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We are held together by tiny crosses.

Colossians 1:17 "And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." King James Version (KJV)

The Glory of God in our bodies (our Temple)

Special THANKS to my husband who helped me with this upload.

Mirrored from Andyz7
The laminin cross has been found which binds your body together like glue!

The laminin cross has been found which binds your body together like glue! The Lamb Of God is inside you.

First seen from Andy's show...
It's the first one after it starts.

And Thank you Dewey Duffel for putting the download link up for me..:

Please read Description...

Mirrored from Uwantsun...
Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook

Full length, all detail, blow out on the HUGE fake out that was Sandy Hook back in December 2012. This hasn't been seen in years, thanks to the censors. Cover pic is of all the children that were "killed" taken in 2020. THEY ARE ALL ALIVE. There were NO VICTIMS.

Every single one of these "victims" were from coven families and were rewarded with huge payouts and secured futures for their services. They have annual get togethers where they laugh about the BIG hoax they got away with as kids. This is your America - run by satanists.

Additional and Associated posts from The Daily Messenger...

Sofia Smallstorm Unraveling Sandy Hook

Sandy Hook - Proof of Foreknowledge - Rare Deleted Photos

Sandy Hook Hoax Crisis Actors Going In Circles (720p)

Look at my earring – Sandy Hook the Hoax_(720p)

Sandy Hook nightmare of CIA staged lies

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Overlooking the dawn over the ocean, and spotlights from the sky. Country music playing all around us. Dreams....

Mirrored from Youtube:

Get Ivermectin and Lugols Iodine here....

Horse Paste Ivermectin (Plain):

Ivermectin Circular Economy
Ivermectin 10 pills – Conscious Evolution

J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine
Buy directly from the manufacturer and save! We have the best prices on the internet! Please call or email with inquiries about bulk wholesale pricing.

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When I can locate all the materials, I'll pop the links in the description and/or comments.

Personally, I would skip the graphene part and use the brass instead.

Mirrored from independz (Tony Pantalleresco):

construct and mixes required to build a 6 g offence

J. Crow's® LLC
The Original Lugol's Iodine. Trusted Since 1829.
#1 Seller Worldwide. Low Heavy Metal Verified.
USA Sourced. Accept No Substitutes.
J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine
Buy directly from the manufacturer and save! We have the best prices on the internet! Please call or email with inquiries about bulk wholesale pricing.

Get Ivermectin here...

Ivermectin Circular Economy
Ivermectin 10 pills – Conscious Evolution
* No prescription needed.

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"Who Are You?"

Good question, eh?

More like....
WHAT are you?

Mirrored from KimOsboel on Rumble:

Note: Great informative channel, check it out, links below as always.
Black Eyed Babies, Showing 10 of 173 matches:
Pictures and videos of strange-looking children with black-colored eyes showed-up on social media in late 2021. In this video you will see what the children look like, and discover details of mysterious sightings of similar kids around the world. Is it a coincidence that sightings of these children started after mass vaccination began? The dates of the start of mass vaccinations can be found in source [1] below.

[1] List of Vaccines by Development and decade:

[2] La Quinta Columna / Orwell City: and

[3] David Weatherly Interview:

[4] Stories of Black Eyed Children:

WakeUpPlanet - 4114 subscribers

See Uwantsun Channel for more videos on Black Eyed Babies and more...

J. Crow's® LLC
The Original Lugol's Iodine. Trusted Since 1829.
#1 Seller Worldwide. Low Heavy Metal Verified.
USA Sourced. Accept No Substitutes.
J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine
Buy directly from the manufacturer and save! We have the best prices on the internet! Please call or email with inquiries about bulk wholesale pricing.

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Ivermectin Circular Economy
Ivermectin 10 pills – Conscious Evolution
* No prescription needed.

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Please read entire description.

