Tigger Grandma

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Tigger Grandma

Tigger Grandma


This is a poem I wrote.

My cat has a booboo

Drone window washing. 3500 psi

This is what I have so far.

There's a new disease here in America.

Messing around with song lyrics!

Part 2 of my Exploration of a local deserted mall and expounding on potential ideas for its future.

Every city (just about) has an old abandoned mall. Are we overlooking an excellent resource for repurposing?

We all have our own little world. We forget that everyone has their own way of seeing things and Jesus sees all of our differences and he loves each and every one of us.

My daughter and her boyfriend are looking at houses. I went along to visit my aunt and swim.

Stay frosty!

James 1:23-24

The seedy nature of the Navy is coming out!

Denying that Jesus is God in the flesh is totally missing the point of Christ's birth and work on earth!

The minions of Satan are busy about their father's work.

Today Billy Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie bridge.

Don't cross off other generations!

Why should I care?

Whether you like him or not, weaponized litigation is a crime against the American people!

What do you think will take us out?

Blood thirsty evil woman!


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

357 videos

Category Entertainment

Searching for the truth one story at a time.