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The time has come


Held by Julian Batchelor, a one man force in New Zealand, because the Freedom Movement is all about the woke policy, when it comes to defending middle class white New Zealand.
The Mickey Mouse Miniature League Amateur Hour Janitor Parties for this years elections, who have not come out publicly against The Woke Left WEF UN Co Governance agenda for New Zealand, are the infiltrators of the Freedom Movement that started in 2020. and are against New Zealand. Their country of choice is New Aotealand

and a high performing model for modernism.
Putin and Che with Donald will bring in a the thousand years of light

Situ and Exsitu are the opposite meaning and soon to appear at the next level of co govt (nz) and The Voice (Oz). They are latin words

Situ means, you belong or are from the land. That is your situation. Situ - Situation.

Exsitu means, out of existence. You do not belong here. That is Foreigners, Colonials, Settlers etc. This is how the UN will use the shitty undie dummies to remove foreign ownership of the land or take their businesses and their homes and by force like with the Climate Change Antifa Fascists. BLM, FemNazis etc While the police we respond with ''we are too busy doing nothing''

Having removed all exsitu people, the UN are going to implement the next phase in their World Order of the Pacific

The Elite Parasites will then shit on the shit in their pants indigenous monkeys by offering equal power to women children and the disabled.
Indigenous men will be left out, having served as enforcers for their Freemason over lords.
You will become castrated off the land and of no significance or purpose

So too all the shit in their undies, enforcers with brains the size of walnuts, who are running for governance in the elections and supporters not for Julian Batchelor because your ego would rather rub one out on the sheets as you ejaculate, thinking about your own self importance,

You will become obsolete, fit for no purpose and cast aside. Well done you!

Lee is attacked and ends up in a bit of a scuffle

But bare in mind, you brave intellectual and wonderful souls
That Lee Williams is also the only one willing to stand between the tour, the Woke Left Maori, and the White 3rd wave Feminist, who claim to be all about the Brave New Aotealand for all.

What's really going on is, what is good for them first and foremost is therefore good enough for the rest of the country and screw you old decrepit white males if you don't like it

That's what's up!

I also want to acknowledge the brave resilient white females who stand with their men and fight to
Keep NZ Safe Again

We can only win this war by removing the veil of deception that has kept us complying and aiding in our own enslavement.

The most important aspect of this deception is the misconception that we are legal entities governable by civil law or Maritime Admiralty Law.

We are NOT legal entities, we are living souls, bound only by our conscience and common law or natural law.

You never signed your birth certificate, which forms the contract between the ‘paper you’ or ‘strawman’ and the Corporation aka Government, so you are actually not bound to follow any civil law, as you did not sign your consent ie. you did not enter the contract.

Only when we understand that we are not ruled by anyone other than our conscience and God’s law:- ‘you shall do no harm’, will we finally free ourselves and be the sovereign beings we were created to be.

And maybe because it is too late to do anything. The mare has bolted. It is dynamically too complicated and rough on the psyche. Or, is it because you get labelled a bigoted racist white trash misogynist with a distorted lust for supremacy coupled with the intellect of a peanut.

It could be that you're young & unaware of the incremental attacks that started 30 years ago while your world view consists of video games, weed and porn.
Poor, Lee over here with ole Julian have to take one for the team and not a mutter nor a murmur from the rest of 'us'

I'm here to say that the woke left libtarded femnazi white women of NZ have cucked the masculinity of the country in New Zealand and around the world for that matter and not a word of truth gets spoken about it.

White women have straddled in with the indigenous Maori people too hold their position in New Zealand and how do you destroy the family unit??? Enough said by this token Maori

From Cross The Rubicon
Nelson had a bit of trouble
The police weren't much help
but the show carried on

If you fuck around with us
If you do things bad to us
we are going to do things to you that have never been done before

This is the Parasite's entire plan for humanity - Time to get hard people

And in this video we have a update on the StopCoGovernance tour by Julian Batchelor bought to you by Lee Williams aka Cross the Rubicon

Full length movie



Stop whining that this is taking too long and get up and start doing something about it.

We can only help ourselves. No one is coming to rescue us. We are the rescuers!!!! I know how creative you all are. We are NOT to use violent tactics!!!
We ARE to be the digital warriors we were chosen to be but now is the time to also think outside of our comfort zones. Get very involved in your own communities…get involved in having town and city rallies.

