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Link : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_complex

Link : https://www.unilad.com/news/world-news/y-chromosome-disappearing-science-417951-20240318#:~:text=Professor%20Darren%20Griffin%20and%20Peter,such%20as%20the%20mole%20vole

♀️ Link : https://www.washingtonpost.com/science/2019/12/31/amazons-were-long-considered-myth-these-discoveries-show-warrior-women-were-real/

Link : https://www.quora.com/Is-there-already-a-way-for-women-to-reproduce-using-the-sperm-in-their-bone-marrow#:~:text=bone%20marrow%3F%20-%20Quora-,Is%20there%20already%20a%20way%20for%20women%20to%20reproduce,sperm%20in%20their%20bone%20marrow%3F&text=Yes%2C%20indirectly%20(early%20stages%20sperm,when%20it%20was%20first%20discovered

♀️ Link : https://www.nationalgeographic.com/history/history-magazine/article/fierce-amazons-more-than-myth-real#:~:text=Archaeology%20is%20revealing%20that%20the,female%20fighters%20from%20ancient%20Scythia

Link : https://youtube.com/shorts/sNf7BY51uC0?si=wKyk-y1DD_Gs4wQ5

Link : https://futurism.com/the-byte/scientist-humans-going-extinct

♀️ Link : https://time.com/5041744/prehistoric-women-arm-strength-bones/ <- Ultra Strong ! ! ! ! ! ! & Sane !

the emotions of a woman in the past is not driver into madness and into fantasy, the emotions of a woman did not make shit up in her head she did not get deeply confused and get more emotion off her confusion which led to a vicious cycle.

in the past the women were saying in the past the women were logical in the past they were still more emotional than the men but the same time they were nothing like the women today.

it will not today are Ultra worthless and absolutely stupid deranged privilege, Spoiled, narcissistic, psychotic sociopath psychotic fucking parasites I think they should constantly gain and gain and gain and your if you're not if you're not inflating that ego then they're going to go berserk and eventually that narcissist ego dies they no longer want they no want they no longer want you to tickle their ego that now they just want everything they got they want it dies the ego dies, and they turn into a older hag around the age of 50 will they become an extremely selfish unhinged cold heart, BITCH ! ! ! ! !

The Woman, The woman of the past were not like this only when he got more towards death of the age of iron in the ages of man, that women become like this.

The end of night and soon every human will die.

🙏🏻 - do you have me talking to that mother fucker, try to make amends with him, I recommend you plead to him.

Hell is Infinity Dark, Warped & Twisted !
Hell is The Heart of Tartarus !
Hell is Eternal !
Hell is Forever !

Link : https://youtu.be/rYkWw1lr3tQ?si=Q7PzQmBpSCDVQhot
#Fae #Alien #Faery #Hive #RedPill #Faeryland
#HiveWorld #MyPeople #Kin
#🧚🏻‍♀️👽🧚🏻‍♂️ #Nwo <- The Real One !

#TheManties !
Cryptid's : Faun, Leprechaun's, Mermaid's, Sirens, Gnome's, brownies, tommyknockers, Dragon's, Banshees, Ect . . .

Fairies = Insectoid's !

👽 <- cyborg human insectoid Frankenstein Ultra psychic hybrid, made by the mantises as a minion.

Sprites, nymphs also a young bug is also called a nymph, and pixies are just different names of insectoid's.
most fairies are not small and most very females are exceptionally fucking big a male stands 5 ft tall and she'll stand at least seven if not 9 ft tall. he can pick up two gallons, she can pick up 25 car engines without even trying.

i Need, not go on, I'm explaining on and on and on in multiple places but I'm pretty sure you don't give a fuck if you want to learn more go to Tumblr and post a shit ton there or you can go to my Discord or the Reddit has a whole bunch of fucking shit you can go to the red is a worth of it all by the way.

Humanity is running out of time, Humanity got to its fucking height Humanity got to his greatest point in power and strength at least of the modern era I don't know how grandiose and how great the past really was but I can tell you that we have reached the end of the age of iron and the ages of man.

I don't know how long it takes for the age to finally come to an end in humanity to be driven completely into Extinction but at the same goddamn fucking point I can I can say without a fraction of doubt that the human race is going extinct I give you warning because of kindness but human beings attack everything you say and everything you do they turn everything into a social matter and everything into a problem everything into a fight everything in the into some kind of cataclysm they go right they go headlong into into social fights and arguments and mockery of all things that don't deserve Mock and shame, this is not normal behavior this is sickness from the human soul as all the humans energy is getting corrupted it's the it shows that human race is fading away from the heat from the from Earth as it slowly goes completely and absolutely fucking extinct.

in the name of the whole universe and the sacredness of it all I have no idea how much time is left in the human race I have no idea how much longer it will be before the human race is finally completely wiped out.

But, I will say this, you mother fuckers don't have a hundred years, I'll be surprised if you survived in the next 20 or Even 5 Year's !

I want to see if the alien war is successful the Grays they do conquer the Earth if they said they would so far I'm staying at them fail left and fucking right I don't know maybe this fucking religious thing is what in his Humanity maybe human beings go extinct because they're done on Earth ?

maybe the entirety of the human race goes extinct because their time on Earth has come to an end and they're done with everything they become just done with the Earth they're done with life here and their soul is time for their souls and move on to something else something higher something Greater ?

🤷🏻‍♂️ - Idk ?

