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probably the only decent thing to come out of that cow dung worshipping shitskinned dump of a country

the mudsharks can join them there

that escalated quickly.
the next bullet should have her name on it.
make it a 2 for 1 day.

imagine the smell of cow dung and curry in there

no white person should be in a nursing home that hires niggers!

heres your food nigger! chow down nigger!
lmfao! based!

on a episode from 'New Amsterdam' a doctor explains to a mother that her sons tumor grew because of internalized racism.
looks like these women are members of basedniqqurs family with all the mudsharking going on in the Robert S. Callahan bloodline.

looks like someone needs to call 1-800-DENTIST

that escalated quickly!

no niggers. no sand niggers. no dirty puerto ricans posing as gdl bitchute nazis.
just clean, civilized, aryan white people.

over here looking like kuato from total recall
consider this - a nigger fucked that, raw dog.
probably screaming her name during intercourse 'gollum! gollum!'

sweet kids have special gifts for mommy

stole dis frum Jim Crenshaw - https://www.bitchute.com/video/r2szqQuJM96g/

and why do the shit tone people create shithole countries then run from those trash heaps to civilized white nations, only to trash it, commit crime and hate on superior white people once here? da fuck is wrong with these subhumans, besides low iq and horrible odor?

there is such a shortage of hate crimes that the kikes need to make them up to keep the victim narrative alive!

stole dis frum HATE_SPEECH - https://www.bitchute.com/video/ZBWALAX1r5w4/

i like how at the very end even that plant was like 'fuck you nigger' and fell on his bullet riddled body from out of nowhere. lmfao!

how is defacing historical statues perfectly ok, but burn outs on this faggot degeneracy graffiti a felony?
because marxist / socialist talmudic jews run this country. thats why!

thats one sex tape i hope never leaks.
that would be some horrible ViVi Media! ffs!

take care of that babe, then make me a sammich

i like that the old tweeker tried to hand the cop a bottle of water after that shit blew up in his face. like hey bud sorry, wash it off.

walk it off

thumbs up if you agree.
thumbs down if you are a canadian kike larping as a male feminist as well as a nigger, a loser wetback who needs to replace the batteries in his smoke detector, or a HT worshipping cp collecting troll who got turned out in prison.


Created 2 years, 2 months ago.

2125 videos

Category None

i document human turds. trash. garbage. degeneracy. filth. crap. take a bite 💩🍔

if you mute me you will be blocked! fair warning.
if you spam or do something where i ask u to stop and u dont listen or cop a attitude, u will be blocked! fair warning.

the thumbs downs all come from idiots and assholes who were blocked, but being 'super fans' of this channel they are addicted to the content and watch every video, thumbing it down as a sad, pitiful and helpless scream in the dark. pathetic but also hilarious!

you are free to post my videos 'as is' on your own video channels. they are mostly all watermarked to prevent content theft and refusal to give me credit as the bitchute source by TjJohnson. problem has been fixed. share away, that jew wont now that i watermark them

below are shill and bot accounts. created and run by paid trolls or ai. they are nearly always run by democrat super pacs, soros/ADL/JIDF sources. they focus on pretending to be pro white but exclusively attack pro white channels or spread disinfo, pro israel propaganda. dont be fooled by these accounts. they are not what they pretend to be. do not engage with them, thats how they earn money and will try to get you into a never ending argument that can go on forever without needing sleep. dont fall for it. block and mute them.

TjJohnson aka Itchy Titty Bang Bang (content thieving JIDF kikes) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/dHtSfCWN84Pa/

Shlock-Puppet (literally a sock puppet account of TjJohnsons) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/bsyOw3NIkMqA/

DeploribusUnum (another kike loving TjJohnson pet) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/mfD2tiwCm7hB/

Bored Yacht Ape (cant figure out if hes TjJohnsons jew pet, Hispanio TVs spic pet, or a white nationalist) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/A2fPj3RsoY5Q/

Hispano TV (wetback) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/UAM4PHKc8sZn/ [lol! we killed his channel!]

PerplexingPerceptions333 (a beaner sock puppet account of Hispanio TV) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/3TjdfKSHsFmB/

Michael Weston (JIDF kike) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/9RsqD2W5oMGz/

Goldstalker1972 (Tj pet & Pedo) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/yMLJoBLuxosq/ [lol! he deleted his account!]

EroMod (pedophile bot account. some weird project. not what it seems to be) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/DxJ3AQIm5TGF/

LOTUS ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ (honeypot fed account) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/ncivelo2i0Cc/

Morlocks (sock puppet account of LOTUS ✓ᵛᵉʳᶦᶠᶦᵉᵈ) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/XwZ0TWZoDntT/

NiggpotsAdventures (mentally ill half breed) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/P6fhBNw9G28M/

yhkyh1711 (mentally ill retard spammer) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/oPXjcgA3Ejwv/

Iamnottrump (page was full of nigger tranny porn until i called him on it and he erased it. fag) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ttNPm6hg761n/

johnyrubberboots (sock puppet account of Iamnottrump) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/vRW6rbFBBEDr/

yelojedi (sock puppet account of Iamnottrump) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/GVvYitTcd3E7/

straightman1 (sock puppet account of Iamnottrump) https://www.bitchute.com/video/XYAzsuthQnK3/ [deleted account after i posted it was Iamnottrump]

Anti-Baxter (nigger loving anifa supporting communist) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/f7elI30Zk8wh/

Bitchute_Sadsack#44 (nigger loving communist who makes shitty meth music) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/LS6xzRRqy1va/

enragedkimchis (mentally ill retard who talks like he had a stroke and calls everyone 'jewsa') https://www.bitchute.com/profile/kiGYSSM44twQ/

jewsa3 (sock puppet account of enragedkimchis. bet he has 'jewsa' tatted above his ass) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/ax36NCftrc7x/

siwixnnxjeu (sock puppet account of enragedkimchis. bet he has 'jewsa' tatted above his ass) https://www.bitchute.com/profile/lMuxfUMSNGzP/

Fluffs_the_Evil (far left, lgbt, nigger loving, star wars soy boy and satanist worshipper) https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zs5mEI4glKpD/

billyjones (spamming jewish bot account. do not engage or like his content)

jewish bot accounts pretending to be patriots, maga, neo nazis, etc. all are liberal run shill accounts that will only attack pro white channels. they are overly desperate for attention and can strangely comment back 24/7. these accounts tend to use hitler/nazi or anime avatars. big clue. no urls for these because they are paid to interact. do not interact with them! block/mute! trust me!

Tyrone Jackson
White People Suck
BLMchuter (aka Fandar)