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Our Moon Has Blood Clots. Published 2013

Thumbnail: Another 'influencer' influences herself into an early bluetooth grave.

Many Thanks to Candy.

British Cycling said it shared her "heartbreak" and lamented the cruel manner in which she has been denied the chance to ride for the medals she so coveted in Paris.

Thumbnail: Now we now why the band chVrches had a V instead of a U. Plus of course the X'd Out Black Heart on the track cover.
Memory card ran out at the end.

Vaxx Sepsis Amputations to come

First try at uploading isn't happening, so I'm trying again.

Buster's Mal Heart 2016

Time Bandits - They stole the Future. For many.
Thanks to Candy for the heads up.

Thumbnail: The Upcoming West Coast false flag again.

He may look like a small independent artist, but Polysick is doing the one eye. Album is a masonic pyramid etc.

Thumbnail: C J again. Forever 36.

Thumbnail: New Clot Shot Death. C J de Silva forever 36 "died after suffering an aneurysm and two strokes".

Thumbnail: The Newly elected (9 days ago) French Vaxxed MEP, who just Died Suddenly. Forever 49.


Thumbnail: Another Dead Girl from the Macabre Vaults of GoFraudme.

Everything is within cells interlinked interlinked interlinked in this one.

The word HUMANE, is generally used when you 'humanely' put down a dog with a lethal injection.


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

1352 videos

Category Health & Medical

Having seen the CPR footage, I have to consider the use of mannequins like in the Nice 0p a few years ago. So I'm not clear on this one at all. We will see.....