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Jamie from Indiana found Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm skincare for her daughter who was struggling with eczema. She had tried other products that were recommended to her. She had also made her own using coconut oil and essential oils, and nothing was working. After looking into other options, she ordered Pretty Girly Tallow Balm in the large, 9-oz jar, and it has lasted 2 years! It has worked better than anything else she has ever tried. It's actually the only thing that HAS worked. Her daughter was having breakouts that were causing lots of itching that kept her from sleeping. Tallow Balm has made her itching go away and the breakouts look a lot better. Jamie wish she had "before" and "after" pictures which she hadn't thought of taking. She is so happy and excited that she ran across Tallow Balm. She would recommend it to anyone, and it was totally worth the purchase!


Listen to our spot from the Wise Traditions podcast of the Weston A Price Foundation.
From Episode 459 (January 29, 2024) at 14:30.

Vintage Tradition Tallow Balms and Soaps. They are the original. In fact, Vintage Tradition invented the product and the term "Tallow Balm" back in 2010 before anyone had even heard of tallow for skin. They have always manufactured their products themselves and have never compromised on quality. They don't add any chemical ingredients or seed oils or whip air into their balms. For many more reasons why Vintage Tradition's tallow skincare products are the real "Whole Food of Skin Care", go to And, good news! Vintage Tradition Tallow Balms and Soaps have teamed up with Green Pasture yet again, this time to develop the only all-animal-oil face serums with the same constituents of the mainstream serums but in their naturally occurring whole-food matrix, not chemically isolated or synthesized. So brighten and renew your complexion now at

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Kalina from Austin, Texas found Vintage Tradition Tallow Balm skin care because she wanted to minimize the ingredients that she was putting on her face. All of the products she had at home were filled with various unknown substances. In looking around stores, it was almost impossible for her to find truly clean skincare products made from all-natural ingredients. She found that products marked as "clean" really weren't, and she was surprised at how terrible the ingredients were and how hard it was to find a good product. So she started researching and read about beef tallow and all of its benefits for the skin. Then, when doing a search, she found that Totally Unscented Tallow Balm had good reviews and that the only ingredients were tallow and olive oil, so she decided to try it out. She has been using it for about 6 months and has noticed that her skin is perfectly moisturized with full absorption of the product. She uses it in the morning and before bed for the full moisturizer effect. She surprised at how much she likes it! Her skin doesn't break out as much, and she doesn't get dry spots in the colder months. Kalina can't recommend Tallow Balm more, so if you're looking for a truly clean moisturizer, this is it! She hopes you try it out.

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Jeremy from Vancouver, Canada has been using Mild Manly Tallow Balm for skin care and for his acne, and he has been very satisfied. He wanted an extremely simple skincare product that would work and learned about Tallow Balm during his own research. Other products have made his skin too dry or even too moist to the point that his skin would get irritated and more prone to breakouts. He has never had a skincare product work as well as this one has. It has worked a lot better than he expected and has lasted a long time. Jeremy has had acne for a long while, and it is now greatly improved. Previously, his skin was very irritated and he would scratch it. After just a couple of months, his acne is much better. Jeremy is hopeful that his skin will continue to return to its natural youthful state.

Crema de Sebo, Bálsamo de Sebo 100% Alimentado con Pasto, Productos Naturales para el Cuidado de la Piel

Las grasas animales son lo primero que utilizaban nuestros antepasados para cuidar su piel. Así se cuidaba la piel la gente antes de los productos químicos. Vintage Tradition es "El Alimento Integral del Cuidado de la Piel", que le brinda a su piel la nutrición completa que necesita para estar más saludable, y mejora muchos problemas de la piel. Su textura espesa y cremosa permite que sea absorbido completamente por la piel como alimento e hidrata la piel sin dejarla sensación grasa. Vintage Tradition Bálsamo de Sebo no contiene agua, por lo que un poquito es suficiente, y un frasco dura muchísimo tiempo. Deléitese con los ingredientes más puros de cualquier producto para el cuidado de la piel, porque lo "orgánico" no es lo suficientemente bueno para nosotros ni para usted. ¡Consigue hoy tu bálsamo de sebo Vintage Tradition original!

En este video, Andrea de México nos dice:

"Esto que me estoy poniendo en mi cara es grasa animal. Yo ya no uso cremas de laboratorio, y es lo mejor que le he dado a mi piel! Y vas a decir 'Guácala! No te queda la cara súper grasosa?' No, porque tu piel absorbe lo bueno y es no comedogénico. No tiene grasas vegetales. Es grasa natural animal. El propósito principal de un serum facial es brindarte antioxidantes, y estos están llenos de antioxidantes naturales como vitaminas liposolubles como A, D, E, y K y muchos ácidos grasos como el ácido linoleico conjugado. Están hechos con vacas alimentadas de pasto. No son de vacas alimentadas con alimento lleno de pesticidas, aunque ahorita está muy normalizado ingerir y aplicarte productos procesados. Para mí tiene más sentido ponerse algo natural. Creo que mucha gente ya le asusta más lo natural cuando es lo mejor que le puedes dar a tu piel y a tu cuerpo, y tiende a tenerse confianza de los productos procesados o químicos. Ya tengo tiempo usando estos productos. ..


Created 4 years, 2 months ago.

6 videos

Category Health & Medical

TALLOW BALM - The Whole Food of Skin Care - Whole-body natural skin care for face, lips, hands, feet, and body. The purest, most natural ingredients of any skincare product. For all manner of skin conditions, including dry, chapped, calloused, cracked, and sun-damaged skin, rashes, burning, itching, wrinkles, and more! This is how people cared for their skin before chemicals.