Patriot Fire

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Patriot Fire



There are reports that radical leftists are transporting illegals in an Old School bus in Jacumba. Though not confirmed, it's pretty clear that Antifa and BLM radicals are running the camp and they do have a school bus and trailer parked there. To go this this campsite paste the following coordinates in your navigator.
Jacumba Camp East
(Near Valley of the Moon trailhead)

Mexico President Andres Manuel López Obrador (aka AMLO) has told Hispanic Americans not to vote for Ron DeSantis. His demand has been broadcast widely in Spanish Language media. AMLO thinks he has a very large block of voters that he can control to vote against American interests and maybe he can.

See blog post here:

Progressive do-gooder at the border in San Diego at a camp of mostly unqualified asylum seekers says that this country does not belong to us, it belongs to everyone. She bemoans the suffering of the children. However many asylum fraudsters bring children in order to exploit a loophole in the asylum law. They often bring small children because they are easier to control. Some parents send their children to the border alone by means of drug/human trafficking cartels. This is child abuse and if justice were done the children should be taken away from such people. In order to stop this abuse of children, the US government should stop releasing unqualified asylum seekers into the US, whether they have children with them or not.

If you live in the area and want to visit this camp, just paste these coordinates into your navigator. 32.54029,-117.0677

Go to this link to see a map of the location.

Would be dictator Fauci says that holdout who refused to take a vaccination must be punished harshly. As a couple of examples, he warned, they will lose the right to work and support their families and and they will lose the right to go to college and get higher education. He predicted that once of a few of the stubborn holdouts are beaten down by their extreme measures, the rest will give up and readily comply with the Covid vaccine mandates.

Congressman Juan Vargas and his Raza cohort, Council-member Georgette Gomez, declared Trump to be "NOT WELCOME!" at Chicano Park, the day before he viewed the Border Wall prototypes on 3/13/2018. They are both running for Congress in 2020. Vargas is running for re-election in CA-51 and Gomez is running for a vacant position in CA-53. There was also a mock hanging of Trump performed at the event as they were speaking, Chicano Park is a subversive, anti-American, public park in San Diego that promotes Chicano racial nationalism and communism using local, state and federal tax money for the last several decades.

To see more videos about Chicano Park, go to this link

Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

Jackson Hollingsworth, president of the local Uhuru Solidarity Committee, delivers a revolutionary racialist rant against white people at a protest against Trump on Inauguration Day in Chicano Park in San Diego, January 20, 2017. She demands ethnic cleansing of whites from the American continent.

Oddly, she is a white person, herself. The Uhuru Solidarity Committee has been described as a “political cult.” It is an organization for extremely self-hating, white people.

Uhuru Solidarity Movement – San Diego

Chicano Park is a La Raza site, where Chicanos openly claim the Southwestern United States as its national homeland, called “Aztlan,” in the murals and by speakers. That the Chicanos own Aztlan is a fundamental part of the radical, Chicano political ideology.

Chicano Park was designated a National Historical Monument in January 2017. This was done by yet another illegal executive decree by the Obama administration since the bill to consider awarding the status had died in Congress.

To see more videos about Chicano Park, go to this link

Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

Reies Tijerina was one of the four founders of the militant Chicano political movement. This is an except of his talk at UCLA in 1969 where he declared that La Raza would take over the entire American continent, not and south. He mentions that his "La Raza" mestizo racial supremacy theory is based on the book by Jose Vasconcelos, who was the major pro-Nazi propagandist in Latin America at the start of World War II.

Though he says La Raza will dominate "with peace", Reies Tijerina was famous for his armed raid on a courthouse in Tierra Amarilla, New Mexico, where he hoped to kidnap a DA that opposed him. His men shot two police officers in that raid. One of the officers was beaten to death, just before he was scheduled to testify in Tijerina's trial. When he was sent to prison, he was diagnosed as a psychopath.

Tijerina is one of the Chicano leaders honored in the historical mural at Chicano Park in San Diego.

To see more videos about Chicano Park, go to this link

Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

Jose Angel Gutierrez, was one of four co-founders of the Chicano political movement and founder of the La Raza Unida political party. He advocated and insurrection and the elimination (ethnic cleansing) of "gringos". This is from: Chicano! Fighting for Power
KPBS documentary, 1995.

To see more videos about Chicano Park, go to this link

Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

A group of law-enforcement trainees taking a class in cultural sensitivity in San Diego receive an unexpected, real-life lesson, when their class is disrupted by the Chicano Park political cult and they have to leave due to verbal abuse and under threat of potentially being attacked. This took place on June 22, 2019.

This is a public park supported by tax money, but the Chicano cult claims it is their land and the first part of their national homeland, Aztlan, to be taken.

The video is copied and re-used from the Irate Productions / Cop Watch channel on YouTube under Fair Use doctrine.

To see more such videos go to the following link:
Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

My other videos of Jesse Cannon can be viewed here. I will have a few more to upload.

