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Arizona: No back story.

Um homem, identificado como Cleyviano Gomes de Souza, de 23 anos, foi violentamente espancado e executado após tentar roubar uma motocicleta na tarde desta quarta-feira, na Av. Margarita, Cidade de Deus, Zona Norte de Manaus.
A man, identified as Cleyviano Gomes de Souza, aged 23, was violently beaten and executed after trying to steal a motorcycle on Wednesday afternoon on Av. Margarita, City of God, North of Manaus.

Just an average day here in the states.

African migrants attack man in Scotland

Huh? Weepy liberal white dad sobs with regret after he calls cops and gets a black man who was threatening his family with knife arrested (VIDEO)…


For how much longer will the DS protect the Bidens



Created 1 year, 6 months ago.

105 videos

Category None

I'm a self-educated urbanologist and self-taught digital satirist who specializes in violent crimes, criminal behavior and dark humor. Sit back and enjoy the show!