Jim Rizoli

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Jim Rizoli

Jim Rizoli


From the good old Woodstock days

But they charge you for it.

Can't tell who is real anymore
Starts at 1 hr 30 min in

They all died for the Jew banking system that controls us today with continuous debt.

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Selling their soul to the devil and then dying

Patton said the same thing about the Jews.

Books people read behind closed doors

I tend to agree, there was more to these Pyramids then meets the eye.

This is why we are going down fast.

*** U.S. political process
*** $Billion for MA invaders
*** Printing money - taking from THE MONEY TREE
*** U.S.Constitution for the rich
*** Bill of rights (???) Were they???
*** Black slavery from white slavery (Tony Martin, Louis Farrakhan)

Crazy things happen because of race and NOT in our favor

The only way to fight is together and united.

Never ending lies

Notice how the Catholic Church has stepped into the picture
It's only going to get worse

Some Blacks know what the truth is

*** Ryan Messano, Vallejo, CA City Council
*** Jim and Diane - MA vs TX living
*** Jim’s MA house quandry -watsup

He's telling a lot of truth here

Another Excellent job exposing the Jews

When mishaps happen due to miscalculations and screwups

Anything dealing with computers can be hacked.

Why would people want to join the crazies running the country?

Phil shows the lies of three buildings being leveled by explosives not rockets.

They Just keep printing the money for Israel