The Messenger Knows

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The Messenger Knows

The Messenger Knows


Well over a year ago Joe Biden stated that the United States would not send certain American weapons & military personnel to Ukraine, as doing so would result in World War III. Amazingly that is exactly what he has authorized. Welcome to World War III. FJB!!

After years of unjust confinement, Julian Assange has been set free, having made some as yet undisclosed deal with the United States Department Of Justice...

Having very limited success with getting more people to eat bugs, the globalist elites have compromised by turning to alternative meat proteins...

What's Really There?? It's not what you may think or be suspecting. I happened to meet an Irishman that brought his family of four stateside for a vacay in early June. Little did he know of the sickening sights from which he would need to protect his children...

There will be many subversives that will need to be brought to justice once President Trump returns to office - especially the likes of the corrupt lower than scum January 6th committee. They are enemies of We The People Of The United States Of America!!

Day in & day out chomos have used all manner of twisted logic, manipulation, & perversion to gain access to kids. Nowadays they do so under the banner of rainbows, inclusiveness, & education. Don't be fooled. Reject them at every turn.

Just when you thought it was over, the big guy comes back with a sequel!!

It's Trump Or War in 2024 and come January 20th 2025 a day of reckoning shall be upon us!! We Will Not Yield!!

There are several classes of dangerous individuals that Joe Biden has allowed to invade the country across our open borders since he stole office. Among the most dangerous of invaders are Islamic Terrorists, particularly those originating in the The Middle East. Biden has let them in by the millions. They lie in wait, ready to strike. They are here...

If you thought that abomination month would pass by without much fanfare at the White House, then you are sadly mistaken, as abomination as a daily occurrence since Joe Biden stole office. It may have seemed quiet, but they have cranked it up quite a bit, bearded men in dresses & all...

No matter how much loss of life, no matter how many horrific gRapes, no matter how much they destroy American society, Joe Biden continues to let in what has amounted to over 15 million illegal alien criminal invaders. On top of that, many of these foreigners are receiving voter registration forms, although it is 100% illegal for them to register or to vote. If your choice for the election isn't clearly President Trump, then I don't know what to tell you...

Never mind not being able to understand half of wtf he says, wtf is with the very noticeable different physical appearance from one public event to the next?? Is it a body double, a stand in wearing a mask, or something else?? Curious minds want to know, who is this crazy bastard!!??

Not even Darth Vader could imagine the treachery that turned a beloved American classic in to woke degenerate garbage!!

Many knee grows will no longer be here once this year's 'celebration' of Juneteenf, a fake federal holiday made up by Joe Biden & his handlers as another of many ways to pander to blacks. Juneteenf weekend will end just like every other summer weekend in Blakistan, with countless injuries, excessive property damage, car jackings, brutal assaults, armed robberies, habitual theft, and the senseless loss of many lives. It's a war zone out there!!

The Ukrainians have lost almost 500,000 troops killed since the war with Russia began, yet Joe Biden continues to fund their losing effort as they fight to the last Ukrainian. An entire generation of men ave been wiped out, and now they are preparing to send women & girls in to the meat grinder. Joe Biden is a murderous clown...

Star Wars went from being one of America's most beloved films of all time to being butchered by woke rainbow ideology. The original Star Wars is as dead as can be, replaced by the rotting, stinking reanimated corpse commonly known as Disney Star Wars. They did everything they could to destroy what countless millions of people had grown to love and they did it with contempt for the Fandom at the forefront of their sick, twisted, demented, & demonic minds. Don't fool yourself, that corpse is not alive, it is undead...

Resident Joe addresses robberies, crime, & the upcoming elections.

Never had the galaxy seen someone climb so high why prioritizing being horizontal during the most critical moments of her career. Introducing C3P-HOE & her faithfu sidekick...

They're still rich and don't give a damn about you or me. They are the rich pimps north of Richmond...


After Joe Biden has invaded America with over 16 million criminal illegal alien & allowing them to stay in the country by making blatantly invalid asylum requests, all of a sudden, he conveniently turns 180 degrees & says no more will be allowed in as they are breaking the law. It couldn't have anything to do with being behind in the polls by double digits & growing. FJB!!!

Today marks another day of infamy as Mister Poopy pants let's it all go during a D-Day ceremony, just one in a long series of fartastic projectile fecal matter incidents. Grab a roll of TP & some air freshener for this trip...

Just in time for the month of June, the show runner and main actress for the new faux Star Wars television series have announced in an interview that not only is the new show G A Y, but that by extension the entire Star Wars Universe is G A Y. Slay Kween???

The appeals court in the state of Georgia has halted all proceedings in the fake election interference case in Fulton County against President Trump...

There is a driving force behind what you may perceive as outlandish behavior and even possible criminal corruption involving The Big Guy. That force is Booger Sugar. It ties everything together. Follow the powder...


Created 5 years ago.

178 videos

Category News & Politics

The Messenger - So that you will know!!