Mirrored from MarzTheron

This video gives a pretty thorough examination of the fraud that is 'virus.' We've all been born into the hoax of contagious diseases. Ever since the Rockefeller and Gates families took over the medical field at the turn of the last century, we've been conned into believing in a world of viruses and germs that we need to be very afraid of. They quickly got rid of the competition of Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Vedic, Chinese, Native and especially hemp based therapies. Beware the DEVIL WEED! They convinced us to allow them to inject all manner of poisons into our bodies in the name of 'vaccination.' Now we face global depopulation with poverty and enslavement for the survivors.

An important thing is to LEARN what words REALLY mean.

The word COVID flipped around is DIVOC and in Hebrew it means demon

TRUTH SCRUBBED: Two Real Meanings of COVID In Reverse As DIVOC

The English word "virus" is based on a Latin word for "poisonous secretion," and early on it often kept to its original meaning of "venom," either the literal or figurative kind.

corona [kŏ-ro´nah] (pl. coro´nae, coronas) (L.) crown; in anatomic nomenclature, an eminence or encircling structure that resembles a crown. adj., adj cor´onal. corona radia´ta 1. the radiating crown of projection fibers passing from the internal capsule to every part of the cerebral cortex. 2. an investing layer of radially elongated follicle ..

Corona is defined as the radiant crown around the sun which is literally what Radiation originates from and also called the "Corona Effect" and virus in latin means Poison so the word Coronavirus= Radiation Poison. This is why they are poisoning us with heavy metals and superconductors like graphene oxide because it makes us more susceptible to these EMF and radiation.

Corona is defined as the radiant crown around the sun which is literally what Radiation originates from and also called the "Corona Effect" and virus in latin means Poison so the word Coronavirus= Radiation Poison. This is why they are poisoning us with heavy metals and superconductors like graphene oxide because it makes us more susceptible to these EMF and radiation.

Covid-19 and Radiation Sickness Have Same Deadly Symptoms ...

Virus = Poison and Corona is defined as RADIATION

Corona Virus = radiation poisoning


Kerry Cassidy interviews Dr. Robert O. Young about Covid19, Bacteria, Nano and the vaccines and tests. He talks about how to deal with Covid tests, the fallacy behind social distancing, shedding and how our immune system works against the attack from a bioweapon and radiation.

Our Take On What We Think Covid Really Is:

Corona Virus = radiation poisoning

Mirrored from Uwantsun:

This reminds me of the Thomas fire. That Tuesday, there was such a rush of people trying to get out of the valley, because we were surrounded on 3 sides with a firestorm., upshot is, the entire line of cars was stuck for hours. However, this lone firetrucks was driving, every 20 minutes, in the opposite direction in his open lane, with his sirens blaring scaring the shit out of everyone. Until people realized he was just doing loops and it the same firtruck over and over and over...

No Firemen fighting it for 16 days, just the occasional truck doing loops on odd days. I still get upset over it.

Posts from The Daily Messenger...

See also....

The death shot starts going big again now that Ukraine has been exposed as a massive hoax

A gauntlet moment...for the world.

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Exposing more lies & deception. This is one of the many ways we are stuck in Babylon. It's time to come out of Babylon & FREE ourselves.

Mirrored from Just a Dude on Rumble:

Strawman - The Nature Of The Cage Is A Documentary Film, Which Sets About Explaining The Complexities Surrounding Legal Terms That You May Have Never Heard About Before, Or At Least Not In This Context. What You Perceive As Legal, Does Not Always Mean It Is Law, In Fact Very Often It Doesn't.

Strawman - The Nature Of The Cage Is A Cutting Edge Documentary Like No Other. It Highlights The Truth Around Debt, The Legal Fiction, Lawful And Legal, Debt Collectors, Bailiffs, And Modern Day Policing. The Film Gives A Detailed Overview As To How You Can Address These Issues In Your Personal Life, Offering Knowledge On How To Lawfully Deal With Any Kind Of Authority, If You Haven't Broken Any Laws.

John K Webster, Who Has Spent 18 Months Researching And Making This Film, Has One Goal... Having Noticed The Increase Of Suicides In The UK That Relate Directly To Monetary Worries, He Says "If This Film Saves One Life, My Work Is Done."

