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Absolutely damning data from UK government about mortality from the covid 'injection'. They can no longer hide from this...

It only takes less than 1% of The People to STAND UP and it is GAME OVER for them. The fascist regime is far far weaker than we have been brainwashed to believe......

We are controlled and manipulated from birth to death by the satanic babylonian beast system. We are waking up and their days are numbered...

First hand stories from people injured by the experimental injection. No one will talk about this through fear of losing their jobs. WE WILL...

The alternative media represents a true existential threat to the Globalist deepstate control apparatus. They rely on brainwashing the masses with propaganda and lies through controlled media in a failing attempt to remain in the shadows.

November 17th update

Scott Bennett outlines the latest deepstate indictment of Donald Trump in a last desperate attempt to keep themselves out of jail or worse...

Exposing the climate change hoax and the failing agenda of the psycopathic globalist 'elites'....

The whole financial system is a huge fraud...

:Gordon-Michael: Schiller.
Parse syntax grammar
:Russell-Jay: Gould. Commander and Chief-Post Master General

Cathy O'Brien exposing her SRA at the hands of the Clintons.

Central Banking is a criminal counterfeiting cartel

Are you Awake yet?

Globalists and their satanic beast system are going down, good people of the world are rising up everywhere and there is nowhere for these criminals to run....

:Robert-LeRoy: Horton explains the story of how :Russell-Jay: Gould syntaxed the 100% grammatically fraudulent mortgages and claimed the Title 4 flag making him Postmaster General of the North American continent....

Derek Johnson and Ricardo BosiIntel intel..

John Hopkins Doctor exposes government misinformation using bought and paid for 'science'

French Revolution 2 and final takedown of the satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.....

Dr Vernon Coleman explains the designed war against Ukraine perpetrated by the deepstate criminal cabal to create order out of chaos....

15 minute cities are a system of total control of the global population.... WAKE UP....

We The People are sovereign, not 'government', parliament or a president. They do not tell us what to do. Under the constitution, founded by magna carta in 1215 , governments and monarchs swear oaths to We The People. Anyone not fulfilling this oath is committing TREASON and must be treated accordingly. That doesn't usually end well for them....

Operation Bronze Griffin. Oh look, another socalled 'conspiracy theoy' that is now proven TRUE. #deepstate #corruption #beastsystem

Documentary by Stew Peters exposing the attack on humanity with the covid injection bioweapon. This is pure evil

Never has 'covid' been proven to exist in a lab. This Doctor proves that the 1500 samples his lab tested for supposed 'covid 19' only had strains of influenza A and B in them. Socalled covid is, therefore, COMING FROM THE INJECTIONS!!!!!!!!!!! TRIGGER WARNING: Alex Jones at the beginning of the video!!

Ted Gundserson exposes the pure evil that has been running the world.....


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

59 videos

Category News & Politics

Join the fight to awaken humanity to the Evil that has been in control of the world for thousands of years. Piece by piece, the Truth is being revealed. These videos are not mine, this is just a collection of informative documentaries which will hopefully point the viewer in the right direction. A lot of the 'history' we were taught in school was not, by any means the complete picture. The vast majority of the population is horribly mis-informed by the modern education system and it is up to us to begin the process of helping to educate each other about the real History of the world outside of the influence of the mainstream propaganda narrative.