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Well, my recording for the elite deep dive got corrupted. So all I got is this. But it’s still going up!

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We gonna start doing this slightly different now dwarves! Both deep dives, one video, random teams! Let’s see how this goes...

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

I'm collabing with Coldbane, Lillyu, and Luc Larabie to cover Evil Dead! It's free on Epic Games, and it DOES run on Linux via the Heroic launcher. Make sure to enable the alternate overlay, and hit shift-f3 to invite. The non-functiong invite list isn't a Linux issue, it's a problem on Windows as well.

No money was given to Epic Games in the making of this video, by me anyway.

Odysee links!

Tuxedo Blackfoot (That's me!) - https://odysee.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6?r=FBHJr9i29EtEL8hqocMj1ZGcj9q3g41h

Lilly - https://odysee.com/@Lilllyu:2?r=FBHJr9i29EtEL8hqocMj1ZGcj9q3g41h

Coldbane - https://odysee.com/@ColdBane:c?r=FBHJr9i29EtEL8hqocMj1ZGcj9q3g41h

Luc_Larabie / Gamer With The French accent - https://odysee.com/@Luc_Larabie:e?r=FBHJr9i29EtEL8hqocMj1ZGcj9q3g41h

Looks like everyone has someone that needs killing in this place. Even the most grateful abbot.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

If I had a list, that person who’s smug about getting employee of the month every month would be at the top if it.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We got some sexy dolls here. Their joints may not move like they did eighty years ago, but they got an industrial strength vacuum cleaner installed.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

I joined the Close Collective for some halloween fun in the crab game. We're usually a pretty tight group, but sometimes the situation can cause a rift to form between even the closest of friends.



If you know more people involved, let me know and I'll add them.

We do some usual chest hunting and side missions, opening up ATMs and ogling stripper holograms.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We need to get information from this weirdo before he gets off planet. He’s not willing to talk, we need to make him.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

The driller owns this tunnel. Which is why I’m playing as an engineer.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

Under normal circumstances, I’d say ain’t noting like a job well done. Though knowing I helped yCorp doesn’t really give me a sense of accomplishment. But living does. And my AI seems to enjoy it.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

Not all quests are made equal. Some are just for fun. Like, stasis exploding people. Or delivering steroids to meathead aliens.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

You know the tunnel’s unhealthy when the bugs are bigger than children.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

Will we ever break through all three levels of this mythic keep? No, probably not.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

Ok, but bug blood is more of a green ichorous goo than a smooth warm slurry we’re accustomed to.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We called in the reserves, but they’re too frightened to go in.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We sweep up some ferals and smash through some robots to finally find, well, yCorp.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We have have arrived at our holy object of worship! We shall slay him, then celebrate his departure!

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

I’m not sure how I did it, but it appears I’ve held out against my genocidal tendencies. The cult is nearing 20, and we can finally meet The One Who Waits in person!

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]

We continue hunting for new victims! I mean… followers. Loyal, intelligent, wonderful followers that I love and won’t sacrifice on a whim.

Visit me here:

Odysee / LBRY - https://open.lbry.com/@tuxedoblackfoot:6
BitChute - https://www.bitchute.com/channel/zXLwwFhQSngW/

Minds - https://www.minds.com/tuxedoblackfoot/

Email – [email protected]


Created 2 years, 8 months ago.

243 videos

Category Gaming

Saving the world from Microsoft, one video at a time.

I use Linux, and you can too! My intent is to make a plethora of videos describing how to install various Linux distributions, install various apps people may wish to use, find solutions to common problems, and just generally make it a little bit easier for people to use the platform.

Why? Because I hate Microsoft. And Apple, Amazon, and pretty much all other big tech companies that throw their money around and use your data as if it's their own.


Contact me at:

[email protected]


Find me at:


And, yes... if you must...


Credit where it is due:

Stock Images

Clive Kim

Harry Cunningham @harry.digital