It Is Said, That You Must First Know That You Are In A Cage Before You Can Escape From That Cage!


From page 20 of the book...

Registration vs. Recording

“Registration” comes from Latin “rex, regis” etc. meaning regal. So think about what occurs to whatever you ‘register’ - you hand legal title over to the Crown.

The children can get a birth affidavit instead of a state issued certificate. Search for Birth Affidavit.

From some comments...

Oh abs certificate like birth “certificate” means bond. Silver “certificate”. It’s right there in front of all of us. They keep the population ignorant. Used the early Webster dictionaries like before they “update” them. All of these definitions of “law” are in there. The words we speak are not what we think they mean. And the government and beurocrats do not correct us. Some out of ignorance like us but many like attorneys and judges totally understand all of it. It’s called legalese it’s based on lying deceiving and winning.

It’s written on bonded paper after it’s processed and sent to you. All items that are bonded are financial instruments. If you look at what comes back from the state there are numbers on that. There is a way like your ss# search that number as if it’s a stock and it comes up with the date of issuance and value like it’s a stock. Look on this post before it likely gets deleted about my comments on social security. All foreign all fraud. We have been so uneducated as a people for so long… generations now since before 1930’s on what is going on. I believe the bill in British Parlimart under the Queen is 1778, that says something like “American Social Security”. It’s where the “queen” was changing rule for “our” social security. Do you think a British Queen whom we are not subjects of should be making rule changes to a fund you and I have paid into (under fraud and deceit)? Yes your likely confused… it’s meant to be that way. We all have to hear something and say that’s not right… look it up to just verify that “we” are right. Do that and you will start down your rabbit hole. Take the red pill.

Before all this birth certificate nonsense, people worked without them and SSN#s.. There are ways of coming out of Babylon (The Beast System) .

In lieu of a SSN#, people can turn in documents instead that state that it isn't a law to have a SSN# either.

This is one of the many documents that can be used...
Form SSN Citizen's Assertion of Legal Right to withhold disclosure of SSN u Public Law—93-579 (Section 7)...

Form COL Violation Warning
Denial of Rights Under Color of Law

SSN PUBLIC Notice - R. V. Bey Publications
Notice To All Workers and Employees Regarding the Possession and Use of Social Security Numbers

Being a Jack of many trades & master of quite a few helps.

ANY license, no matter what kind is a CONtract with the state, and you are subject to the terms of that CONtract, which gives them the right to do what they want to you.

To be independent just decline their "offers of CONtract which is their "paper tiger".Just say NO.

There's A LOT more to this, to the bottom line is staying out of their system by refusing to CONtract.

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READ ENTIRE Description for important info.

Mirrored From Stew Peters:

The Stew Peters Show broke one of the most horrifying medical emergency cases yet – a 10-month-old is a hospital hostage, kidnapped from his family. Diego Rodriguez joined the Stew Peters Show Tuesday to detail the case from the perspective of a grandfather watching insanity unfold in front of his family. Diego listed the names of the individuals who stole Cyrus, leaving the family is shambles. Read more at his link above.

To Avoid These Confrontations

The best way to avoid that is to quit using lamestream doctors to begin with. NO Lamestream Doctors and NO Hospitals either!

Fathers and mothers! Wake the heck up already!!!

AVOID pediatricians period! Use a naturopath ND and/or good chiropractor instead. There are NO LAWS on the books ANYWHERE that says parents have to use a mainstream clinic, doctor, pediatrician, or even go to a well baby checkups. That is an indoctrination that has bought, lock-stock-and-barrel. It's also for insurance company planning (a way to get your child into the EHR system and tracked for life). There are many good naturopathic doctors out there. It's time to stop supporting mainstream, and start supporting the holistic and alternative. They'll get the message once everyone wakes up and start boycotting these places.

A pediatrician is not an "essential" part of raising children. That is an indoctrination that has bought, lock-stock-and-barrel. For an otherwise healthy child, a pediatrician is NOT necessary - except as coach and counselor (which most are not). Pediatric visits are at 2-4-6 months for doctor convenience (time to bully a new mom/dad into vaccinating when you're tired and still trying to "figure it out") and for insurance company planning (a way to get your child into the EHR system and tracked for life).