FROGS!!! this is the time we all need to stand up and say ENOUGH!!! WE ARE TAKING BACK OUR WORLD…OUR LIVES. WE ARE SLAVES NO MORE.
It is time to stand stronger than you ever stood before. We need to do it. We need to do it now!!!
Lets be the most unbeatable and amazing army that this world has ever seen.

Frogs are the guardians of the memes. Let the meme wars commence

Lord, help me to hear you saying, "I am your hope" over all the other voices. Lord, your word says, you are the hope for hopeless so I'm running to you with both hands stretched out and grabbing on to you. Fill me up with hope and give me a tangible reminder today that hope is an unbreakable spiritual lifeline
God, you know those things in my heart that I barely dare to hope for, today I give them to you, I trust them to you, and ask that you because I know that you can do more than I could ever guess, imagine or request in wildest dreams.
God, you are my hope and I trust you. Amen.

1] China chemical plant
2] Australian disinformation bureau can fine up to 6.2m
3] Italian PM Marlena letting thousands of immigrants in daily
4] police in France have been hung, tourists raped near Eiffel towers, America weapons sent to Ukraine end up in the hands of Algerians in France
5] border arrests nets weapons either Mexico side or USA
6] truckie assaulted France
7] Underground rooms
8] elon the censorship tsar
9] self explain
10] self explain
11] self explain
12] france
13] Victoria police $ 1.300 annually to display gender neutral

Face down Biden's Deep State America of your own volition

You have to go behind the curtains, delve into all the media coined 'conspiracies', do your due diligent research and expanded your thinking - WELCOME TO THE 5TH DIMENSION CONSCIOUSNESS

If need be National and Labour will form a coalition in New Zealand's last ever democratic elections
and like Antoinette said in the previous video below this
The Commies came in throw the backdoor. They will have Maori unwittingly secede this country to the UN

We will occupy the digital gulag space between our ears. Lights out. Goodnight Irene

New Zealand Is At War

'HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND' is on the US Stock Exchange, it's an American Corporation. We have a foreign corporation pretending to be our government, it's trickery. They are governing but they're not our government, it is illegal for a corporation to be a government.

They have no legislation here, they only govern by the consent of the people. As we know, we are way past that, we saw that in Wellington. We are now in a communist state. We are at war. We're occupied, we are at war.

Where is their jurisdiction? It's at the Ross Dependency in Antarctica. I propose we put them all in orange boilersuits and send them there.

The Navy is obliged to honour the declaration He Whakaputanga, the officer says twice, yes, obliged. The New Zealand government is not obliged because they're not a government, they're a corporation.

Antoinette James

'future proves past'
SG 1 season 4 episode 16

Here it suggests Trump was used by the US Military to bait the Deep State
The creator MAJIC EYES also known as MegaNZ is a young unheralded kiwi intellectual
https://gab.com/OneDaySoonWeWillHaveToo/posts/110592691945426765 End of a Era
https://www.bitchute.com/video/rKJBvqOi1XRm/ - Original content - Majic Eyes

After Samantha Edwards Reports #5 :Brian & Hannah Tamaki's COVID Money Trail, Brian Tamaki posted his response and a statement of his “facts”. Shortly after in Counterspin’s Episode 90: Destiny v Counterspin: The Rebuttal & the Politics of Prophecy, Kelvyn Alp interviewed Samantha breaking down Brian Tamaki’s response.

Shortly after, a new voice from Destiny Church and The Freedom & Rights Coalition emerged with a perhaps personal attack rather than clarifying the points that Samantha and Kelvyn had raised.

In this shorter presentation, Samantha brings an off-the-cuff response to Kaleb Cave, head worship leader of Destiny Church.
Kaleb (aka Kz) published a Facebook video on the 16th of June, 2023, as a response to Samantha's exposés.

Remember that the Askhenazi Run NATO, NASA and the CIA
And what Putin depicts is coming to America - The next mid terms should see a return of Republicans to every blue state to flush out every Democrat Congressman and women, to work along side RJK jr and DJT sr, so help us God

Russian Masculinity vs Rainbow NATO CUNTries


Created 2 years, 1 month ago.

335 videos

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