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In the pursuit of life liberty and happiness

G7 2024

Nicene creed, the little horn & the prophecy of the 3 horns that were plucked up & what it means for us today.

Why targeting the ionosphere is important

Biosphere is to push people off the land into sustainable cities

The 1260 year prophecy is repeated 7 times asking us to pay attention to the meaning.

What does it really mean to be a citizen of Australia when we have a country divided under the Vatican two-state solution.

A crisis is the ideal time to enact censorship laws

Pointing us toward the year 2025. Will the image to the beast be formed in 2025?

Set in law and cannot be reversed a win for climate activists. Landmark ruling is a victory for the UN, the Pope, and climate change advocates. A loss for the ordinary person who wants to live a free and comfortable life.

War on Wikileaks: Schulte/ Kamphuis / Assange

Easter is a great time to enjoy time with family and friends but it also comes with an important history.


Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

153 videos

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