A protest against Trump was held at the radical, anti-American Chicano Park in San Diego on Veterans Day 2016. One of the protesters confirms that the goal is "revolution".

To see more such videos go to the following link:
Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

A small group of Proud Boys were attacked at Chicano Park on May Day, 2019. It was actually because they wanted to show the American flag and peacefully argue with socialists. The May Day march was planned to end in Chicano Park. They met instead members of the Chicano Park political cult, who end up violently attacking them. The San Diego Police Department had to pepper-spray some of the radical Chicanos in order to subdue them.

This is a brand new Proud Boy chapter in San Diego. Not sure that they were even aware of what Chicano Park was like until they walked into this situation.

This clip combines the video by the Proud Boys with that of someone on the Chicano side. The Proud Boy with the beard was wearing a body camera. Between 5:46 and 15:27 its is Proud Boy audio overlaid on Chicano video. The first part is Proud Boy audio/video and the end is Chicano audio/video.

To see more such videos go to the following link:
Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

David Rico, a convicted bomb plotter, is one of the co-founders of the park. He spoke every year at Chicano Park Day until the day he died in 2021. A few months after the piece of land was occupied in April 1970, by Rico and others, which later become the park, Rico and two other Brown Berets were arrested and convicted for a plot to fire-bomb San Diego City College, soliciting others for murder and to distribute bombs in an attempt to start a violent insurrection. Rico is a founding member of the Chicano Park Steering Committee and the national head of the Brown Berets de Aztlan, a kind of Chicano paramilitary group.

Ironically, there is a bill in Congress right now (HR 486) to make this extremely anti-American park an affiliate of the National Park Service, which would make it easier for them to obtain federal grants to better spread the extreme, hate-America propaganda of this city park.

See court documents for this case at this link:

To see more such videos go to the following link:
Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

Patriot Fire blogger, Roger Ogden, invited a small group of people to have a private pizza lunch at Chicano Park and then tour the anti-American murals there. It was to be a private visit, not a protest. The extreme leftists found out about it (by snooping). They falsely accused us of having a “Nazi” event and planning to vandalize the murals, in order to raise and incite a mob of 500+ to threaten us and deny access. We knew they were coming, but decided to go anyway as planned to expose their hateful intolerance.

The mob was raised by the Chicano Park Steering Committee, Union del Barrio, Anti-fa, the San Diego Free Press and other far-left and “La Raza” organizations. This is a public park funded by city, state and federal funds and we believe everyone should be able to use it in peace without being threatened with mob violence. This “Patriot Picnic” very much helped raise awareness of the extreme, anti-American nature of Chicano Park.

To see more such videos go to the following link:
Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

These are two excerpts from a speech made by Rodolfo "Corky" Gonzales in 1969 at UCLA, one of the four founders of the radical Chicano political movement. The "Mission" incident he talks about is apparently a well-known case, in which Chicanos killed a cop in the Mission District of San Francisco in 1969. The Chicano killers were members of radical Chicano organizations, including the Brown Berets de Aztlan.

These revolutionary ideas are still taught in Chicano studies classes in universities and high schools across the nation. Corky's ashes are scattered around the Zapata statue in Chicano Park in San Diego, which makes the place "sacred" according to the Chicano Park Steering Committee chairman, Tomasa Camarillo.

Officer Joseph Brodnik

Los Siete de la Raza

To see more such videos go to the following link:
Chicano Park and Raza Supremacy

Many say that we should not compare anyone to Hitler. But Hitler had a personality type that has frequently recurred in leaders throughout history. So, I think very charismatic, extremely egocentric leaders should always be closely examined for similarities to Hitler and other historic egomaniacs, on the Right as well as the Left, no matter what their political label may be. It doesn't mean the person is exactly the same as Hitler, but just a indication of the risk and where things could possibly go.

The Party for Socialism and Liberation is a self-declared, national, communist party. In this video, several of the members in San Diego speak out for the right of biological male transgenders to use women's restrooms and shower facilities. I do not mean to imply that these were the only communists at this event. They were just the ones that were easy to identify in the videos.

In California, this is legal, even if the person has male sexual organs unless the transgender is already registered as a sex offender. Of course, most who have in the past or will in the future commit sexual crimes have not yet been caught, prosecuted and convicted.

To learn more about the Party for Socialism and Liberation, visit this site.

Second public testimony in the City Council about whether transgender males should be able to use in this case a female locker room and showers. California and a few other progressive states have pass laws that allow men who identify as women to use public restrooms, whether they have a penis or not, unless they are a registered sex offender. A transgender man, who goes by Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, was using a women's locker room at a YMCA in Santee, Ca. A 17 year-old girl, Rebecca Philips, complained about it at a Council meeting and the video went viral.

Wood claims to have had surgery to remove his penis and testicles and create a vagina. Several years earlier was involve in a similar situation with Crunch Gym in El Cajon. California state officials sued on his behalf and he received an undisclosed monetary settlement. In this earlier incident, he reportedly have not yet had a sex-change operation. To me, it seems that his action in Santee was a provocation, because he likes the notoriety and may receive another monetary settlement from it.

