears committed to supporting 'the vax'--which causes many of us grave concerns--he and Biden held rallies in Wilkes-Barre, PA, with 30,000+ at Trump's rally and perhaps 100 (paid?) at Biden's.

And Merrick Garland warns FBI and DOJ personnel not to communicate with Congress without the approval of his office in an obvious attempt to intimidate--but it's not going to work.
Elon Musk finds that as much as 80% of Twitter accounts are bots.

And California moves to cut off electricity due to excess demand within days of its governor declaring only new electric cars can be sold after 2035.
Nothing impossibly illogical to see here!
So you may have an EV you can't drive because there is no electricity to charge it!
A new Solution?: Wind-up Cars!

Interesting 33 minutes... BTW:
You can order / get Patricia's CD, "The Key" for $10 - or Donation to
Patricia JHS c/o 5010 Old Hobbtown Way, Rudy, AR, 72952

Aleksandr Dugin gave a Keynote speech at the New Horizon Conference in Iran, in May 2018. Starts at 7:20
Scott gives a great interview on Press TV - Starts at 21:20...

Michael Hayden criticized!, Lockdowns for 'Pandemic' 14 min.
Sandy Hook court case update <29 min. Excellent analysis

Analyzing the Mara-lago redacted messy operations, primarily...

Outstanding show , including David Kenney. No descriptions available now, as Jim just got his Gmail account frozen. Gee, can't Gmail handle the published truth???

Insider details of Facts and clearances of details regarding Affidavit and Raid responsibilities that Dr. F. G. Ford knows and shares all...

Checking out the origins of this country to understand what all is happening to US now.


Created 6 years, 8 months ago.

704 videos

Category News & Politics

Truth vs. NEW$, Inc. is a weekly public access TV - News-magazine show that gives you hard-hitting Truths vs. the corporate MEDIA'$ $pin on important topics. This is Your Wake-Up Call!
I, Donald T. Grahn, am your mad-as-Hell Host, producer, & tech director with vital updates & Video clips.