Also, signing a birth certificate (A STATE issued CONtract), signs the children over to the state. If a woman can have the baby at home, that child will stand a better chance of staying out of this satanic beast system . Same with marriage licenses too. All property of the marriage is property of the State, including biological. Ahem!

Want to stop this corrupt beast system? Then starve the damn beast!

Another way to STARVE THE BEAST is this...

Call the Vaccine Police guy Christopher Keys in on this.

If these parents and family members get copies of the surety bonds of all officials in charge, and file claims against their bonds, this problem would end ASAP.

Protesting does NO GOOD for the long term. Never has. If protesting actually worked to enact real change, we'd be in a Utopian Society by now. So WHEN are people going to learn that?!

Enter Bonds For The Win...

Miki and Violet from Bonds For The Win are joining us to discuss their incredible system designed to help law abiding citizens take back power from the hands of corrupt public officials breaking their oath!

Bonds for the Win - Bonds For the Win What is a Surety Bond? Surety bonds provide financial guarantees that bondholders such as public officials, companies, contractors, or unions will uphold their contracts according to mutual terms. Surety bonds protect WE THE PEOPLE from fraud and malpractice.

Bonds For The WIN is winning the war on oxygen for children. Founder Miki Klann explains to HATS how Surety Bonds are enforcing authorities to drop mask mandates District, county and state authorities are having to drop mask mandates due to their own security bonds that mean they are liable to the people for causing sufficient harm especially to children ...

Miki Klann discovered that distressed parents alarmed at their children having to wear masks for long periods in schools could take back control and help drop mandates at state level.

Through her organisation’s work she has empowered parents to ask government officials to issue there Surety Bonds which has enabled parents to sue for liability against the damage caused to their children and drop unlawful mandates.

She explains how to first obtain the Surety Bond and then how to file a letter of intent to put pressure on authorities to back down over the measures they want to impose.

This is what the truckers SHOULD have done too. Same with the medical kidnapped guy from Arizona ( Benjamin Gordon).

Hit em where it hurts. THIS, too, is how you starve the beast.

From page 20 of the book...

Registration vs. Recording

“Registration” comes from Latin “rex, regis” etc. meaning regal. So think about what occurs to whatever you ‘register’ - you hand legal title over to the Crown.

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We do NOT have any SMART anything. We have landlines and old fashioned computers/laptops.

Mirrored from uwantsun:

We are being punished for watching truth videos. For watching videos about Yeshua (Jesus) Christ. About anything that reveals the truths of Earth, eg Flat Plane not globe, chemtrails, fake moon landings because THERE IS NO SPACE as they brainwash us into believing. They hate us so much, they even make taking the path to free our lives and souls one of slowly being killed. They are THAT EVIL.

They do this by upping the ionizing radiation on our Smart ANYTHING.

The demonics use every vector to hurt us and destroy our minds and bodies, hopefully taking down our soul in the process. This is where you call upon the Holy Spirit to Deliver you from Evil, and also, as Christ brings this knowledge to your door, you can then protect and TEACH OTHERS about this and other topics you are awakened upon, freeing them also.

The Daily Messenger Posts:

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Sound of Freedom
From IMDB:

The story of Tim Ballard, a former US government agent, who quits his job in order to devote his life to rescuing children from global sex traffickers.

See our reposted videos here...

Biblical punishment for those who harm children
Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them - Ephesians 5-11

Yep, exposing this evil. And it ain't pretty either.

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Mirrored from Uwantsun:

Like adrenochrome, they can only get these stem cells FROM LIVING BABIES, who then die because of the procedure. It kills them.

They extract the stem cells while the baby is alive; and it takes 293 attempts to get what they need to stick it in a shot that kills you or worse.

In short, they have to murder a living baby through surgery without anesthesia to get HEK293.

How much more evil can these Edomites get? I mean really?

The Daily Messenger Posts:

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Mirrored from Uwantsun:

Russia did this today (3-13-22) with the approval of the Kremlin (Putin).

