Nowadays Reality

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BREAKING: Former CIA agent Felix Rodriguez, who worked for John F. Kennedy, alleges that there were two shooters involved in the assassination of the former president.

“The Rock” is jumping ship, wondering how many others will to try and save face.
Side note many of these “celebrities” are already dead but, that’s a story for another time.

...If only this was how journalism really was!!

Don’t be bullied by debt collectors!🤔🤔🤔

All eyes on WHO 👀 from now until May 27th. Every single one of us should be sharing this info and blowing up the phones of our elected officials …if this succeeds on May 27th, our freedom is gone and the fight to take it back will become nearly impossible to win.

Dont give me the “we won’t comply” bullshit bc we saw how quickly everyone fell in line 4 years ago like robots waiting for orders to walk to the next social distancing circle 6 feet away from the robot in front of them. No, this treaty must be stopped from happening.

Too busy to call or email or share this info? Whatever it is you are busy with will be locked down and closed including your businesses, sports, churches, everything you are free to do now will be in the hands of unelected global elites who want to remove you and your family from existence. If you thought Covid was bad…this will make what they did to us then, like child’s play. This is where we either all come together and get laser focused on stopping this from happening in 2.5 weeks, or we can kiss any hope of freedom goodbye 👋🏼
Remember to like and follow me which pushes this info out to more here on this platform.

MK ULTRA in Montreal, Canada. Pierre Elliot Trudeau sanctioned and funded this program. A CIA Initiative.

Tucker Carlson interviews Bryan Johnson on how he plans on living forever? 😳

This is Sadiq Khan's London. In 4 years there will be no more Britons.

Are you still love'n it?

Welcome to AI world…

"We will NOT eat the bugs" has become reality

The German people were smart enough to develop an app which allows scanning of the products for insect derivative ingredients.

Annual my ass.
I was speaking with a friend who is ex military, he said never in Canadian history has he seen this.
Anyone here in the Canadian military or a veteran that has seen this?

I believe she is right in what she says about getting people used to seeing military on our streets.

They no longer call illegal immigrants, illegal immigrants. They now call them non-citizens..

An attempt to normalize what’s going on and to incorporate them into our society.

On May 2, 2014, the Odessa Massacre became a turning point in the Ukrainian crisis after the Maidan. Local peaceful protesters challenged what they perceived as a regime change and perished in the process. The official death toll was 48, whereas the unofficial numbers exceeded 100.

During the clashes with the pro-Maidan ultra-nationalists, the anti-Maidan activists ended up trapped in the House of Trade Unions which was then set on fire likely by their radical opponents. There is plenty of footage of those wrapped in Ukrainian flags making Molotov cocktails. These radicals then blocked the exits of the building. Whereas some victims died from their burns and smoke inhalation, others were shot or attacked and killed as they jumped out of the burning building.

As for the perpetrators, justice was never fully served.

The sheer brutality of this massacre was one of the reasons why the protest wave against the regime change in Ukraine died down in traditionally Russophone cities.

It's not a smart watch, it's a death watch...

Scenes from UCLA where the US slides further into fascism.

How to Opt Out of the Technocratic State, 2nd Edition (Audiobook)

Trudeau and his Credit Score idea..


Created 3 years, 6 months ago.

20719 videos

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Little snippets of what is happening around us.

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