DUI Law Firm Denver

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DUI Law Firm Denver



DUI Law Firm Denver offers unparalleled tenacity and expertise in DUI defense, acknowledging the potential loss of driving privileges that comes with such charges. Refusing a chemical test may benefit you in criminal proceedings but leads to a temporary suspension in administrative hearings at the DMV. Despite this setback, the legal and scientific experts at DUI Law Firm Denver are skilled in securing partial reinstatement of driving privileges.

Visit our page to learn more https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/denver-license-reinstatement/

In my opinion blood test is more accurate than a breath test. There are circumstances where a breath test can have erroneously high readings. For example, an erroneously high readings can occur in people with acid reflux. If you belch close to the time you take the test, you'll have a breath with an artificially high concentration of alcohol. In addition, breath testing machines operates under a scientific assumption that not all scientists agree with. On the other hand, blood testing is done with an instrument called gas chromatograph. This is an extremely accurate and standard instrument that's been used in chemistry for years.

Learn more underage drunk driving here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/underage-drunk-driving/

Read about breathalyzer here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/was-your-breathalyzer-test-really-accurate/

Blood tests problems here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/common-problems-with-dui-blood-tests/

Colorado considers domestic violence an act or threatened act of violence against a person the accused has an intimate relationship with.

An intimate relationship includes partners, spouses, ex spouses, ex partners, co parents and co habitants. Penalties for domestic violence in Colorado. If convicted of domestic violence in Colorado, the accused may face certain financial and legal repercussions. Jail time, domestic violence treatment programs, restrictions for firearm ownership, house arrest, probation, more serious felony charges if you have prior convictions.

Protection orders in Colorado. The courts take domestic violence charges seriously and you should too. Protection orders are one common result of a domestic violence charge or conviction. We help our clients manage the complex process of protection orders.

In these cases, we want to help you defend yourself and your family. We understand the law and have the experience to navigate the legal system. We know seeking legal help can feel overwhelming. That's why we offer a free consultation.

More information about Domestic Violence in Colorado here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/criminal-defense-attorney-denver/domestic-violence-attorney-denver/

Generally speaking, the answer is YES. The amount of alcohol classes that you will need to do is dependent if you are a repeat offender or not and whether your BAC results where above or below a .15. If it is your first DUI and your BAC is below .15 you will have to do 24 hours of level two alcohol classes and 48 hours of level two therapy. If it is your first DUI and your above .15 you will have to do a 24 hours of level two alcohol classes and 52 hours of level two therapy. For DUI's when you have priors, you will be required to do significantly more hours of acohol classes. If your BAC is below .15 you will need to complete 24 hours of level two alcohol classes and 68 hours of level two therapy. And if the BAC is above .15 you will need to complete 24 hours of level two alcohol classes and 86 hours of level two therapy.

More information about DUI laws here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/denver-dui-laws/

Whenever drug crimes are mentioned, thoughts of imprisonment and other unpleasant consequences arise. It is likely that you are overwhelmed by the potential outcome of a drug-related criminal charge, such as distributing, possessing, or manufacturing. You should not lose hope despite how bad things may seem at first. Criminal defense attorneys can protect your rights and, in many cases, reduce or dismiss your charges entirely.

Read on to find out more about Colorado's drug crime defenses https://duilawfirmdenver.com/the-best-defenses-for-drug-crimes/

Check the link for an expert defense attorney https://duilawfirmdenver.com/drug-defense-attorney-denver/

The chances of getting a DUI charge dismissed are very slim. When people come to see us about being represented over a DUI, the significant number of them come with the belief that their DUI is gonna be dismissed. This couldn't be further from the truth. Once the district attorney office charges you for a DUI, it's based on evidence that makes them believe that you may have been drinking and driving. And as a result they aren't inclined to dismissed the charge. There is usually room for negotiating with the district attorney to get an offer for a lesser charge but a dismissal is rare.

Learn more here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/is-it-possible-to-have-my-dui-charges-dismissed/

For a DUI third offense check this link https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/dui-third-offense/

Learn more here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/drug-defense-attorney-denver/

With the legalization of medicinal and recreational marijuana use in Colorado, the incidence of DUID charges (Driving Under the Influence of Drugs) is on the rise throughout the state and in Denver.

DUID is similar to DUI: the charged is that your use of drugs (any drugs) has rendered you incapable of properly driving. Also, as is the case with alcohol charges, there is a "lesser" charge of DWAID (Driving While Ability Impaired by Drugs), in which case you're alleged to be impacted to the "slightest degree" by your use of drugs.

Some things you should know if you're charged with DUID:

The penalties for DUID are similar to those for DUI: significant loss of money, time, freedom, and reputation (to name a few).

It's harder to test for drug impairment than for alcohol impairment.

You're considered under the influence of drugs if there are at least five nanograms of THC per milliliter of blood in your system... but the blood tests will detect THC levels long after you've ingested marijuana (and long after the drug's effects would have ceased to impair your ability to drive).

The prosecution is counting on your ignorance of the law and the science in a DUID case... don't make their job easier!

Related blog post here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-with-drugs/

There are two kinds of tests that maybe perform for testing for alcohol. The first is a breath test. Colorado uses intoxilyzer 9000 to conduct their breath testing. If you choose to take the breath test that is the machine that will be used and you will be given the results when you're done taking the test. If you choose to take the blood test, your test will be send to a foreignsic lab and it can take months before the lab provide the results.

