Gamer theories 101

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Gamer theories 101


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Planned parenthood promoting the idea that virginity is a societal construct

Wolfenstein 2 The new colossus Haven't seen game design this bad since Call of Duty World War too.We've got to get this truck out of the way for The rest of the Wolfenstein videos an much more find me on YouTube

Facebook has been seriously screwing me over this entire time an I don't know what to do about it I didn't know it was this bad

Shadow band buried memory holed by face but this is BS

Alex Jones got them good resistance vibes 👏

Green Hill radio new world order news group on Facebook Join the resistance today

Is mafia 3 On par with Gta 5 lvls of Quality Is it a suitable alternative Part 2 is to long for bitchute so come join me on youtube for the full review

Child abuse pedophilia grooming all broadcast on live tv jesus christ help us

Check out the video on my YouTube channel.Suffering the censorship displaying some of the crazy stupid things that I have been banned for Yet this perversion is allowed on Facebook, among many other ridiculous b.S

Gamers theory 101 on youtube green hill radio new world order news facebook groups

Ever since i've made my news group , it seems that facebook has one by onunstripped away every feature that made the news groups intuitive and useful Always removing features Making the group less effective Here's the latest Garbage from facebook

Just saying how glad I am to see improving

Green hill radio new world order news facebook group Bringing you the truth no matter how bad it hurts ahoooo

I've already put up a couple of videos on youtube Voicing my concerns with regards to gta six please check out Canadian prepper is worried about gta and so am I Paying an hourly rate to play gta And Ps five facial recognition software


You let her in an she became a part of it now it just feels kinda empty

Human meat

Sorry for terrible audio quality

Have you ever heard of knives with no practical application.
From green Hill radio New world order news Facebook group


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

279 videos

Category Gaming

General discussions on video games video game ideas thoughts commentary deep dives into the mechanics and design funny shorts an archive of videos from my news group Green Hill radio New world order news on Facebook