Kevin's Clips and Quips

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Kevin's Clips and Quips

Kevins Clips and Quips


This is from the first "Keeping the Blues Alive - At Sea" cruise back in 2015.
This is from my iPhone and after a couple of "ginger ales" 😜

A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes and GIFs along with some vintage ones too.
Sorry it's late, my granddaughter was Baptized today.


A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes and GIFs.


A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes and GIFs.


A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes and GIFs.


A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes and GIFs.


A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes and GIFs.


A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes.


I take a look at the "top-talked about" possibilities for Trump could choose as a running mate with a little talk about down-ballot voting in 2024

I know we would love to wave a magic wand and make the Illegal Immigrant Invasion go away, but we can't. We also know that Demented Biden will do nothing. So, I have a plan for dealing with the invasion beginning in 2025 (after Trump returns to the Oval Office)

No matter how many times we try and tell people, they just don't seem to get it.

So here is the simplest I could make it.

Some advice for Hillary....Fire whoever told you producing this video was a good idea (even though I'm glad you did). BAH HAHAHAHAHA

If you're looking for how the Left lies to you, here is a PERFECT example of what they do.

A collection of the latest of KC&Q Memes.


America is watching it's president* die right in front of us.

They have given up on Biden for 2024 and have taken the first step in removing him. How do I know? They let him have an impromptu press conference.

The appointment of John Bolton to Trump's White House Staff was a much better idea than people give Trump credit for.

Plus, a couple of mins on who Trump may pick as VP.

Tomorrow is when we finally get to see what actual voters (caucus-goers in this case) think. Who do they REALLY support and who drops out?

This ONE THING will always determine who is "Right" and who is "Wrong".

A collection of original memes created/posted this week...ish set to music.

It's time to #DumpTheRINOs and have the name of the Party represent the true makeup of the majority of it's membership.

A collection of original memes posted by KCAQ this last week.

A collection of original memes posted by KCAQ during the last week(ish).

A perfect example of Phuk Around and Find Out


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

345 videos

Category News & Politics

This channel covers national and international politics from a conservative perspective.