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The most memorable experience I have ever had in a VR Furry convention.

In this video I show you how Eve Vanguard looks from two perspectives. The viewer and the player. The first half is largely banter to keep it somewhat entertaining. The second half is me actually playing the game. Both halves were compiled from actual live streams downloaded as VODs from Twitch and edited for the interest of time. I was essentially summarizing 4 hours of commentary and game play into a 47 minute video.

Gallente Merc Quarters:
Avatars Available on the Terminal
Mirrors and Couch Collider can be Toggled
VideoTXL Player
Objects can be picked up

Event Horizon Lounge:
Multiple Screens tied to the same VideoTXL Player
AudioLinked Light Fixtures in some areas
VRSL Control Panel Implemented

Both worlds can be accessed via the Community Labs in VRChat. VRChat is free to play and does NOT require VR hardware to use.

Go check out the new worlds in VRChat which are available at the Community Labs.

Dust 514 Event Horizion Lounge (PC Only)

Dust 514 Gallente Merc Quarters (PC+Quest)

How I think for the future of Eve Online and Eve Vanguard.

Song by NIIC The Singing Dog

Another personal project is on the way. This time with some help.

You get to see me import my Divine-inspired Jerry Avali into Resonite.

Tutorials I used for reference:

While you are watching me assemble this beautiful birb, you get to listen to some relaxing Eve Online soundtracks which, including the intro, are:
Surplus of Rare Artifacts
Below The Asteroids
Red Glowing Dust
Gallentean Refuge
Minmatar Rebel Alliance
Theme From Jita
Tomorrow's Neverending Yesterday

Time to address the elephant in the room.

Resonite is available on Steam if you want to try it out. No VR headset needed.

The following is not an exhaustive list of all references available. There might be more references out there to find. The regulations and statutes posted by the Federal & State Governments and their respective agencies are listed on top first. Articles and pages relating to third parties are listed at the bottom.

FAA Regulations on Pilot Certifications

The Firearm Owner's Protection Act

The National Firearms Act

TSA Policies on Transporting Firearms on board aircraft

Florida State Statutes pertaining to firearms

History of the Civil Air Patrol

Articles and Links about private companies with military jets

Eve Online: Havoc Expansion Trailer

Eve Online Keynote at Fanfest 2023

Invite Link to Dust 514 Veterans Discords. Link expires in 7 days after the posting of this video.

A more detailed explanation of my current setup and how I got it working.

It has been well over a month since I have last been on VR. The whole process is still ongoing, but baby steps are important.

I'm starting to become rather efficient with making these videos using DaVinci Resolve 18.5. No crashes thus far.

Background Music: Something Old, Something New from Eve Online by CCP Games
Note: Any discounts you see posted on the booths shown in the video have all likely expired by now since those discounts are usually only active during Furality Online Xperience.

Finally! DaVinci Resolve received an update and my GPU drivers are up to date which seems to have fixed the issue with the video editing software crashing on me all the time. So I'm back in action!

It has been well over a year since I upgraded from original Vive to the Vive Pro Eye. And now the time has arrived to move on from Vive and into Pimax. I still have a certain level of attachment to this headset because of the friends and memories I made along the way while wearing the Pro Eye. But like all other hardware, upgrading is inevitable.


Created 5 years, 10 months ago.

318 videos

Category Gaming

[Updated: 30 August 2021]


My backup account in case anything happens to Odysee.

Please pardon the quality of the videos. Since many of the old videos are recordings of past livestreams*, the resolution is not stellar to say the least. This is to keep the videos and the stream clips as smooth as possible and not be as taxing on system since I use an HTC Vive in addition to OBS Studio.


I'm a certified airframe & powerplant mechanic with 6 years of line maintenance experience on Boeing 767's and the General Electric CF6-80C2 family of engines. I am also a private pilot. So a lot of these videos will contain comments about working in the field of aviation and covering various aviation topics in addition to flight simulation and VRChat content. I recommend you visit me on Odysee since that is my primary platform.

*I am beginning to do livestreams using Odysee as the primary platform.