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Pandemic, A movie by Mikki Willis exposing the lies and dangers of the vaccines. Share it all over when it's released. Link below to more info on it.

The truth is coming out.

No need to close down your business. Here is how to keep it open.
Just follow the instuctions of this man.

Satanic worshippers and paedophiles all around her on that balcony.

The evil elites plan to reduce the population of the world by at least a third, with vaccines and chemicals.

The elites that want to kill off at least a third of the population by using vaccines and chemicals.
Link below to share or download. Sorry about small frame. I will try sort this and reupload it later.

Dr Dolores Cahill explains the truth about corona vaccines and why they never could be licenced, from killing animals in trials and messing up peoples immune systems.

Bill gates and his thing need to be found and given to the public for judgement before its too late

Hope he has. Biden is evil.
The reason i like trump is cause he wants to sack fauchi and hopefully he would go after Bill and Melinda gates as well.
Link below to share

More news about the scum Bill F#:KED in the head Gates, Butcher Fauchi, The Cdc and Vaccines etc.
Link to youtube below and link to here above. Share them as much as you can.
Link to this video above.
The Doctor that's speaks out against vaccines.
Link above to this vid and link below to it on youtube.

More info on covid scam and how tests and deaths from covid are absolutely exaggerated to put fear in us all.
Link to this video above.
Some of the known that fund Gavi and the Alliance that wants to control all of us on the planet. G.S.K profit scam. S.A.G.E corruption.

Link to this video above.
Watch this and wake up share it everywhere you can.
Information from Whistle Blower in Westminster.

This video shows that covid all planned. Link to her channel below.
Link to this video above.
Dr Sherri J. Tenpenny explains poisons in vaccines today. Allimium in vaccines... We taking vaccines made by murderers. This Doctor is on londonreal 15th May 2020 at 5pm gmt

Link to this video above.

Interview with Dr Judy Mikovits on Londonreal.
Link above to this video
More corruption about DR FUKCHI and WHO.
Link below to Amazing polly on youtube.

Links to youtube amazing polly above. Link below to this video for bitchute

Link above to share.
Stats on harm and deaths caused to innocent kids by Gates vaccines

Link above, share share share. Evil has come to hospitals from high evil places.

Bill gates evil plan to control and depopulate the world.

More evil exposed. Doctors pressured to put down deaths as covid even if they are not.

Link above to Share or download.

R.F Kennedy.Jr explains reason he is against manatory vaccines. They contain mercury and other toxic ingredients that we are not told about and also the cause Autism in babies and ilness in adults. The pharmaceutical companies just want to make money. They don't care about peoples health.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

32 videos

Category None


Bill Gates' rich wealth both supports and kills because he believes in depopulation, yet many see him as a modern 'messiah.'

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is praised for its philanthropy around the world, but much of the foundation's good deeds are merely no-consent vaccine experiments carried out on the poor.

Under the pretense of providing healthcare to third world countries, the Gates Foundation instead coerces tens of thousands of children to test out various vaccines for pharmaceutical companies.

Bill Gate's massive wealth from selling computers is being redistributed to pharmaceutical research, as human rights-violating corporations such as Merck and GlaxoSmithKline test out new vaccines on multiple thousands of unsuspecting victims.

In India, the propaganda campaign is in full force, as the natives are instructed to get their "well-being" shots. The resulting health problems have been noticeable and devastating, raising questions about the sinister motives behind the Gates Foundation and their extraordinary vaccine push.

Young girls' health rapidly deteriorated following Gates vaccine push

In 2009, the tribal children of the Khammam district in Andhra Pradesh were gathered together and told they would be receiving health care shots.


Even though the Gates Foundation has the wealth to give these tribes access to clean water, sanitation services, nutrition and low-stress living conditions, they instead push for HPV vaccines and call them "well-being" shots.

The shot these young girls received was an HPV vaccine manufactured by Merck and administered by the state's health department.

The young girls, aged 9–15, were instructed to line up for three doses of the vaccine. As the months rolled on, the health of the 16,000 girls rapidly deteriorated. Five of the girls died shortly thereafter.

In Vadodara, Gujarat, another 14,000 or more tribal children were put to the test. This time the Gates Foundation carried out their humanitarian healthcare mission by providing the HPV vaccine called Cervarix, made by Glaxo SmithKline.

Giving no informed consent, the Gates Foundation coerced the tribal people on the belief that the shots were beneficial and necessary.

However, when virus material, heavy metals and other preservatives foreign to the body are injected into young, developing women, drastic changes are bound to occur in their bodies.

Having no idea that they were being signed up for vaccine trials, thousands of young girls were injected with these experimental vaccines purported to prevent cervical cancer.

Instead of seeing their health improve, the tribes reported numerous, bizarre adverse events in the days, weeks and months following vaccination.

Young girls in India lost weight, appetite, and stamina. 16-year-old Aman Dhawan had no idea he was even signed up for the vaccine trial.

Soon thereafter he began to lose weight and energy, as the life was sucked right out of him. The same problem broke out among girls in Colombia, where the same vaccine had been doled out to the young girls there.

NGO activists speak out about young girls being used as guinea pigs for vaccine experiments

When health reporters and activists visited Andhra Pradesh, they met more than 100 young girls who were now having epileptic seizures, severe mood swings, and migraine headaches.

The toxins that had been deliberately injected into them caused additional health problems such as early menstruation, heavy bleeding and menstrual cramps – problems the tribes had not experienced before in such severity or magnitude.


The push was started by the NGO Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH). The group coordinated with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to test the cervical cancer vaccines on thousands of young females across India and Africa.

The Gates Foundation has also coordinated with the NGO to study the effects of the Rotavirus and pneumococcal vaccines in Africa and Asia.

Whistleblowers from another NGO, Sama, witnessed the horror and spoke out about what was really going on, revealing how the young girls were being used as guinea pigs for vaccine trials all under the guise of receiving healthcare.

Sama reported that the administers of the vaccine were giving no informed consent; in fact, authorities made the people give thumbprints, treating them as subjects, not intelligent human beings with human rights.

When billions of dollars are behind a mission, authorities will gladly follow along and do as they are told. Testing chemicals and viruses out on human subjects is easy in third world countries where human life seems to be expendable.