But, I do know when it's all over you motherfuckers will see God, that I promise.

and how you and God will do things out or what your ultimate fate is is Absolutely Unknown by me,
but I will say that all you will meet God after you die.

Link : https://youtu.be/0qfsw-Bp8eo?si=CdmSbebWrPyIk6-l

The Emp Could be a Attack on a UFO buck it Had a few, Negative Effects and a Few Side Effects on the major Population.

? ? ?

my only question is it going to happen or not ?

you can be a dumbass and say fake Alien Invasion but then again there's, atheist to say there's no such thing as a God, and you're both fucking stupid.

I'm Lost in Hell.

Link : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6342697/

Link : https://www.theguardian.com/science/2017/jan/08/designer-babies-ethical-horror-waiting-to-happen

Link : https://www.quora.com/What-are-your-thoughts-on-designer-babies

Link : https://www.newhopefertility.com/designer-babies/

Link : https://www.verywellmind.com/signs-of-a-vulnerable-narcissist-7369901

Human women up atom extremely narcissistic, what is the trait design directly from the sociopathic human mind. as for me I can't find my women anywhere in this ocean of human's.

I'm literally anomaly, my people are so fucking rare because we're Paradox in the Earth were highly quality humanoid alien hybrides are sold or insectoid and I say we are fairies going to come from the fairy world but not in the way you understand it understanding of human Bug hybrid that once were insectoid but got forth in this world and the grays for only able to keep our souls in his body because most of our DNA was made of bug but there's human DNA mixed with the bug DNA in The human DNA hides the bug DNA.

our souls are really attached to the bug part we lean here between the human parts but that's not important.

I'm looking for my women and I can't find a single one of them and humans are looking for a good woman and they can't find a single one of them human males are looking for a good woman and I'm just looking for any of my people especially the females.

🙁 - you're fucking & I'm fucked.

Link : https://youtube.com/shorts/UqTom1OwYY4?si=ilgWaMOQVr96zDKd
Don't Forget, Jesus Saves's . . . . ⬇️ Keep Reading

At Walmart ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Link : https://youtu.be/QtiIEkBs_wk?si=-JUw5xP6beWWnETv

This is Recent, as of : April, 5th, 2024 ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Link : https://youtu.be/VDs0bRKAcJg?si=K9ONrZrsfcK4ejcg

But, I Will Give Credit To the Guy, He's Smart & Open Minded !

3 Fyk'n Day's Left, And Everything is Going to End ?
🤨 - Da Fuq ?
This Has Gotta Be a Joke or a Prank ?

Seriously, Wtf !

Link : https://youtu.be/DpbKKYm5IyA?si=6mDexQiK1xnFdVHE

the image for this video was taken directly just as a screenshot from the comic session at the very top of the video you can click the link and read it yourself the comments are still there.



Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

2068 videos

Category Vlogging

Warning : https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/humans-are-doomed-to-go-extinct/

Bible Link'z :

https://biblehub.com/zephaniah/1-17.htm <- God's Pissed

https://biblehub.com/zephaniah/1-18.htm <- God's Wrath

https://biblehub.com/luke/12-49.htm <- Climate Change

( https://biblehub.com/psalms/19-4.htm ) <- Total Darkness

https://biblehub.com/genesis/6-5.htm <- God is Sick of Your Bull ! Shit !

https://biblehub.com/genesis/6-7.htm <- God's, Ultimate Wrath !!!!!

https://biblehub.com/genesis/6-6.htm - God, Get'n Ready For War !

https://biblehub.com/matthew/24-14.htm <- Preaching the gospel to the whole world and the end Will Come ?

Lastly : https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienTopic/s/Sa8tXLEkOF
. . . . . . . . . . . . .

• Life is For : Small Mind's - Cheap Thrill's - & Ego •

. . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Fair Use : ( in US copyright law ) the doctrine that brief excerpts of copyright material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research, without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder.

"whether or not six seconds of the song in a user-generated video constitutes fair use is something for a court to decide"

Link : https://fairuse.stanford.edu/overview/fair-use/#:~:text=Fair%20use%20is%20a%20copyright,novelist%27s%20work%20without%20asking%20permission.

( https://www.reddit.com/r/AlienTopic/comments/15n2bft/rebrith/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 )


Warning : my Content is not for the faint of heart, even though it's hard to believe, I tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth if you don't want to believe me then at least, leave And be gone.

Link : https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Blackpill

Attention : Setting's >>> interface >>> Content sensitivity, Set it Too NSFL !!! - Your Going to Need This For This Channel.

🎮 : https://youtube.com/@im-The-Cum-of-Titania

My motto is do not forgive and forget, treat mean people like Shit !

Cum = https://reddit.com/r/AlienTopic/s/JBrOMkV6UH

ALSO ! - if Ordered - By the Uploaded, and if thay Can Prove IT'S THEM ! - I WILL DELETED ANY VIDEO !!!
i Upload for Education Purpose's ONLY ! ....

Side Link : https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/tracing-origins-serpent-cult-002393

Also I will never ever monetize any place that I work on the internet, Nor Will i accept any money from you if you offer it, not like I care anyway.

I'm not looking for donations and I'm not looking for love I'm looking to give you the truth and do my job from the Gray's 👽

( I'm very aware of what I say and how it's going to have people react to it I swear that I'm telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth )

The End of Nigh - 2023 - 2024 - Humanity is
🔥🔥🔥⚰️☠️⚰️☠️⚰️☠️⚰️ 🔥🔥🔥

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🙏🏻 - All Hail, Sacred Anthropocide !