Read more about breathalyzer here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/was-your-breathalyzer-test-really-accurate/

Learn more here for repeat DUI offenders https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/habitual-and-felony-dui/

Whatever the case, this can be a stressful and uncomfortable time especially when this state is not your own and you now have to address the time, and consequences associated with a DUI in Colorado and maybe even in your own state too.

To ensure you get an easy transition, it is highly recommended that you hire an experienced private DUI attorney in Colorado.

Read more here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/you-visited-colorado-and-got-a-dui-what-now/

Learn more here for first time offenders https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/dui-or-dwai-first-offense/

Unfortunately the answer is Yes. This comes as a big surprise to poeple but they usually don't find out that this is true until they get a DUI for sleeping in their car.

The law states that if you're in control of the vehicle you can be convicted of a DUI regardless of if you are driving or not. This means that the idea of sleeping it off in a car may land you in jail facing DUI charges.

If you need to defend against DWAI check out this page https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dwai-denver/

Read about this topic here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-when-parked/

A reckless driving ticket is issued when it is alleged that you drove a motor vehicle with a wanton or willful disregard for the safety of persons and/or property. This charge can be given to those within a motor vehicle, a bicycle, an electrically assisted bicycle, or a low powered scooter. Even if the conduct that resulted in a reckless driving ticket did not involve injury or death, this charge is still a serious offense in Colorado.

Know more about our DUI lawyers here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dmv-hearing-denver-colorado/

Read more about this topic here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/what-is-a-reckless-driving-ticket-and-why-did-i-get-one/

Emilio De Simone, a DUI Defense Attorney in Denver discusses why we request a DMV hearing.

We almost always request a DMV hearing and we primarily do it for two reasons:

1. If there is no hearing, you lose your license no questions asked. We believe that you shouldn't lose your license without a fight.

2. We generally request that the officer be present because it gives us an opportunity to question the officer and get a feel for what he will be like if and when we go to trial. And of course if he doesn't show up its an easy win.

Learn more about DMV Hearing in Denver here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dmv-hearing-denver-colorado/

We have an in-depth blog post about this topic here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/why-request-a-dmv-hearing/

When your blood alcohol content is 0.08% or higher, you're considered legally impaired in the U.S. While you are certain to be arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence when your BAC is at or over 0.08%, you can still be charged if your BAC is at any level above 0.00%.

Learn more laws about DUI in Denver here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/denver-dui-laws/

More info about limits for Colorado DUI here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/what-are-the-limits-for-a-colorado-dui/

Do I have a right to an attorney before deciding whether or not to cooperate with an officer asking for any kind of DUI test?

Finish watching the video to learn if it is a YES or NO.
Will it result in refusal to cooperate or is it voluntary?
Knowledge is power to this kind of thing so please watch the video.
Always remember that there is no good reason to agree to any kind of voluntary actions which might incriminate you.
Underage drunk driving leads to driving revocation https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/driving-revocation-for-minors/.
For more DUI resources visit our blog here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/denver-dui-information/.
Our Google map office can be found here https://g.page/DUILawFirmDenverDenver.

Facing criminal charges? You've come to the right place. Whether you are arrested for a crime against a person, property or any other offense Emilio De Simone can help.

When you are accused of a crime, it is important to seek out legal counsel as soon as possible.

Visit our criminal defense page here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/criminal-defense-attorney-denver/

Our Google map office can be found here https://g.page/DUILawFirmDenverDenver

Emilio De Simone, a Denver DUI Attorney discusses whether a DUI is a felony or a misdemeanor?
It can be both. If it's a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd DUI and no one was hurt or died in an accident, the DUI will likely be charged as misdemeanor.
On the other hand, if you've had 3 previous DUI or if the DUI resulted in serious bodily injury or death then the DUI will likely be charged as a felony.
Visit the links provided to learn more:

In this video, it discusses some information regarding vehicular homicide especially if you are responsible in causing the death of another due to driving while under the influence of alcohol and drugs.
Visit our post to read more about this topic https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-with-death/
If you are facing charges of vehicular homicide, be sure to contact an experience defense lawyer right away.
Visit our service page to learn more information https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/felony-dui/

In this video, it discusses how driving drunk with a minor in the car will result in a DUI charge, as well as child abuse charge and other consequences of DUI.
Visit our post to read more https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-with-child-endangerment/
If you have been charged with DUI and child abuse, contact a skilled Colorado defense attorney today.
Visit this page to learn how https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/dui-defense-attorney-denver/

Facing a license suspension is something everyone wants to avoid. It can be a life changing event not to mention an uncomfortable and costly one.
More info on our blog post here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/colorado-license-suspensions-license-points/
Visit our blog here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/denver-dui-information/
Our DUI Denver services page is here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/

Well, it depends according to Emilio De Simone; one of the best DUI attorneys in Denver. The amount of time that you lose your license is generally determined by the number of previous DUIs and whether or not you refuse the chemical test. Watch the video to learn more.

If you've been charged with the DUI, call us today to put the best DUI defense attorney on your side. Learn more here https://duilawfirmdenver.com/dui-denver/denver-license-reinstatement/

More updates at our Google business page https://dui-law-firm-denver.business.site/


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

20 videos

Category People & Family

DUI Law Firm Denver brings some of the most brilliant criminal defense minds to your case... pros who've seen it all, and who know how to attack the other side's case on your behalf.

Many DUI cases never go to trial. The experts at DUI Law Firm Denver know how to do everything that can be done to get you the best possible outcome without having to appear in court.

But if the only way to get you that best outcome is to argue the case in court, DUI Law Firm Denver is not afraid to take your case to trial, where we'll fight tenaciously to help you prevail. We do it all the time. You need the best Denver DUI attorney you can find!