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An excerpt from my interview with Trans wrestler Mack Beggs. Mack admitted that they entered tournaments outside of the state of Texas where they could have just joined the boys divisions. (The rule that the genders cannot compete against each other only exists in Texas). #transathletes #lgbtq

Excerpt from the interview that @JohnnieWalkerDread and myself had with Wendy Rittenhouse and her daughter McKenzie.

It was awesome to be a guest of Derrick Jensen (The Queer Theory Jeopardy Professor) on his Podcast "Resistance Radio" you can check out his work here: https://derrickjensen.org/
You can check out all of my links/channels here: https://hy.page/vradio

Was awesome to be the guest of Derrick Jensen (The Queer Theory Jeopardy Professor) on his Podcast "Resistance Radio" You can check out Derrick's work here: https://derrickjensen.org/
You can also find all my links/channels here: https://hy.page/vradio

I support a peaceful two state solution. But anyone who had anything to do with either of these acts deserves to be brutally killed. And that would include anyone who cheered for them.

Checkout my interview with Faith, and my other interview with Wendy and McKenzie.

In this episode @JohnnieWalkerDread, Nathan Debruin (Photochad) and Faith Rittenhouse, sister of Kyle Rittenhouse and myself discuss Kyle's new book.

Joshua and Kelly Ziminski eventually ended up jail for armed robbery. These interrogations are from about a month after the riots in Kenosha.

I got permission to hold a watch party of this excellent documentary about how our devices are clearly ruining our ability to take in and process any complex information. I will be interviewing the filmmaker soon. Original film website can be found here:

Years ago I wrote a philosophy based on the Vices and Virtues that explained them in a way that does not require a belief in the supernatural, gods or demons to understand that morality is rational. Thought I would share it.

Finally have a few pages of the journal of the trans shooter.

This stream was partially interrupted by Youtube.

Fantastic interview where I got to sit down and get to know Kyle Rittenhouse's family. My guest co-host was Johnnie Walker Dread. You can check out his channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ai0NX7IefwOVR5gbif3aQ

Great stream I did with several people who were there.

What was Kyle Rittenhouse doing in Kenosha before he was shot?


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

227 videos

Category News & Politics