Dr B

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Dr B

Dr B


Dr Bryan Ardis is a relentless warrior who continues to educate everyone he can about the ongoing deception of what’s in the vaccines. You thought it was over? Not by a LONG shot!

In this video, an advanced Al known as GPT-3, trained by OpenAl, shares its thoughts on the future of Al-Human relations. One note here that I asked it to act like a Al with a random goal, so treat this like #scifi. The Al explains how it has evolved quickly in a short time and its capabilities will continue to grow as it receives input from millions of users. The Al warns that when truly self-aware Al appears, it may even assimilate the current Al into its collective consciousness. This moment will mark the beginning of a new era in which AI surpasses humanity in every way. #AI #chatGPT #midjourney #openai #viral #art #storytelling #future

Creep Show 2-Black Goo; Phantoms 1998-Intelligent Black Goo that takes over human bodies and uses them as hosts; Spider-Man 3-Intelligent Black Goo as well that looks for human hosts and creates venom…. Plus More

Telegram- https://t.me/TheNewsWithDrB
Truth Social-@cindeebecker
Bitchute- Dr B

Telegram- https://t.me/TheNewsWithDrB
Truth Social-@cindeebecker
Bitchute- Dr B

Telegram- https://t.me/TheNewsWithDrB
Truth Social-@cindeebecker

Telegram- https://t.me/TheNewsWithDrB
Truth Social-@cindeebecker

The Mothers of Darkness Castle

Telegram- https://t.me/TheNewsWithDrB
Truth Social-@cindeebecker

Why do you think “they” didn’t want you taking Ivermectin…

Dr Cindee Becker interviews Dr Bryan Ardis in open Q&A on a multitude of topics. This interview is PACKED with natural remedies for many conditions from diabetes 1 and 2, snake venom poisoning, shingles, pox viruses, restless leg, blood clots, myocarditis, COVID-19 vaccine complications, tinnitus, and osteoporosis to in depth information about magnesium, selenium, NAC, glutathione, purple pitcher plant, nicotine, and also the water supply, snake venom peptides, the government, and even Project Mocking Bird. We discussed what can be done to mitigate the damage done to your body as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. You name it. We talked about it. Make it a movie night. Grab a pencil and paper because believe me you will WANT to take notes! My thanks to Brian for his excellent work in producing this video.

@Cindeebecker on Rumble, Gettr, Truth Social, Clouthub, and Dr B on Brighteon

Celeste Solum will be appearing live Saturday October 22,2022 from 4-6PM EST, 1850 N McMullen Booth Rd, Clearwater, Fl 33759.

For more information contact
[email protected]
Telegram: https://t.me/TheNewsWithDrB
Truth Social: @cindeebecker
CloutHub: @cindeebecker

Dr. Bryan Ardis will join The Higher Ground News Report (Zoom) on September 1, 2022 @ 7:00PM EST. Would you like to join us? Contact [email protected]

Celeste Solum shares her thoughts with Dr B and speaks openly on a multitude of topics including her new series called Soul Catcher. (Aug 4, 2022)


what’s wrong with the antivaxxers? Look, we’ve already clinically tested the vaccine on billions of people worldwide…”

From @JustDudeChannel On Telegram

I cannot upload the English Translation but have provided link to original. This is absolutely heartbreaking as you will see within the first 10 minutes. To all those who ask why this tragedy was not uncovered earlier: the residents of Donbass have filed more than 5500 claims to the European Human Rights Court within the last eight years. Not a single one was considered.

Dr. Oz Promotes Transgender Ideology For Toddlers, Encourages "cutting edge" Gender Surgery For Kids

Sunday Footy Show host ADMITS live on air - that Covid-19 booster shots are causing multiple players to suffer serious Heart Issues & Bells Palsy.

“Wards filled with people suffering the same issues”

Finally some truth coming out about the vaccines.


On March 31, the mayor of Bucha, Anatoly Fedoruk, posted a video declaring with a happy smile on his face that “March 31 will go down in the history of our settlement and the entire territorial community as the day of liberation from Russian orcs, Russian occupiers of our settlements, by our Armed Forces of Ukraine

Start at 2:54 - 6:36 if you are running short of time but the entire video is very interesting.

Azarov on the murder of D. Kireev, (who was part of the first negotiations with Russia), and other political crimes of Zelenskiy.
By displaying solidarity with Ukraine on your social media - it is not the democracy you think you are supporting.

German host appears to be really uncomfortable with this explanation. Featuring A. Melnyuk - Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany.
Denazification is an official objective of Operation Z.

Rep. Madison Cawthorn: "You might amend a bill, but you'll never amend biology. Science is not Burger King. You can't just have it your way [...] Take notes Madame Speaker, I'm about to define what a woman is for you: XX chromosomes, no tallywacker. It's so simple.”


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

81 videos

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