A great signal to the Edomites that Russia has turned a corner AWAY from your satanic, baby murdering ways of adrenochrome and as a country, has returned to Christ and our Father. The Tower of Babel is mankind's attempt to build a structure that would get them near the dome so they could attack and kill YHVH and replace him with Lucifer.

It is mankind's first attempt to challenge God and take His place. It was Adonai (YHVH) Himself who destroyed the tower. The fact that Russia has just now decided to burn a replica his predecessors built for their allegiance to darkness sends a clear message to the globohomo powers arrayed against that country.

We don't want your sick evil nonsense any more. Enough.

The Tower of Babel has a clear symbolic meaning. Russia is telling the devils of the Kabbalah/Talmud that their "dream" of building a one world government and wiping out Christian Russia from players on the inside is OVER. Russia is letting the whole world know that the New World Order has no place in their society.

What a wonderful sign in this season of evil.

Oh, to see that in the United States....

In America, we tear down crosses and burn churches while putting up baphomet statues at state houses, among other official horrors.

Related Posts From The Daily Messenger & Our Spiritual World....

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[❤ Docu-Class] Watch all 9 episodes (limited time)

Cardiovascular Docu-Class Replay Weekend Page:

Your heart needs the help of healthy lungs to move oxygen throughout the body.

Right now, with the world feeling afraid of a respiratory disease, it's more important than ever to make sure your lungs are as healthy as possible. This is why Jonathan Landsman decided to create the Lung Health Docu-Class featuring these 18 amazing presentations >>>

There's more where this came from!

Health Guardian LLC - Cardio 4 Life
CardioForLife is PROVEN to be one of the very BEST CARDIOVASCULAR heart health products available today, and at a price that won't break the bank! For more than 5 years our customers have trusted the benefits of this great ALL-IN-ONE Heart Health Nutritional Supplement.

Things mentioned in this bonus videos...

Zinc Ionophores:


Helps with those parasites too, along with some taking fenbendazole.

* If you chose capsules, just be sure to check gelatin capsules. Those are safer that those nasty "veggie" caps.

ABC (Advanced Biostruvctureal Correction) Posture Correction mentioned to fix forward head and body posture...

First Rib Maneuver™

Find your provider:

J. Crows Lugols iodine:

Decrease inflammation...
Serrapeptase will also eat up excess fibrin/fibrinogen in the blood:

Arthur Andrew Medical - Serretia 90c
Change out capsule into gelatin capsule. Gel caps are MUCH safer.
See why....
All posts regarding toxic cellulose and hypromellose capsules.

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Mirrored from Uwantsun:

Posts From The Daily Messenger & Our Spiritual World:

Human Meat in passover bread and Mcdonalds/KF...C

"Paschal Full Moon - A Supermoon and the First Full Moon of Spring!"

" Pita bread gets you there, for those of us with poor baking skills. DO NOT BUY KOSHER Passover bread. It has human blood in it. Either make your own, easy to do, or just get some flat bread from the store. Keeping Passover is simple to abide by, and keeps you in the Law, as it did Yeshua and the boys, back in the day."

The word "Kosher" means "blood". That also includes those kosher wines called Mogan David and Manicheviz. grape wines.

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Kinda sorta close to Med Bed Technology.

Mirrored from TeraCare Channel on Youtube
THE 7 Powerful Benefits of iTeraCare

Info site & distributor signup:

To buy only:

Classic is $350 USD (personal use and home version)

Professional is $3500 USD (This one is for professional use by a provider or health professional body worker)

The order website is foreign and user UN-friendly, so if interested in obtaining this device, then put email in the comments section, and we'll get back to you to walk through the site step-by-step.

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Mirrored from Ueantsun...

It's tested. It's why it is going up everywhere. It's the control and death grid. Main CPU chip in 5G is called COV19.

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William Cooper of Behold A Pale Horse. Sir, you are greatly loved and missed.

Behold A Pale Horse eBook Downloads for you. Enjoy.:

Mirrored from Uwantsun:

Gosh, he was a breath of fresh air back in the day....miss him. Don.

