Gulag Operator

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Gulag Operator



from his wiki: "He was raised "mostly Jewish" and had a bar mitzvah ceremony. He grew up in Brooklyn and West Babylon, New York, where he attended West Babylon High School."

From the Associated Press Youtube account: As President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden were taking phone calls Christmas Eve for NORAD's Santa tracker hotline, a father ended an otherwise pleasant conversation by telling the president, "Merry Christmas and let's go Brandon." (Dec. 24)

Some of you might think this is stupid, but I enjoyed it. The thing about being aware of what's going on is that it can drag you down into a dark place if you don't have the mental and spiritual fortitude to man up and deal with it and still find ways to enjoy your time on Earth. Making fun of Jews is a great way. One of my favorite pastimes.

Respect all women, fellas.

Fatties coping hard. Although the guy featured in the second half of the clip (Zyzz) is not a role model by any means. Dude heavily abused steroids and died at a very young age.
Anyway, yesterday I learned that Japan has a fat tax and I think that's a great idea.
Everybody has heard the saying "the mind is a terrible thing to waste", but so is the body.

Two Sopranos clips. The other is Dr Thomas Szasz who’s written some great books exposing the medical industry and has several talks online.

Mike Sledge on the Jewish Manipulation of Psychiatry and Psychology (great, hard to find):

Don't worry... he's a Jew so he can say that.

probably one of the best infographic videos I've made. Using the phone app called Photogrid
Eustace mentions Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, a Jew who was completely outspoken on the evils of the medical industry. So much so that I would have let him be my doctor even though he was a Jew. He was a good man. Here he is on the Phil Donahue show talking about the dangers of vaccines and the medical industry as a whole:

I dont agree with everything Cokely said (I've watched pretty much every talk of his that exists on the internet) but I believe he was a good dude. He was for black people what whites should be for white people aka Europeans. Here he is talking about Jews on CNN:

This guy has a lot of good history videos with honest takes. He is a Talmudic Jew and a mohel who has performed bris' so I am not supporting him. Just saying that there are a lot of good clips that can be taken from his talks. His channel:

Watermelon Communists - Green on the outside, red on the inside

Lurianic Kabbalah is THE most prominent form of Kabbalah today. This is where Kabbalah and Atheism cross paths imo. In atheism, man is God by default because there is no higher power. Talmudic/Kabbalistic Judaism believes in the "endless nothingness." That is the ultimate power, nothing.

Will we do it? No, of course not. That would take a movement of organization of monumental proportions that would be infiltrated and co-opted from the jump. But the solution exists, "on the books" as they say.

David Ben-Gurion quotes about being a Bolshevik, creating the Supreme Court of Mankind in Jerusalem and more. First part is Alexander and Leslie Coburn's interview about their book. Silicon Wadi part starts at 6:30. David Sheen speaking from 11:00 onward.

edit made by Jaleel. Check out his work:


Created 4 years, 3 months ago.

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