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A floating solar farm in India just experienced what a land based solar farm in Texas did, which is damage from a storm. In Texas hail damaged the solar power plant and in India it was a storm.

Synthetic coffee is gaining market share and now considers the it is a coffee option for you. But for how long will it remain an option without becoming the only available choice? Producers say it takes the same, it just has less of an environmental impact.

An orangutan known as Rakus was seen with a wound. Days later Rakus was seen eating a plant that is known by humans for pain relief but not what orangutans usually eat. Then Rakus was seen putting a glob of chewed leaves over his wound, and two months later Rakus is seen healed.

In February fishlikemike posted on Instagram an internal flame inside a waterfall, that got over 21 million views. It is one of the 10 eternal flames on this small planet that is filled with beautiful and rare treasures like this flame. See them here.

The highest levels of national public servants and bureaucrats have made new rules telling power plants to capture emissions basically shut down. Basically the government is telling you that power plant emissions are dangerous, chem trails are no problem. All to continue the third world collapse of America.

The UN is again holding another environmental conference, this time to find solutions to end our plastic waste. As always missing from the meeting is the needed solutions like hemp and revamping to a reusable world.

The Mayor of Merritt in British Columbia is taking proactive measures because of extremely low water levels. Minimal level water 3 restrictions concerning watering lawns is going into effect and people who disregard the restrictions can and will have their home water turned off.

This Friday Funny we are going to chuckle at the latest form of ocean contaminants which is cocaine. In the Bay of Santos in Brazil concentrations of cocaine are equal to the concentration of caffeine.

ABC News put trackers inside plastic store bags, that they put in Walmart recycling bins. Those bags ended up across the world in Southeast Asia where their recycling pollutes local air, water and therefore soil and people.

The oceans are taking a beating and part of that is they are becoming more acidic. But instead of addressing the real environmental problems and implementing real, needed, sensible will solve problems solutions, a ridiculous idea is getting money thrown at it, which is to deacidify the ocean through a whole new industry.

A big percent of microplastics in our waters comes from every load of laundry that is done. So now there is talk, research, products and even legislation for washing machine filters to catch microplastics before they enter our waterways.

Bobby Kennedy's campaign will not give the Environmental Educator a press pass for his Earth Day fundraiser web event, and they delete or filter out my truth about what Bobby proudly prevents since 98. The only reason the campaign deletes or filtered out this truth, is because it is true and environmental truth is not allowed in Running On Truth Bobby's campaign.

Friday Funny double header, Employee of The Month goes to a Dubai bartender who mixed drinks while hotel bar endures massive flooding.

Friday Funny, Butte Montana was treated to an elephant walking around town the other day, when it escaped from it's circus handler.

Many are attributing the massive Dubai flooding from Dubai seeding clouds, which has clouds produce precipitation.

Cicadageddon is about to happen as trillions of cicadas from 2 broods are about to emerge, which happened last 221 years and will happen again in 2245. They emerge to mate and die in about 4-6 weeks, but their mating call is loud. up to 100 decibels which is like a lawn mower.

Alex Jones and Infowars ran an article about the shocking study that the ocean floor is a graveyard for plastics. But for a long time Alex has refused to give you good environmental information to have prevented this. See the email I sent Alex today asking he finally give good environmental information.

A Friday Fun double header. Italy's Mt. Etna is blowing smoke rings, treating the area to a sky view most don't ever see in their life.

A Friday Funny where The View host Sunny Hostin believes that the total solar eclipse happened because of climate change. Even the very left leaning Young Turks says how embarrassing this is.

Alan Dershowitz knows everyone, is an environmentalist at heart, and is about the truth, especially in areas important to the public, like national elections. So I ask Dersh to do what all independent "truth" media refuse to, to expose all the fraudulent environmental voices including Bobby Kennedy and to finally get real, needed, sensible, can't be argued against solutions implemented.

A study found the obvious, that plastics in the ocean end up using the ocean floor as a graveyard where they will spend eternity. PHD's and Doctors did this study, to find the obvious, with the summary saying this is important because it helps understand how trash moves in the ocean instead of put money and effort into not having trash in the ocean.

Land is valuable, even when it is underwater. Currently the U.S. and Russia are dueling before the International Seabed Authority about the U.S. designation of hundreds of thousands of square nautical miles of seabed as part of the U.S. Extended Continental Shelf, which means the U.S. has the rights to minerals and use of the land like laying undersea cables.

A Friday Fun about the total eclipse next Monday that completes an X over America, and what happened last time two eclipses formed an X over America. Also about the unknown 2033 eclipse and the publicized 2044 eclipse.

The U.N. Youth Climate Advisor is getting press all over the place, but she has exactly no environmental knowledge or solutions. She is an anti-white race baiter who is a socialist, Marxist, so that means she "demonstrated commitment to the UN’s values." which was the criteria for the UN hire. The UN who has refused solutions that would have solved our problems long ago, but like all other environmental voices prevents the solutions the world needs.

Alex Jones is again saying how he exposes everyone, and that good things are coming because of it. But environmentally Alex and the entire independent "truth" media give the entire fraudulent environmental industry a pass. So good things are not coming. The public not being aware what is available and will do good is censored by Alex and all indy "truth" media.


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

572 videos

Category News & Politics