Published videos of City Council meetings are in the public domain. Anyone is welcome to download and use this video for your own purposes.

This is a short film about the nominating convention of the short-lived Progressive Party that nominated Henry Wallace of president in 1948. A major part of their platform was to make peace and cooperate with the Soviet Union.

Wallace had to drop out before the election, due to a scandal about his connections to the Soviet Union during this time of the Cold War. Since that time, Progressivism has continued to be used as a cover for Marxist and communist ideological belief.

Tom Metzger met with the New Black Panthers to discuss cooperation and separation of the races. The new Black Panther are a racial nationalist group and an offshoot of Louis Farrakhan's Nation of Islam. The original Black Panthers were a far left radical group.

This is not the first time that white and black racial nationalists have tried to cooperate. Marcus Garvey meet with a KKK leader in the early 20th century for the same purpose.

George Lincoln Rockwell and members of the American Nazi Party attended a Nation of Islam summit in 1961 and met with Elijah Muhammad, Farrakhan's predecessor. See the link below:

Throughout history, social revolutionaries tend to throw out sexual norms as well as political norms. Is that not what we are seeing today with with the progressive, neo-Marxist LGBTQ+ movement? Progressives have thrown traditional sexual norms out the window.

Jan van Leyden was a pimp, who ran a brothel in the the German Empire in the 1530's. He decided to give up the brothel and go to Munster, which had been declared to be the new Jerusalem by Anabaptist rebels. He arranged for the leader of the rebellion to be killed and crowned himself king and savior of the world.

Munster became a significant political force in middle Europe for a few years, but was eventually re-taken by the local Catholic Prince Bishop. Jan van Leyden was tortured and his body and those of two other Anabaptist heretics were hung in cages from a spire of the Munster cathedral. The cages can still be seen there today as a warning to others.

The Three Terrifying Cages on a Church Spire Where Rebels Once Rotted

This is a clip of the church orgy scene from the film, Koenig der Letzten Tage (King of the Latter Days). The film portrays the real history or the Anabaptist rebellion in Munster during the reformation.

Debate in the City Council about whether transgender males should be able to use in this case a female locker room and showers. California and a few other progressive states have pass laws that allow men who identify as women to use public restrooms, whether they have a penis or not, unless they are a registered sex offender. A transgender man, who goes by Christynne Lili Wrene Wood, was using a women's locker room at a YMCA in Santee, Ca. A 17 year-old girl, Rebecca Philips, complained about it at a Council meeting and the video went viral.

Wood claims to have had surgery to remove his penis and testicles and create a vagina. Several years earlier was involve in a similar situation with Crunch Gym in El Cajon. California state officials sued on his behalf and he received an undisclosed monetary settlement. In this earlier incident, he reportedly have not yet had a sex-change operation. To me, it seems that his action in Santee was a provocation, because he likes the notoriety and may receive another monetary settlement from it.

Published videos of City Council meetings are in the public domain. Anyone is welcome to download and use this video for your own purposes.

Steffen Königer of the AFD (Alternative Für Deutschland) Party addresses the Brandenburg State Parliament in Germany about Gender Diversity. His statement is in opposition apparently to some unknown proposal made by LGBTQ supporters.

This video presents the Pueblo Indian rebellion of 1680 against the Spanish colonizers as an inspirational model for revolution today in America. Produced by the Public Broadcasting Service - Latino, Government tax monies probably probably contributed to the video production. In the Fall of 2022, it was being shown in the Poeh Cultural Center and Museum at 78 Cities-of-Gold-Road, Santa Fe, NM 87506.

The museum is probably funded with U.S. tax money also. The Cities of Gold Casino that they show in the video is just a hundred yards or so down the street from the museum. They obviously resent the casino, which caters to tourists.

Museum Info: (505) 455-5041
Administration: (505) 455-5040
Email: [email protected]

Trump will have the opportunity to answer to a jury of his peers as is the right of any American citizen if it comes to an indictment. Trump achieved a number of "firsts" during his presidency. Now, he may well become the first president to be convicted of multiple felonies for his conduct while in office.

Along with the drug smuggling cartels and progressive activists, the United Nations High Commission On Refugees is, is one of the main enablers of illegal immigration into the US by millions of people who are unqualified to be granted asylum. They support this illegal immigration to eventually change the political demographics of the US in favor of progressivism and also to provide cheap illegal labor for some business interests.


Created 6 years ago.

306 videos

Category News & Politics

This channel is about constitutional, pro-American politics. Please do not leave any comments that can be perceived as a call for violence or blatantly racist.

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Black Lives Matter

Covid-19 Pandemic and Hysteria

Illegal Immigration, Caravans and Asylum Fraud

The Real Border Fence:

Chicano Park and La Raza Supremacy

Obama and Black Identity Cults

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