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Not much into celebrities and such, but I DO like this guy Jim Caveizel. He's one of us

Biblical punishment for those who harm children
Matthew 18:6 - But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Mirrored from Uwantsun:

About time...

I know a great many people who are aware of the demonic nephilim and adrenochrome and sit ON THEIR HANDS AND STAY SILENT. Silence is are guilty.

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J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine
Buy directly from the manufacturer and save! We have the best prices on the internet! Please call or email with inquiries about bulk wholesale pricing.

Iodine Posts:

Iodine, the Forbidden Nutrient

Comprehensive Handbook of Iodine

7 Reasons Your Thyroid Medication Isn’t Working

Other related posts I have done on this are as follows...

What Myxedema Looks Like

Hypothyroidism Type 2: Myxedema Symptoms

Hardening of the Body (Fibrin, Fibrosia, Mucin Deposits, AGEs, etc...)

And I have mentioned it in this repost a while back...
The Daily Messenger: How the Satanic governments are engineering millions of people into street drugs or suicide...

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Miracle II - Life Enthusiast

Miracle II is a unique line of non-toxic, environmentally safe products. Including plant-based liquid soap and skin moisturizers. With no synthetic oils, animal fat or preservatives. Thousands of satisfied users have discovered new uses for them. These biodegradable products help people manage degenerative disease and environmental sensitivity.

Miracle II Product uses:

Miracle II Product Uses II


Miracle II Story

Miracle II Soap (concentrated):

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[iTeraCare]: Terahertz Therapy (THz) Device - Activating Stem Cells By Hitting The Bones (Spine)

Info site & distributor signup:

To buy only:

💥iTeraCare Terahertz Therapy Device.

• iTeracare can improve micro-circulation, rejuvenate inactive cells because of its Terahertz frequency that will absorb and activate cells with simple temperature, once inactive cells are removed .

• Terahertz's diverse has the same resonance as normal cells. He encourages and strengthens the organic molecules of DNA where he increases his own body cells, self-improvement.

• Terahertz frequency helps with blood vessel circulation. Reduces blood flow resistance and visibility. It also Improves micro-circulation of small important organs in the body.

• iTeraCare also helps to escort endocrine glands and protect our organs.

"If there's a way to heat the bones then all diseases can be treated'

The greek Father of Medicine HIPPOCRATES said .."
this is Wave of Life' American Scientist,
Light of life' Japanese Scientist,
God's waveband' Chinese Scientist!!

✅ Most importantly, it's affordable for your whole family.

The order website is foreign and user UN-friendly, so if interested in obtaining this device, then put email in the comments section, and we'll get back to you to walk through the site step-by-step.

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Info site & distributor signup:

To buy only:

Remember to drink iTeraCare Terahertz Linear Structured water before and after Healy and/or iTeraCare sessions.

The $350.00 iTeraCare Classic can easily create linear structured water in 30-120 seconds (The only competitive Terahertz Water device on the market costs $1,200.00 and doesn't also infuse Scalar Energy Wave information).

Info site & distributor signup:

To buy only:

The iTeraCare Terahertz/Quantum-Scalar Therapy Device can help to: Activate weak and inactive stem cells Balance stress Boost eyesight and hearing Cleanse blood impurities Counteract harmful EMFs Detoxify the lymphatic system Enhance microcirculation and remove clumps Harmonize brain hemispheres Improve anti-aging, beauty, and skin

The order website is foreign and user UN-friendly, so if interested in obtaining this device, then put email in the comments section, and we'll get back to you to walk through the site step-by-step.

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I pray Yahshua יהושע Jesus the Son and
Yahuah YAH יהוה God the Father in Heaven
Please keep us , bless us , forgive us and
protect us all through the coming tribulation

Brought to you by the great supporters of this channel who fund this research.

J.CROW'S® Lugol's Solution of Iodine
Buy directly from the manufacturer and save! We have the best prices on the internet! Please call or email with inquiries about bulk wholesale pricing.

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